How Do You Rate Them?


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No idea who any of these faggots are, except Coulter. I give her a 1/10. She became really irrelevant once Internet trolls could do her job for her.

I know Molyneaux, Alex Jones, Milo and Ben Shapiro. They're all filthy kikes. The rest I have no fucking clue who they are.

>Ben (((Shapiro)))

0/10 right there

forgot I should indicate
top row (from left to right): Lauren Southern, Stefan Molyneux, Nick Land, Mencius Moldbug, Jared Taylor
second row: Mister Meteokur, Joe Rogan, Paul Joseph Watson, Blaire White, Tila Tequila
third row: Theryn Meyer, Vox Day, Evalion, Kassy Dillon, Alicia Aeresen
fourth row: Ann Coulter, Ramzpaul, Varg Vikernes (Thulean Perspective), Black Pigeon Speaks, Alex Jones
fifth row: Milo Yiannopoulos, Ben Shapiro, Sargon of Akkad, shoe0nhead, Andrew Aurnheimer (Weev)

Anyways, just a little survey. majority of them are YouTube personalities.

Where is Ghost?

Metokur isn't relevant as he doesn't make videos anymore.

I wish Jim would return as InternetAristocrat and continue the Tumblrisms series, I really enjoyed it.

I think you might be spending a little too much time online.

love ann coulter

tila tequila is awesome. I wish she did more porn

Everyone there is a mentally deranged faggot except for Joe Rogan and Ann Coulter

Milo and Varg are the worse

where is RAMZ

No Gavin McInnes?

Stefan and Ben are the most intellectual of that group.

I only listen to Sargon as a source of what the normies are thinking. The rest, nope.

Certainly not (((milo))) or (((ben shapiro)))

Joe Rogan is not alt right at all.
You need to watch the episodes when he brings lefties in. The guy is an ideological chameleon.

Redpill Tier: Jared Taylor, Moldbug, Land
Redpilled but irrelevant tier: ramzpaul, weev, Varg
Rehash for normans tier: Pidgeon, PJW, Moly, Coulter, Jones
Enlightened moderate tier: Sargon, Jim
Attention whore tier: Vox, Milo, shoe, evalion, Southern, Tranny, Tila
Jew tier: Shapiro

Why have you put Jared Taylor in there? All the others are celeb morons, Jared is a published expert with a job history greater than all the rest combined.

Jim is the GOAT.

Black Pidgeon is 2nd.

Lauren Southern, Paul Joseph Watson, and Milo are in the next tier. Sargon can be good. Milo for entertainment moreso than content.

Should have Gavin on it. He's GOAT material as well.

>implying sargon or shoeonhead are alt right
I dont think this was meant to list alt right youtubers

>no doctor of common sense

>alt right

holy fuck please i want reddit to leave, the alt right is cucked you fucking faggots, go suck milo's dick you kike loving niggers

>American politics


>sh0eonhead is altright meme




They attracted normies into the alt right and now its full of legitimate idiots.

Too many of them support Israel

Lauren talks like a nigger on twitter

Stefan is based

Roegan is DUDE WEED pseduo smart person 24/7

Redpill yells too much

Ann Coulter is fine but hates on Catholics too much

Alex Jones is alright

Milo is on the annoying side with the faggot routine

Ben shapiro is a manlet cuck jew

Shoe is just a female spinoff of Milo thats full of herself

Blaire white is ok

Sargon is on there, and he's not alt right. I dont think this was supposed to be a list of alt right youtubers.

Millenial woes isnt on there, for one.

Jim > all

PJW is hot as fuck.

>Those shitty windows maker videos

Anyway Ben Shapiro is the only one worth listening to. With his magnificent Ashkenazi Jew IQ he actually tries to get solutions instead collecting fan club out of pathetic basement dwellers.

> Two YouTube attention whores, an AC filter salesman, a neocon, a schizophrenic actress and a bunch of other Isra-shills

Welcome to the (((Alt-Right)))

Fuck off chink

Pigeon used a Sup Forums thread as a source. Not even archived just a link to 404.

9,999 Cirno
10,000 Milo.

Oh. I just assumed that because of the filename.

Oh Jim, where art thou?

Moly is a 9/10, joe rogan a 4/10, everyone else is a 0/10 cuck.

i mean tila tequila is pretty hot

Why none of these people talk about economics, international affairs and shit that actually matters anyway? It's all about "culture wars". Who still gives a shit about feminists. For example they all support Trump but they never talk about China which is important issue.

How about I give you a sample of Bill Whittle, since you weenies haven't heard of him.

Number ONE with a bullet

Black Assault Statistics

Bill Whittle's Solution to Gun Control

Joe Owens is the best one to watch. He's not the most entertaining but has the best grasp of the situation and actually talks about strategy and tactics rather than just whining about the problem(s) we face.

I'll only rate the ones I know:

Mememeux: 7/10.
Pretty good, it's always interesting to see the road of someone taking the redpill. He was mocked a lot here on Sup Forums but watching his videos he seems reasonable, articulate and intellectually honest. Discarding your old ideologies for the sake of scientific truth is always based.

Evalion: 0/10
Ugly, stupid camwhore with crooked teeth.
Only /r9k/-type losers would fawn over her.
Her videos were idiotic drivel that existed only to boost her attention whoring ego since she found a niche no other attention whore had exploited before. She doesn't care about the right-wing, just a vapid cunt making us look bad.
brush your teeth young woman

Alex Jones: 1/10
A fat hack trying to sell his shitty water filters. He's been spouting conspiracy nonsense since the late 1990s (Check out his Y2K broadcasts for some keks). His alarmist act of pandering to the worst crazies of the internet to sell them iodine pills and MREs is pretty transparent. Only a retard would listen to his drivel, he also makes the alt-right look bad.

The single point above Evalion is because he occasionally does drop some truth bomb in the midst of all his nonsense.

Milo: 6/10
Articulate, based, knows how to trigger feminists and SJWs like no other. The fact that he is gay gives him a shield to attack all the shrieking liberal idiots. Then again, the fact that he is gay and takes black cock also means he can never be a 10/10.

Janusz Korwin-Mikke
Steffen Königer
Jonathan Bowden

>Andrew 'weev' ((Auernheimer))

This clown is the biggest kike around, i don't know how people can't see it.

I like Molyneux, Paul Joseph Watson, Evalion, and Ramzpaul. I like MisterMetokur because he's the reason I know about Sup Forums, he had Ben Garrison jokes in one of his videos

He is next to Coulter, you blind-ass nigga.

The only 10/10.

You forgot Angry Foreigner
inb4 Sweden Yes!

And also Golden Boy

>Millenial woes isnt on there, for one.

Didn't he turned into a leftist recently or was it an elaborate troll?

>no Kraut and Tea
>no Dr Layman

No Chris cantwell?

No Garvin Mcinnes?

Complicated problems have complicated solutions, and most of them know that their "fans" are utter morons

ben shapiro has actual good points and is very smart. Evalion is literally anne frank

This. Total agent provocateur it's is blatant as fuck.

White Nationalists refuse to see this, it is a problem.

They are all trash with the exception of Weev Evalion and Varg. You can't be "redpilled" unless your main focus is the Jew.

who's that goth chick first colum, third row

Fuck Milo. Once he stops being useful, he's getting gassed.

hello newfriend :)

>Weev Evalion
Holy fuck, how much did you donate?

average 95 iq
especially vox day, who reeks of insecurity
yarvin is the odd man out there, and he's a loon

The only person I respect in their is Ben.

Weev, and especially evalion are complete trash, varg is good though.

>Joe Rogan
He's literally worse than Sargon

Moldbug > Taylor > Land >> Varg > Weev >>>>> all the others

As a side note: read Radish Magazine

i think tila would fit in here
>tfw pic related is taken from her twitter

Maybe don't build your life around failed painters and provocateurs.

He's certainly a fucking pussy, that much is for sure.

But I do believe he remains a race realist.

Milo's popularity with Sup Forumslocks started with cripple chan during the whole gamergate thing. Particularly the times he roasted Brianna Wu for being an ugly tranny. Reddit hates(d) him more than any homo hating white nationalist.

:-/ bit rude m8

OK assuming you are not a kike what do you think the main focus of the "altright" should be? In the other worlds what goals should this movcement strive for?

Evalion made excellent redpilling videos about difficult issues that mattered and actually triggered lots of people. Unlike some of those other kosher shills who think talking 40 minutes about gaymergate or some irrelevant tumblr feminists is revolutionary

;_; and mocking kids for hedgehog avatars...

Kek, sad they will never debate ben would tear milo a new one.

at least half of those people are just non-PC leftists

kys yourself

>no ghost
God damn milky licker.

No ramzpaul
>fuck you

>Evalion made excellent redpilling videos about difficult issues that mattered

Oh man, oh man. She did fuck all to "red pill" people. All she did was try and get fucking donations. I know you didn't watch her live interview, it was the lowest IQ thing ive ever watched. It was absolutely cringeworhy., "So uh, i mean, you gotta like, uh, stay woke you know? "

>Internet "Gibe Shekels Denton Sempai" Aristocrat

Can't believe people shill him here.

>OK assuming you are not a kike what do you think the main focus of the "altright" should be?

LARPing as super cool nazis and blaming the jews every time you get stuck in traffic or stub your toe obviously.

Milo is a degenerate freak an attention whore and quite possibly a shill whose only goal is to advance his personal career and tour America for free while taking as much negroe dick up his ass as possible. Do you think pic related is acceptable behavour for anyone let alone someone who is supposedly right wing and a Catholic?

Am I the only one who likes watching Alex Jones? I don't buy into his bullshit but watching him get really into it is funny. Also his msm news parody was like watching the weird kid on the playground be funny.

I think it's this tranny

just get people to be honest about race. The rest follows.


Who dat above based Ann Coulter?

you are a humorless twat

literally a trap

Why do you put an actual intellectual like Jared Taylor with that trash of a lineup?

She is like 18 years old. Besides it's well known that she didn't write the scripts alone.

>and get fucking donations

Yeah I am sure she will become rich by pandering to online nazis. If she wanted to become a Youtube """"celebrity"""" she would make inane meaningless videos about obscure SJWs like that coalburning whore (not Milo)

>OK assuming you are not a kike what do you think the main focus of the "altright" should be? In the other worlds what goals should this movcement strive for?
Destroying the political correct insanity that is ruining the west.

The Golden One

your a faggot

>no lou dobbs

I like about 6 of them.

Jim is my #1. RIP

I wasn't implying any of that.
I'm just stating that Milo love didn't source from Reddit. Blame /gg/ and cripple Sup Forums.

Out of all of these, Jared Taylor is the best. He's well-spoken, handsome, and has credibility to his name because of his alma mater. In a time in which academia is riddled with leftists, people like him are invaluable.

>Yeah I am sure she will become rich by pandering to online nazis.
Thats exactly what she did you have to be blind to not see it literally all the comments on her videos were "MY WAIFU", disgusting.
Capitalizing on a target market be it SJW or nazis is smart, and can be profitable. And not everyone making money is trying to become "rich".