Thoughts on this movie?

Thoughts on this movie?

I thought the ending was pretty bad in that they suddenly gave him some form of a conscience/emotions after 18 years of not having one. Other than that I enjoyed it.

I thought that was the best, and probably only really good part of the movie.

Really enjoyed it, even moreso than the book.

>some form of a conscience/emotions after 18 years of not having one.

I took it as he was emotionally stunted because he always knew his mom never loved him. He did the killing to get some form of the attention he craved.

It wasn't until the end when they started finally connecting that he was able to be more vulnerable around her.

Idk it seemed too unrealistic to me

I found scenes like when she was reading the arrow book to him indicative that she did really love him but he purposefully tried to prevent her from doing so. Even after he killed her whole family he continued visiting him in prison.

*she continued visiting him in prison

I think they were both torn on their affection for each other. There are moments where she does show love towards him, but during his infancy he could pick up something wasn't right.

Meanwhile she talks about in the books how she was able to immediately bond with her daughter, and he was able to pick up on that too.


Leave my waifu alone

Oh another complaint her inhuman giraffe neck kept taking me out of the film

Why did David Bowie have to die?



After watching dr.strange im convinced Tilda is an alien

He was too good for this world.

We were fortunate to have him for as long as we did.

The only unrealistic thing is her going to visit that son of a bitch

>The only unrealistic thing is her going to visit that son of a bitch

There's nothing else she really can do. She spent her prime years as a mother instead of traveling the world like she wanted to, the rest of her family is dead, her cushy job is gone, and she literally can't even walk down the street without someone recognizing her and going berserk.

In the end Kevin was the only thing she had left and she feels responsible for what he did.

It was the parents' fault.

I felt like that was a testament to motherhood and what a powerful connection it is even though I'm a guy so I honestly have no idea

I liked the film a lot

Also, everyone in that town were such fucking assholes to Tilda, I mean come on it's not her fault that her kid is an edgy cunt

Does this happen IRL to parents of school shooters?

Great acting.

Last movie I ever felt anything for her. Sad

It is though

>Does this happen IRL to parents of school shooters?
>That first night, their lawyer said to them, ''Dylan isn't here anymore for people to hate, so people are going to hate you.'' Even as we spoke this week, Tom had in front of him the poll results, news stories and documents showing that 83 percent of Americans had believed the parents were partly to blame. Their lives are now pinioned to this bottomless question: Who is responsible?
>In general, Tom said, ''most people have been good-hearted.'' Their friends rallied around. Their neighbors call to warn them if an unfamiliar car lurks in the neighborhood. There is a moment of discomfort when they hand over a credit card at a store, but there have been few bad scenes. One clerk looked at the name and remarked to Susan, ''Boy, you're a survivor, aren't you.''

>ezra 'michael jackson mong' miller

niggah its shit

>t.has two dads