What do you guys think?

what do you guys think?

I was promised a-list nudity :(

nicole kidman tits :)

nicole kidman is still beautiful

like the bare minimum so they can act as if the show is scandalous.

Nudity grade: C-

idk the sex scenes are pretty intense overall

she is but there's something I don't like about her. I don't know what it is.

do women like getting slapped around?

look up the show "Tell Me You Love Me" and then get back to me

sooooooo... the little boy is a psycho or something?

It's based on a book, so you could look it up. It's pretty anti-climatic

My thought:
1. All women aged

2. SkarsgÄrd hasn't

3. I am not gay. I am sure of it.

the big twist is that they're all werewolves

well that's disappointing... still gonna watch in hopes of Reese boobs I guess

about 20 min left of new episode but feel like it's dragging. I get it Nicole Kidman gets smacked around and likes to fuck afterwards. The boy and mom are weird and crazy. Reese has some weird child that loves listening to music that normal kids wouldn't care about.

you think that they're slowly going to reveal more of the story through flashbacks but instead they just keep showing the same flashbacks over and over again. half the fucking show is flashbacks i've already seen .

and it's episode 5 I feel like something needs to fucking happen. last ep ended cool with girl jumping off cliff. I know she didn't but felt like it. This is boring middling recycled shit.

don't get your hopes up. i do want to help your cause though so just remember......Twilight isn't just for vampires

im done with it... it's trying to hard it seems

>let's end every episode with a "what... what's going on. this is crazy" moment


or tits already seen them but that was from couple years ago.need to see em again

You think Alexander Skarsgard's agent pitches him projects just based on actresses he gets to fuck. Hey Skars, wanna fuck Nicole Kidman? How about Anna Paquin??

other dude was fucking Anna Paquin I think they're married and have a kid

I honestly don't think so but I think there are some sick people in HBO whose job is to think up pairing of actors and actress they can get and imagine how good they look at bed scenes

More like the directors go up to the actresses and are like "I know sex scenes can be a bit awkward so to calm your nerves a bit I'll let you choose your own scene partner"

I thought they both did. Didn't watch the show much so can't say for sure

he showed his dick on true blood and everyone went on twitter and laughed about it. it was a nice dick. a normal dick.

women man i swear

My mom did. Every time my father would slap her around afterwards they'd fuck loudly and i could hear from everything in the house my mother screaming shit and noises. Then she'd come to my room and be all affectionate with me. It felt awful. I couldn't process the dichotomy of him treating her like shit and right after she being so OK with it and into him. The same mom that was so proper and caring with me. The feeling was akin to getting cucked by my own father.