I'm Jewish, ask me anything

I've been lurking/using/posting on Sup Forums since about 2012 almost every day. Yes, I do hate (most) Jews, and the Jewish conspiracy is quite real. I'll try to answer everyone (with legitimate questions, that is)

Other urls found in this thread:


Is Hello Kitty jewish?

Ever noticed how Hitler never had any Hello Kitty accessories? Coincidence?


Ever been to upstate New York?

Considering it makes bank, I wouldn't be surprised if it was Jewish.

Is soy in almost every food here purposefully there to increase estrogen levels just because the plant is simply cheap? A lot of the owners regarding soy tend to be Jewish why the question

*or just because

What do you think about this cartoon?

if the Jewish conspiracy is real, why don't I have a good job yet? I went to the best school, I had good grades, why don't I work on Wall St?

Yes quite a bit when I was younger (used to live in Connecticut). Been to Rochester many times, as well as Buffalo, Albany and some lesser know places by name

I've read up a lot on this and I've had my own personal suspicions. While I don't rule out the possibility there are bigger implications with the reason soy (and soy lecithin) is in almost every fucking food here, I think it's more likely a result of cutting costs and saving money (aka Jews) and the consumer being none the wiser or even caring.

I eat a lot of products made of soy as well as meat products so if there are any estrogen levels I'm counter balancing it with a lot of other shit. I eat something derived from a root called Maca for workouts and it totally raises testosterone and makes me a horny monster that pounds a woman into oblivion, so if you're worried there are ways around it.

Still, unless you're some kind of vegan or only plant-only person (and male), I think the amounts are so low it probably wouldn't effect you (assuming it does). Still, avoid it as much as you can just to be safe

In what ways are mainstream regular Jews recruited for and indoctrinated into the Jewish conspiracy? Like, if there really is a big Jewish conspiracy, how does a middle management record label owner get his marching orders? Is the scheme to lead the west to cultural ruin a well known and highly detailed place? Or is it a loosely defined and general sense of what to do? Is Jewish supremacy preached at synagogue on the study?

I'm in the same boat as you and feel the same way.
It seems like the Jewish elite (and their army of brainwashed tribe members) have such control over every aspect that I fear that there is no way to stop them. DO you feel that redpilled Jews like us are the key to stopping them? We can avoid the antisemitic accusation (although we do have to deal with the self-hating or leftwing accusation)

>highly detailed place
I meant plan.

Do you miss your foreskin?

Nothing really. I'd like to know what the cartoonist is referring to more specifically in the illustration instead of the vagueness of it, allowing the viewer to apply their own biases (or interpretations on history).

Dunno, all I know is that Jews take care of their own and know how awful society is and how hard it is to survive. Pretty much every Jewish family I've ever known pays for everything for their offspring. They're sometimes pretty spoiled. I was fortunate to have parents that taught me self reliance and how to make something of my life instead of giving me everything.

I'll admit, it's not fair, but that's life. I could have fucked it up royally but I chose to learn and not become a total prick about where I came from. None of this "muh heritage" stuff. I want to influence society with a lot of the shit Sup Forums does (not specifically Sup Forums, but a lot of it's ideology).

Hi Alex.

Kol Nidre. A sad excuse for jews to be human waste, or a pre-emptive attempt at not allowing a simple swear from ruining their souls?

have you ever been offered a position or business proposition by another jew simply because you are a jew?

has another jew confided in you , with their hate for goys? what is the real reason why jews hate whites more than every other race (and religion?)

Well, considering I've only been to synagogue twice, maybe three times in my life, until my parents were like "fuck this" because it takes too much time, I wouldn't be able to speak for what is taught there too much.

From what I've seen, it's more or less a general idea to influence others around you from the teachers of yore, and it is then left up to the interpretations of the current generations (the one's currently doing the influence) carrying out said teachings however they decided.

There isn't some hideout of super villains, it's more like a sacred teaching in Jewish families that isn't even really all that malicious. I think some Jews maybe took it too far with their own aspirations and became hellbent on influencing everyone because of perceived evil around them. I think it spurs more or less from the "chosen people" dialogue you hear a lot. Jews that are powerful came from wealth sometimes, so they also sometimes have arrogance with it, just like anyone in that situation.

Believe it or not, most Jews I've known were poor as fuck. I mean even my family was when I was growing up. They didn't become wealthy until pretty recently because of my parents working endlessly to create a big business.

I think we can. I get the "You're cool for a Jew" comment a lot, and I'm like "The fuck's that supposed to mean?". Starts a conversation, end up redpilling them. I'm generally easy going, and very good with public speaking, and influencing people one on one, so I guess that's my contribution so far. Just keep showing the world there are many mindsets when it comes to Jews out there. I mean shit, I hate liberals and want to see their party platform die a miserable death. I'm Trump all the way, yet everyone excepts Jews to be 100% liberal and they're shocked to hear I'm not. Be that kind of Jew

>it's a self hating jew being allegedly non stereotypical to feel better about himself episode
We have these threads here once in a while. Can't tell if it's just a phenomen, samefag or a shill tricking me into #notalljews thinking.

Honestly I don't think that is enough. The program is way too far along to just "be the change you want". Our countries are on the edge of civil war bc of postmodernist critical theory brainwashing.
I myself could choose to hide in the "oy vey I'm not white, I'm Jewish" camp but deep down I don't feel this is consistent with the truth and yet I don't have the energy to fight the cult-like brainwashing. Guess I will just flee.

God this shit pisses me off. What qualifications does this dude have other than being the son of a rich motherfucker? It's like they're not even trying to deny that we're sliding into a nepotistic plutocracy.

Never got to experience it so no. Asked a bunch of people what it felt like, been with a lot of women and asked their experiences too. Never had any complaints, in fact the exact opposite. Masturbating and sex feel great and I'm not upset by it.

Fuck Alex and his Crypt Keeper overlord father. He can't die soon enough

Nope. Then again I've never really sought out a job working for a Jew specifically. I do entrepreneurial work so I've never worked for anyone ever really. The goy thing is more or less a running joke with Jews (myself included). Whenever I use the word, it's like a disparaging remark about the way a simpleton does something with no refinement or taste. Like, eating at McDonalds and thinking that's what a real hamburger is, but thinking forks, knives and napkins mean it's a fancy restaurant.

I don't even use it in a "heh, Jews are so much better" kind of way, it's so detached from Judaism for me. I use it like "What a sheltered/simple/fucking pathetic existence" kind of way.

No shill, never done something like this before. Seen how these threads have gone down so I'm just trying to be as straight up and honest with my posts. Take them as you will, I don't expect to change many people's minds, it's just for fun.

Gotta watch them islamophobes be making lampshades out of us next!

The day of the stoning is coming, race traitor.

What do you think about Soros' plan for a New World Order in which all cultures and races are merged into one and the entire world is ruled by a lawyer of Racially Pure Jews?

Do you agree with Globalists Jews like Soros?

Let the jew wars begin.

do you hate Muslims as much as i do?

>The day of the stoning is coming
Any true red-blooded Americans will be protected. So long as they are properly red-pilled on the NWO I am fine with whomever they may be or what they look like. Just so long as they act civilized.

What sect are you? Conservative? Reform? Modern Orthodox? Chabad? Breslov?

There are actually a lot of us here and this has been done many times before. Generally the consensus is that most of us hate other Jews as well.

What's your general opinion on Israelis, Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

So I clicked back and lost everything I typed for your post, and I can't remember everything so I'm going to paraphrase. Get out while you can, your country has a great history of giving rise to dictators. The shitskin problem is going to bring about the next Hitler, and once they're done with that, they'll move on to the other minorities. Germany has a knack for repeating history.

Come to America, and be what you want. Get a good job, and you don't have to worry about hiding who you are (yet). We're still the freest nation on earth and you'll be able to do so much here without as much fear of becoming an enemy of the state by speaking out (like in Germany). There are still risks here, but, unless you're dedicating every waking moment to changing your country, you're not going to make an ounce of difference to what's going on. You're outnumbered. Find what the upper hand is for you and pursue that instead

Mexicans behead as well. Only the cartels and gangs, though.

Why are you doing an AMA

This isn't fucking reddit..Die you fucking kike

>ask me
Why did you Momzers ruin Ghostbusters?


link me to this maca thing pls

> poster ID yuDMEaww
Is Israel the only place from which it's not that easy to immigrate to America?

AMerica could be under martial law by the end of July. I was thinking of buttfuck, Uruguay or Chile

Are you me?

Soros is pure evil. I first learned about him 6 years ago, and am well versed in his attempts to collapse governments, currencies and reshape the world to his ideal image. He should be one of people's top fears and I wish this board would make him more infamous and show how deep his ties to Clinton really are. He and she both need to be stopped this election. They can't keep getting away with it

How does a goy get jewess pussy?

Do I just lure them to my bed with a trail pennies?

do you identify more as jewish or as american?

What game is Soros playing? Doesn't he realise that he is the literal embodiment of the Jewish conspiracy , as espoused by Adolf Hitler?

Pic : Obama just happens to pay a housecall to his son Alex.

This. Lots of us aren't in the 'poison western civilization' club. For example, I doubt that that many Jews died in the holocaust. I'm sure some were gassed by trucks like that one eye witness account, and plenty were rounded up and shot, but the current narrative sounds like a bunch of whiny pissed off people spreading rumors and telephone games to punish the 'bad guy' even further.

We've all seen that kid who got in a fight with another kid and then when one of them is treated as the 'victim' by a teacher, the 'victim' goes on to twist the story to make himself seem like even more of a victim and the other kid the fucking devil, right?

Personally I think that the foreign jews who invaded Germany like a plague to stripmine the country and turn the women into whores and starve the men... i think they got what they deserved, six gorillion or not.

Also I think a lot of the gas chamber stories come from illiterate fucking polish kikes being deloused and then telling other kikes that OMG DEY IZ KILLING US.

And here is mini-Soros meeting Hillary.

Obama again. July 4th.

Letterman and Al Franken. In his apartment in New Jersey.


Did you like the film Munich? Wasn't it kind of a stretch to cast Daniel Craig as a South African jew?

Mini Soros wants to flood Europe with Muslims.

Why not move to Israel? It's the only place a Jews should be. It's like the Middle East to Muslims, or Africa to Africans.
I like Jews, they're funny.

When so many Jews were in Communist organisations, isn't it understandable that there would be a reaction that resulted in National Socialism?

And why are Jews making the same mistake again , when it comes to Muslim invaders and white Europe?

Jews and the invasion of Muslims into modern Europe..

Enjoy your hellhole. I was going to go on the Birth Right trip just to fuck all the Jewish sluts and eat free food, but risking my life isn't worth it

They need to be destroyed, enemies to the entire world. So fucking sick of the media and #NOTALLMUSLIMS. I want these same people to get blown up by Muslims and see what the world has to say afterwards. No I already know, they'll still do mental gymnastics to defend this religion of peace. Every Muslim I've ever known is a two faced lying piece of shit. I've known hundreds throughout my life. Take my word for it. They are awful people that we don't need in our country.

Got a friend in me brother

Reform I think? I have to ask my parents, definitely not Orthodox or Conservative though

Ugh, rather not think about it. There's so much shit, all I'll say is I side with the Jews because Muslims are a plague on the world.

Just look up Maca on Google, it's great. They come in easy to consume gelcaps. I take like 6 a day (don't start on that, I worked my way up to that much)

How should I know? I don't see why it wouldn't be considering how close our nations are

Nobody is taking King Nigger seriously here anymore except diehard liberals, niggers and tumblerinas. The rest of the country is rejecting them, we'll be fine.

American. I have Jewish heritage and that's how I identify.

He survived the Holocaust and I'm sure it fucked him up royally in the head so he's basically doing what he thinks is helping/saving/changing the world in his own fucked up way to prevent any more Hitler's, without realizing he is giving rise to the very thing that caused Nazi Germany in the first place. No game, pure ideology

Loved that film, actually saw it on a plane coming back from Germany many years ago. I forgot Daniel Craig was even in it.

Because Israel is in the Middle East, and you have to avoid being killed every day by rockets. I am not going there while everything is so unstable (which will be always).

Yeah, they're pure evil. As Trump would say, GET 'EM OUTTA HERE

>And why are Jews making the same mistake again

Thankfully when the fire truly does rise the one people who won't be making the same mistake again are the only people who matter.

To understand why Jews in these groups were Communists, you have to go back much further and learn about what a kibbutz is, which is basically the perfect (and only) form of communism that has ever worked in the history of the world. They are little settlements (that still exist in Israel) where everyone pulls there own weight and contributes equally, and they all essentially live together as part of religious rite and being like their ancestors.

These particular Jews (in the infographic) are just an extension of the Communism they came to know and tried to apply to a worldwide basis, and it has never worked because you cannot apply such a concept to a large group of people.

They keep making the same mistake because like any person who rises to power in history and falls, they don't know their history and what came before them, and they certainly do not know how those people failed. These people (the Jews in the graphic) were arrogant and think THEY can do it better than their predecessors, only to sabotage themselves and their ultimate goal in the long run

I've taken to calling myself a "Menckenian anti-Semite," as opposed to a biological or theological anti-Semite, to emphasize that I mostly like Jews, I whine rather than agitating for violence, and it's more about me reserving the right to gripe about powerful governmental and non-state actors than about Jews qua Jews.
Is this hair-splitting or does it makes sense?

I asked this in another thread but no one answered me.
Why do Jews put so much fucking meat on their sandwiches?
And why is it always on rye bread with pickles on the side?

Do Jews profit from marking shit with latter 'K' and 'U'?

Although there were kibbutzim during the Yishuv, this does not work as an explanation. The real origin is the phony democratic ideal (every Jew is a brother) which comes out of tribalism abd predates both kibbutzim and Yishuv, neither of which was easily accessible to most in the Pale. But William Morris and Oscsr Wilde were not influenced by kibbutzim. There is also a huge extent to which it is not a Jewish thing: almost every educated, artistically inclined, and middle class person in the era before the Great War was either a vague Socialist or flirted with some form of Socialism. As with everything else like health food, beatnikism, hipster culture or internet businesses, Jews like getting into trends to try to becone bellwethers and thought leaders.

There's a saying that goes as follows:

"There only thing worse than a Jew is a self-hating Jew."

I don't actually have a problem with Jews, desu.

There's profit (all food is cost plus) but it's not about that, it's about control. Products without Kashrus certification gum up the impersonal streamlining of getting a product on a shelf. That is, it doesn't look like a thing in itself, it winds up being a matter of being the one guy trying to pay by check at the cash-only desk -- everyone else just went and got the damn stamp, what's with you not getting the stamp?

Complete sense

Cuz they never know when their last meal is going to be, can you blame them?

I'm merely stating the parallels as to why Jews in the early 20th century would have found the notion of Communism and "helping your fellow man" attractive as a political model. The fact is, Jews have truly voted against their best interests for the last 100 years in this country and I sometimes wonder if it's because they're just as stupid as the masses that are influenced by big corporate Jews

A self-hating Jew is a Jew who criticizes the self-appointed leaders of the Jewish community. The phrase actually comes from Hitler attempting to re-invigorate unironic nationalism against "self-hating Germans." The Jews attempt to twist this term to cover any failure of Zioniat sentiment, shyness or self-esteem issue.

Prove you are jewish.

May you give us your address?
>If not
Tell me everything you know about Zoroastrianism?


HL Mencken made a lot of mistakes, but he is very much a model for all of us at pol. His writing style was pretty much ur-redpilling.
We forget that there was a wildly successful earlier phase of feminism, not counted as one of the "waves," which includes female power movements like the Suffragettes, the White Feather distributors, and the Prohibitionists (the major argument for Prohibition linked alcohol to wife-beating). Mencken's audience was largely young WWI vets who had a bit of war experience, international travel, and all that they could stand from overbearing bossy bitches. We must find something similar in our own generation of screwed-over, redpilled veterans (cf Terminal Lance's Uriarte's reaction to Kathryn Bigelow's Hurt Locker).

What exactly is the goal of the Jewish conspiracy?
Why do Kikes hate goyim?

Well, I mostly see anti-Zionists (ones that criticize Israel - not globalists) being called self-hating Jews.
Zionism is ok, globalists not at all.

opinion on muslims raised in first world conditions?
Best friend since 4th grade born in Indonesia but raised in US

And it was used against any German Jew who tried to stand up and say:

"Hey, we shouldn't be trying to destroy this country with communism."


"Hey maybe we shouldn't be gloating over how we're turning young blonde german girls into sluts who are fucked by dogs and black men in sex shows"


"Hey, maybe we shouldn't be supporting people who are coming to our country and buying it up like locusts - because of their favorable exchange rate and our crippled economy because of horribly unfair treaties and endless debt that we were forced into. They may be Jews like me, but they're going to get us all killed with this disgusting shit."


in other words it was a term used, much like 'racist', to end discussion and silence people.

Also my great great grandpa said most of those things in his letters to my great grandmother, who he sent to America in 1929. He went on to serve honorably in the Wehrmacht, and died in Poland. My great grandpa served in the Kriegsmarine, and immigrated to the US in 1949.

You must remember that the Zionism is part of globalism.

Makes sense to me. I guess just be careful with the use of the phrase "anti-semite" because you'll still get attacked.

I mean I suppose in some circles it helps (like in New York their business must be booming). To other circles, I don't think anyone really knows what those symbols are or how they would pertain to their lives. Maybe health nuts take solace in knowing the food is kosher and comes from a good source? Can't speak for that 100% though

Your country is full of shitskins and you kicked out the Jews who actually contributed something to your country and now you have nothing. Dunno if that does anything but that's what I think of British :)

1. Why do you want my address

2. That's literally the first time I've ever heard of it, so nothing I guess

>He went on to serve honorably in the Wehrmacht, and died in Poland.

BTW this part is hazy but he was part of the first deployments there to stop the massacres of German ethnic peoples. This is part of the history of WW2 that has been tried to be covered up. He was with one of the Wehrmacht units that supported a SS battalion.

It's a state of being, the perpetual erection and maintenance of a de facto ruling caste, not a Stalinist five year plan with easily bombed targets and a secret handshake. It's the same thing as if you had some drinking buddies at work figure out a way to always support each other in meetings and allocations, and come to control several departments. The real goal is the thing itself, not the last department you took over.

That's ok. Then...
How were you raised?

Wow that was rude.
Should have not bothered with the kinder transports i guess.

One of the most powerful things is to stop fucking caring about being called a racist. It's a consensual attack, it only has power if you let it. We must convince Europeans of this, and have them totally overwhelm their repugnant anti-speech laws.

When did we kick out the Jews? Recently. If you're talking about recent emigration to Israel that is far more France and Sweden than UK.

Not really - globalism consumed/took over Zionism.
Zionism, in essence, is the the belief that Jews should have a homeland for themselves.
The reason we see true right-wing Zionists fighting Globalist kikes to this day.
Globalist kikes have, unfortunately, held Zionists at gun-point.

>kicked out the Jews who actually contributed something to your country
what are you referring to?

So you're saying its like a safety net for all Jews. I can see how promoting pity for the Jews might help but why broadcast about multiculturalism and feminism? If the goal is to maintain Jews in positions of wealth and political power to ensure that the Chosen people live well, What exactly do you attain by making goyim cucks?

all your kosher delis

Thank you for sharing this.

>This is part of the history of WW2 that has been tried to be covered up.

And that's why I hope you never stop repeating that piece of family history.

I answered this already further up in the thread

Nigger stop hijacking my thread

Depends on the home life still. If they're indoctrinated with "religion of peace" they're just civilized savages. They still hate your guts but won't say it to your face because they need you socially to survive

Had a nice upbringing, well adjusted. Parents taught me to be open minded but stand for particular ideals, and reject most of the bullshit perpetuated by the media. My father is a South African and has a South African accent, and I always loved hearing him get angry at say, a Jew in business, cursing them with "Bloody Jews".

No idea what that means. Enjoy your British Angela Merkel

In the 1920s, there has always been a strong penchant for anti-semetism in British society throughout much of history however, especially with their dealing between Saudi princes and wanting their money and oil during the early industrial revolution days. Now the Brits have to deal with shitskins shitting in the streets and imposing their religion on everyone. GG chaps

Precisely. I've been called a kike and everything you can imagine. It's just funny to me. Totally upsets others when it doesn't get a reaction too. College was fun for that.

"Safety net" in the same sense that the United States nuclear arsenal is a deterrent, or that the Spanish Empire was a retirement community. Jews are militant tribalists. They come from a place where tribalism is normal -- everyone does everything they can to help out the extended family, where reflexive genocidal hatred for outsiders is an unquestioned presupposition.
Read if you have not the very good and very short book Jewish History, Jewish Religion by Israel Shahak.

What does the tribe of Levi continue to push socialism and multiculturalism on everyone else? Is it their innate fear of manual labor.

You don't know about the Kindertransport but you are going to tell me about how wicked we have been to jews?
Still waiting for that proof you are not just a role player.

No, none of that is correct. I'm sorry, you're regurgitating propaganda that sought to justify Zionism as Jewish nationalism, at a time when nationalism was seen as normal and healthy.
The Jew is a supremacist, and the concrete effecting of his supremacy is globalism, and a major aspect of that is Zionism.

I see. That's great.
How do you see other Jews?
Do they seem mental ill?

Who was Jesus of Nazareth to you?

You guys are talking about different eras.

A Raped One

Well, when you read up on Zionism and the first papers on it and what it's policies and goals were, you'd get the impression that globalism is far from what they'd want.
Which, like most ideologies, can be "hijacked" and appropriated for other uses.
I'm all for Zionism if Globalists back off it and leave it to the conservatives of Israeli Jews (not diaspora Jews) to handle.
There are enough good candidates/politicians in Israel that could do this.


I won't deny there is historical anti-semitism in UK, but no worse than the rest of europe. And the vast majority of Brits don't want muslims here either. There's some shit going on but it is localised and you really overestimate the impact it's had on Jews and 90% of the rest of the population