
Who could have foreseen this coming?

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Not you, with your tiny little slanty eyes ya stinking gook bastard.

Can you even open your eyes anymore, fat ass?

I hope so, you need to see the groid mob to avoid it.


We should have dropped a third bomb ya greasy fuck. Go shove some chopsticks up your ass

Aren't you late for this week's mass shooting?

Diddling your asshole is more of an American past time. Like baseball and being shot by your mom.

Hey asshole, this is an American website. You couldn't even be posting here if it weren't for us.

Aren't you late for having a live octopus shoved up your ass on some fucked up gameshow?

why is she wasting air?

>American website

>Rip-off of a Japanese website made because moot likes anime.

Variety show, why can't Americans learn the difference? Why can't Americans learn to put the safety on, for that matter? Nation of Cyrures, I swear.

Christ thats a lot of Japan hate. all these uppity niggers must have sent the resting roof Koreans into overdrive.

She has security to keep the ficki ficki mobs away.

Take that lazy-ass menstrual stain flag and shove it up your ass along with that octopus

Oh and your cars suck too, faggot

Angie again, cant remember her having done one positive thing really, no promises kept, nothnig, are there really people who like her?

How is this possible?

Shouldn't you have the LGBT flag in place of the stars by now?

>Your cards suck!
>Can't sell American cars to Americans.

Kek. Enjoy what we made Detroit into.

Don't you mean fat fuck English teacher who cuddles his cartoon pillow every night?

I'm just kidding, OP

You've been a good sport. You bring much honor to your famry

Fuck Merkel.

Serious question, how does she keep getting voted in? Is she the Female Ghostbusters of leaders?

Based Nippon

Simple: The alternatives are even worse.

This woman is literally the dumbest fucking person with any amount of political power in the world today. Well, maybe Trudeau. But the damage she is causing is reprehensible.

Why are the clinton shills so scared if their candidate is so likely to win? Why do they come here and pretend to be hateful to give us a bad name? That's totally dishonest.


She seriously looks like if Hillary Clinton fucked a toad and everyone lost

Nippon dropping the bomb, well played sushi-sama bin laden

"refugees" ARE the terrorists.

Sad but we only have two strong factions and those are virtually identical expect that even when the CDU does something stupid, the SPD will do something even more stupid.
She is the faction leader of the CDU, so if CDU wins she wins.

Thank god Merkel warned us in time before somebody decided to invite the entire 3rd world to march on Germany.

>Good save Mama.

I'm not a Clinton supporter

I had a bad day, explosive shits, and felt like yelling at someone. OP just happened to be there.

Didn't she open the door for them? Will she be held responsible for any terrorist attacks they commit?

What? Can you post again, I can't hear you all the way down there under France in GDP rankings.


Sounds like Canada, only they have two small parties that pull the results to the right or left.

You know I'm not sure you could. Refugees are literally fleeing war zones. Why would they want to commit terrorism in their new homela-, temporary resettlement I mean.

No more so than Hillary being held accountable for anything she has ever done.

It's still an american website. Deal with it you virgin manlet.

>diet coke

no i agree, two bombs wasn't enough.

Merkel made 100% sure to kill any opposition. She is going to rule forever.

I like this guy. He's funny.

No hard feelings, ya greasy little fucker?

No, what she's done is pretty smart.

She'll be celebrated as one of the 21st Century's greatest humanitarians once she retires, or is voted out of office and will spend the rest of her years in charge of various NGOs and have awards constantly thrown her way.

Sure it will all go to shit in a few decades, but by that time she'll probably be dead or rotting away mentally from Alzheimers, so why does she care?

ISIS straight up told us they were doing this

I'm a 6'4" Canadian. Keep trying, /r9k/ poster

So, a German Clinton?

To be fair though, ISIS says a lot of shit.
Her admitting this is pretty big, IMO.

Do you want a german chancellor who is EVEN MORE of a commie than Merkel? Because you sure as fuck are not going to get one who is more conservative because such a person simply doesn't exist in the germany of the current year.

Be proud of yourself! beauty!!

Not when it's owned by the 2ch guy it's not.

Yeah, maybe am wrong but didnt she study psychology or something, she seems mostly to go for the popular opinion or what will have more use for her. I think at least it is like that..

good point, only us plebs have to worry about anarcho-tyranny

Are people even slightly to the right seen as evil? Is it all tied to Hitler, etc.?

Are you two, by any chance, butthurt? You can tell us, it's ok. We won't judge you. If getting assfucked is your thing, that's fine. You shouldn't suppress it the emotions. Go on, let it out! :D

not me

i assume you need an IQ of at least 160IQ to have the mere thought of that possibility

Calm your shitposting burger, the Jap didn't even do anything.


Again my opinion but I think Merkel with her 'Wir sind die Mitte' definitively tries to influence the opinion that it is like that.

I am SHOCKED, just SHOCKED that terrorists could slip through Germany's impeccable screening process while they are importing literally millions of fighting age mudslimes

I already said yes, I am butthurt.

I had explosive buttshits. Not fun. Total splashback factor too.

Why are these faggots so suicidally dead set on taking in refugees? Youre supposed to protect the people of YOUR country, not the people of other countries.

2 diet coke's.

Jesus fuck

You have no idea. Brainwashing starts from the day you are born, i witnessed it first hand. If you want your country for yourself, you are worse than Hitler.

hey michael-tan you're trying too hard man.

I recall some psychiatrist diagnosing her as a narcissist, but a lot of those politician diagnoses tend to come more from butthurt than anything else (See: American neo-cohens claiming Putin is an aspie)

is this true? I mean how can this be possible?

Serious question (please answer my Asian friend)

Are you:

-US Marine
-English teacher

She'll get thirsty on her way to a mobility lift van.

Do you think if there were attacks like in Paris, people would swing to the right?

I washed myself with your grandpa this morning.

>Using a proxy to change your flag on a Uruguayan Ice Cream's Anonymous chat site
How pathetic

No, I'm Canadian and I work in trade.

This meme is so old if it were wine it'd have turned into vinegar.

Is she even alive? She looks dead. Just look at those soulless eyes.

>right wing in Europe warns this will happen
>IS releases statements saying "LMAO we're sending agents as refugees cause you cucks won't do shit about it LOL"
>European Liberals cry "nobody could have known, #notallmuslims #refugeesstillwelcome"

Never. Terrorists could detonate a nuke in the middle of germany killing millions and still people would be like #notallmuslims #refugeeswelcome.


if by SMUGGLED you mean let in with open arms, then yes. they were smuggled.

She's a pod person. A non-person.


>when you're responsible for the deaths of your people, the rapes of the women and bringing europe to ruin

literally worse than hitler tbmthwy famalam

Honestly, I think she's a rogue KGB agent. She was program,med, than they forgot. Now she just runs berserk.

There would definitively be a conflict in german with alot of people running over to a faction like Afd 'Alternative für Deutschland' or what was written and them showing themselves more in the public light but most of the germans wouild still follow Angie, I think.

>don't you insult progressives, you racist shitlords!
>Japs are white!
Libshit detected. Go back to your filthy tenement (Reddit), you human cockroaches!

A year late and a couple million dollars short there, Merkel.

Fitting slowpoke outfit.

This guy is fucking hilarious.

That's depressing, to be honest.

Kekked hard.



>SDP are corporate slaves while pretending to be """"""""""working man's party"""""""""""""
>Die Linke are self hating ultraleftists who hate german identity and culture
>The Greens are pretending to be fighting for the environment, but in reality, they just want to ban everything that's good for our economy. There are also at LOT of germany-hating idiots in that party
>FDP, the Free Democrats. They are corporate slaves and did nothing to hide that. Maybe they learned their lesson after the last election which had terrible results for them
>AFD: They started very nice, but the party attracted a lot of idiots, which made all the smart poeple, like Bernd Lucke, leave. Right now, the party has a lot of inner fighting.

I'll probaly vote for FDP in the next election. But it depends on their policis. I hope that they have changed.

Well at least she admits it now and that's the first step. I remember when a Pakistani girl asked her in one of her visits to them why she didn't let more refugees in. She let the muslims get to her and thus opened the borders to millions of muslims who were looking for a new place to settle. make money and/or continue the fight. She's too old and sensitive for this stuff, she'll have ruined Germany by the time she's gone.


They already knew this shit but they kept it from the public, only now are they revealing it as the inflow of '''''''''''''''refugees'''''''''''''''' has decreased

Sorry? Can't hear you over all the rapefugees France is holding back for us :^)

>holding back

"The tank is overflowing and the carpet's destroyed, but at least the water is off for a bit. Oh wait, it's just the clean water that stopped, the toilet is still overflowing"

>diet coke

pic related is libtards reactions to the next Muslim terrorist attack in Europe

You're looking at this wrong. She was always aware of it. This isn't some sudden realisation, this is her dropping the mask. This is Putin admitting to invading Crimea. This is "Yes I'm cleansing you kaffirs and it's too late to stop me."
You need to be more afraid now, not less. She's confident that she can't be stopped now, and there's no need to pretend anymore.

> hurr durr fat people in murica

You're still the only country to have a nuke dropped on it.

Inside, yes.

Checked and two bottles of it.

And you're the only country with a white """majority""" to elect a dated tractor president twice. How's that working out for you?

I am happy.
Because Japanese person talking with english.
This is difficult for us.

Ha this is actually real.

Yea. Trump is going to win by November.
That's a fucking fact.

I never knowingly post BS. Reality is so much more worse.

>Who could have foreseen this coming?

Our ancestors.

wow nice

at least you guys do what us amerifats are too afraid to do over political correctness