*laughs in semaphore* edition
Other urls found in this thread:
big willies
the gf
i run this town
hate myself
impossible for someone taht beautiful to hate themself
watched 3 episodes of rick and morty and I just don't get it.
It's ok, watchable but nothing special I don't feel the need to watch any more
tee hee
back lads
posted mine last night. anyone remember?
Delusional fucks that can’t be arsed to put any effort into themselves complain about being virgins lmao.
>dude just get a haircut
was that lad from the last thread actually serious?
why is every cunt that dies prematurely or tragically an amazing person liked by everyone?
post more girls that do this
Willies, willies
Who is Magner Carter, lads?
BIG TUNE, a tour de force
big wanky poo
What's to stop me walking off with the food that's displayed outside?
gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang
actual smol brane moron
Jay Z
a yank first lady i think
lol ofc not just low effort bait
some young one topped herself a few weeks ago where I live and you want to see the absolute shite that was getting put on facebook about her. Pure fantasy written by people who didn't even know her
>people typing like a retard
Christ, is talking like one not enough for these so-called "people"
Fuck off mate, diversity is our greatest strength and London is OPEN
rose tinted lenses
aso faux pas to shit on the dead, unless they were p(a)edos or some shit
one night in bangok
you wouldn't dare
Same show and fanbase as The Big Bang Theory. Shame though since I absolutely loved Community but that's probably because it was under advertised when it was airing.
The basketball player Yao Ming was bred by the Chinese govt
>Yao had essentially been bred. Both his parents played basketball. His 6’2 mother, Fang Fengdi, perhaps the tallest woman in China, had been married to an even taller man. She had served as a Red Guard during the height of the Cultural Revolution and had been an ardent Maoist. She enthusiastically participated in the glorious plan of the local government to use her and her husband to produce a sports superstar. The Shanghai authorities who encouraged the match had gone back several generations to ensure that size was embedded in the bloodline. The result was Yao, a baby behemoth who just kept getting bigger.
big hulking abdul with his scimitar lurking off screen
might give them a ring
The one thing that worries me more than dying in an accident is some cunt I've purposefully blocked out of my life coming back and virtue signaling on the news how I was an amazing person or something like that to an extent while using whatever circumstance I died in to advertise some failing business they are running.
isnt that too many numbers for a phone number
Virgins are the new fat people, pathetic
Need a chubby yank friend
something like a brain aneurysm is my biggest fear tbqh
reckon its more a subconscious attempt to comfort the families more than make a point about the individual in question
no m8
can't think of a good opener to this romanian qt on tinder
i don't think a joke would work because she doesn't seem the type that would get it
What breed is your dog?
Would be hitting the lotto for me
call her a gypsy
george michael doc on channel 4 rn.
you can record it on the +1 channel if you want
Could easily have sex with any woman I want but I'm simply not interested
Simple as
Funny you mention that I thought I was having one last night and closed all my tabs so if I died my mum would not see what websites I was on (this one)
>tfw he died Last Christmas
i'm unironically asexual and i'm not even a virgin
hold on, is this enough numbers?
its fucking wind
they should make more of an effort to explain the story in the filename. I had to go to the article
ask her to show you her vampire teeth
last christmas his heart gave out
the very next day they gave it away
Shut everything down
Ack! A dastardly JERRY!
i recommend not jumping off the cliff .. grin with a spin
vikings is great. not sure what i'll watch when it's finished. dont like game of thrones.
checking the quints
Have you watched The Last Kingdom is like Vikings but about Anglo-Saxons
this year, to save me from tears
might off myself
why do yank phone numbers have letters in them
>toil in 8 hours
do you think a female has ever had a girl wank to you lads?
love pints
hate welsh people
simple as
fuck off
sister's admitted it
what a funny little wojak
oh okay. i'll watch that next. cheers bruce
ye probably right now
more fun
library science?
One told me she did but I'm not sure if she was telling the truth
what about the manic street preachers??!!??!!
Boring body
supposedly you quickly become disoriented, vomit etc
heard there's a decent chance it wouldn't be fatal so that's abated some of my fears at least
still quite worried
no remind me again
Housemates want to go clubbing
I do not want to go clubbing
I am going to read a book and get comfy
Earlier, a man in his 30s was killed in a chainsaw accident as he tried to remove a fallen tree in Cahir, Co Tipperary
ours dont, but some people say the letter to replace the number
1-800-Fuck-You = whatever number F is, whatever U is, etc
Authentic /deutsch/ gimmick
>Thanks Phil
how can letters have numbers?