Europe will never be the same again

Europe will never be the same again
How do you cope with this

nothing that can't be fixed my small minded helpless friend

by shitposting on a cantonese basket-weaving forum


Reminder that Hitler is part of the reason this has happened.

and hitler is the main reason
white guilt forever thanks to this delusional idiot

why the defeatist attitude?
There will always be another way out of the darkness.
Mark my words, this shit is going to be fixed, don't know who will do it but it will happen.

and he was really an idiot
Want to invade all Europe in a few month and get rekt

I'm loving it. It's nice to look at it from here in Asia.

Hitler was a fucking idiot.

Don't blame Hitler. He killed mostly Jews and Slavs, both groups are semi-white to white (with some exceptions like Ethiopian Jews but they were irrelevant in WW2 anyway).

Alongside Hitler's forces fought Africans, Indians, Bosnians, Japanese. People from all races and ethnicities.

His ambitions were pure, his intentions good. He has been vilified for no good reason.

It's without a doubt true that if Hitler had won the war, Europe would be vastly better of, the Middle-East would be vastly better off, Africa would be vastly better off and East Asia would be vastly better off.

Only America would be worse off, which is not a bad thing at all as history has proven the Americans to be terrible.

What do you mean? You act like if you're not in the EU. You're in the same boat.

>How do you cope with this
memes and ironic humour

so are the allies. everyone played a part

nah he just allied with those who he could get and then killed those who refused.
pretty much an idiot

Europe is always changing, as is every region of the world. It's not static. Europe in 1900 is way different from Europe in 1800 and 1700 and 1600 and 1500 and 1400 and 1300 and 1200 and 1100 and 1000 and so on. What time period to want it to stay. Either way it doesn't matter because it's impossible

Well, yes we're in the EU, but the general population doesn't think they have much in common with the other countries there. We've spared from the worst of what's been happening, and as soon as the federation forming starts our leaders will have to leave.

Because he knew the true enemies were Bolshevism and the Jews.

Oh, how history has vindicated him.

Defeatist? The guys Polish, Hitler wasn't exactly on his team.

I imagine future Europe being like modern-day South Africa: people living gated-communities for safety.

most poles are jews or beta faggots that are blue pilled
t. pole

>gated communities

cuck sheds as we'll call them lmao

*gated cucksheds

only the women are allowed out

(to get some of dis dih)

I am celebrating
Wh*Tes are finally getting their retribution

the problem is that revisionists don't go anywhere in life, they just become depressed alcoholics or commit sudoku.
We need visionairs, revolutionaries, hope or we won't do shit and we are all going to drown in the filth we all complain about so much.

It doesn't affect me.
I don't care.