Is this how Europe will look like in the future?

Is this how Europe will look like in the future?

with the current immigration levels and birthrates 20% of europeans will be muslim by 2060 according to official stats. so no.

>Latvia part of Russia
>We're not


No, probably not.

Brits lose their shit whenever you try to separate Cornwall from the UK.

>Isle of man

The cacophonous sounds of approaching east-faring muslim hordes will awaken the unwavering will of the portuguese people, whose iron resolve will result in triumph over the invading heathens.

Day by day, land will be retaken from the savage occupiers until one day, when Europe, from Sagres to Stalingrad, has been parted with islamic presence.

That's the day when we shall celebrate the end of the Second Dark Ages, & the beginning of a new Rennaissance, spearheaded by the mighty portuguese.

Englland* and no we do not lose our shit it's just stupid.

>No UK
>UK flag is the flag of England instead of the flag of England

I can't tell if you're retarded or just retarded

Transylvania should annex Hungary, Slovakia and Romania, and then elect a German saxon king to rule.

This is the only way.

>Isle of Man


Om västergötland ska ha ett eget land ska östergötland få tillbacka sitt område.

Can we just get a new Yugoslavia? You Balkans can't keep a consistent border for shit.

Tell you what, take the Russians living in Tallinn and you can have Narva, fuck that shithole. You ruined it in 1944, you can have it, fucking barbarians.

de områderna är inte för väst eller öst götar, utan den nya adeln. Du ser eventuellt kommer de kräva självständighet, i Svearike, England, de alla kommer se muslimska stats stater inom nationens gränser, kul va?

Just spare the native Europeans, except for the libcucks. We don't need them to vote, or breed.


Forget that Albania will ever be part of turkish empire again. I will personally move back and fight for the liberty of Albania.
Rroft Gjërgj Kastriot Skënderbeu!

I bet they do it just to get more entries into Eurovision.

>>Implying multiculturalism unite countries.

Thats exactly what they were before the bosniaks and the serbs fucked it up.

Gå och lägg dig din pajas vilket län tror du wallenberg kommer ifrån.

The Liberation of Europe is the cause, my norsk fellow. Portugal doesn't wish to occupy the lands of its brethren. She seeks only to send forth her children to rid the world of the muslim scourge - as she once did in the past -, & return rightful european land to her siblings.

Fråga inte dumma frågor nästa gång.´'

Rikt att bli kallad pajas av en person utan förmågan till kritiskt tänkande.

Portugalcia when?

you mean croats and slovenians.

The cornish would be dead without England. There's fuck all there, no major cities, no major infrastructure, the only sizable industry is agriculture and tourism. If they seperate from England, they lose both of those because the agriculture is held up by grants from the government and the tourism is primarily from other Brits. They leave, they piss off a lot of Brits, people won't visit out of spite.

finland becoming white? not gonna happen.

I'm a Transylvanian Saxon and three of my grandparents have Hungarian surnames. Can I do it?


I hope so

we will own 50% of belgium too, other 50% goes to france

Dutch russia when?

No. Germany Austria and Hungary will retake parts of Poland and reform the Prussian empire

wtf u saying mate