Players have to be graduated from highschool and have university studies to play pro sports

>players have to be graduated from highschool and have university studies to play pro sports
>lot of them do the whole 4 years university course
>they have their literally first pro game at the age of 22-23 after wasting their physical peak in some amateur games
>if a top univesity player doesn't like the team that got the first pick of the draft (like this season with the browns, no one want to play for them) the player would just go for another year at college to avoid getting drafted by a shitty team, that means you can't even pick what team you play for
>salary caps
How do you defend this shit, Americans? Your stystem is retarded and is 100% focused on forced "parity" and that parity is just meant to favour the team owners and the people with the TV rights, it's all about profit and keeping the players down with salary caps and being stuck in shitty organisations

It's literally, in a literal way, a reproduction of the slavery times, white owner taking all the surplus value generated by the black athletes

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didnt you post this exact thread like 2 days ago. fuck off

you forgot to mention how they dont get paid anything at the university

I'd rather have forced parity then p$g/mancity/buyernwinslol. the Patriots win in spite of the draft and once Bradey retires they'll go right back into the mix

Mmm no, just typed it

All I did was about a week ago and asking why don't the team owners care more about the players but it was inside a general, didn't even make a thread about it

The whole system is made to keep the black man down

That only applies to football and, to a limited extent, basketball. Hockey and baseball players aren't required to go to college

> I don't like playing by the rules, I'll just call them retarded
learn them and read about the justifications your self. you obviously care enough to learn that bullshit.

it's a slap in the face to people who endure actual slavery to make that comparison, though I do agree that the whole system has some fishy rules that exploit young athletes and the value they create.

>believing rules are sacred and no one should question the authority
good boy, you are the perfect citizen!

That's due to the NCAA being evil

I won't defend it. People should be allowed to go pro

if by university studies you mean take fluff classes and get passed for nothing then sure. College for many professional athletes is just a pedestal to stand on so you get picked up by a good team. Not to mention that the majority of them go to school for free

We know why slavery stopped, because the profit was higher if you just let them be "free" and hire for pennies, it isn't because white men suddenly thought "ok, I respect black people now, you aren't objects but human beens just like me and deserve a proper life"

>a real sport

Tell me again why we should even take what you say seriously

Nice ad hominem and quads but I don't even care about soccer

Kek, and you would want them to actually take the classes and fucking pay for it? The point is, why force them to play for free for a few years before being able to get elected? And why not even allowing them to chose their team?ç

There is no respect for the player, it's all about the owners

Obvious troll, but just in case you're serious: The reason for abolishment of slavery in the United States is much more complex than that and cannot be explained in a single 4chin post

why are you so concerned? Why aren't you watching Argentine sports instead?

Because summer break and because we don't play sports at 11pm

I was watching the only sport on tv right now: college american football and it made me think about how fucked this system is

If you want to continue this argument try to refute my words and don't attack me, personally, again

>in January

Get out of here, Southern Hemisphere

>The reason for abolishment of slavery in the United States is much more complex
Well, of course. But we can agree it wasn't because white men got suddenly enlightened and started caring about black people, it wasn't a moral decisión

When did anybody here ever say that?

Forcing players into education should be mandatory everywhere to be honest. Way better than enticing kids with promises of turning pro and then telling them they're not good enough at 17/18 and sending them back to a normal life without any skills

I've said it, I suggested white men haven't changed since the slavery times, they still believe black people are objects and deserve to be exploited. A clear example of this is the NFL

Nice get

Why not making them study once they retire? Why make them waste their best physical years playing amateur sports?

If you care so much about the players and giving them education just give them a baucher to study for free any time they want, after they retire. Athletes retire around the age of 32 so they are still young, I have lot of universtity classmates that are even older than tht

>If you want to continue this argument try to refute my words and don't attack me, personally, again


hmmm. maybe we can identify an important, transformative event that coincided with abolition in the US if we think hard enough.

Nobody is being forced to play football against their will. That's not slavery

And those that do play professional make millions. Those that play in college get free educations. Sure, must don't actually go to their classes but they are still offered free educations that are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

>And those that do play professional make millions.
And they deserve more. They deserve all the profit made by the sport, not the team owners

The free market says they don't deserve more. If they deserved it, they'll be paid more. If they don't agree with what the NFL offers, then they can just take their talents to another smaller football league that doesn't require college participation

Like 99% of people who try to be athletes don't make the grade. They have to go and get normal jobs at a young age without the benefit of having a normal school education/experience

>The free market
But there isn't free market in American football. There are literally only 30 pro teams in the whole world, you can't move to another league if you want to avoid the salary caps of the NFL

Let's say you get selected by an university to play ball, you end up being a bust and retire at 25. It would be nice if you could get the studies at that time, you'd actually focus on the studies because you know your sports career is over

When athletes are studying they believe they are going to make it to pro level and have a good career, that's why don't care about studying. Giving them free college is irrelevant because they don't even take the classes

free market really has nothing to do with "deserve". I fully support letting market forces determine resource allocation, but its not some unassailable moral compass. Though I think that argie is retarded if he thinks people shouldn't be compensated for putting capital at risk. good luck getting anyone to do anything.

>draft and trading players
From a European POV the extent to which this infringes on people's freedom is shocking. What exactly are the justifications?

Nice to see you care about your fellow blackmen. Great solidarity!

those terms are agreed to in a collective bargaining agreement with the players union.

There are other leagues you can join that are not the NFL.

>Giving them free college is irrelevant because they don't even take the classes
scholarships are good for life. the 25 year old bust in your scenario can know...go back to school

>22-23 years
>physical peak

The wheel would still spin without the team owners, but it can't work without the players

Believe me, you don't see it because you believe having private owned teams is the only option. Here our teams have elected presidents who earn a small wage or just do it ad honorem because they love the team and the teams are non-profit oriented organisations, it means all the money they make goes back to the team, the fans and the players, not to some guy's pocket

>It's literally, in a literal way, a reproduction of the slavery times, white owner taking all the surplus value generated by the black athletes

"white" owner. Fucking libtards.

They need to get an education that will be valuable in their mid 30s when they forget everything and have CTE

>scholarships are good for life

American Jews are white, we have the real jews here, the Arab-looking ones and they aren't like the ones ruling your franchises, they look and act white

I don't know about American football, I'm talking about football. And no player gets to 25 without knowing he's not good enough. That normally happens by 16-18 when they're still developing and emotionally immature and they'll need those skills to cope.

>not a justification
genuinely interested why this is being upheld

Football is different, and more fair. Not the same argument

If you go to a big club at the age of 13 because you show potential and then don't make it by the age of 19-20 you move to a shittier club. In American football you can't do it, there are literally only 30 pro teams in the whole world

Ashkenazi Jews are a mix of Middle Eastern and white you retard. They're not white.

what are you talking about? the players literally agree to participate in that system. willingly.

the only insidious bit is that college players are not allowed to benefit from the value they create and are also legally barred from being unionized, while the legal monopoly in the industry prevents people in that age range from playing in the NFL.

yes. athletic scholarships are valid for a recruit's entire life

you fucking moron

You keep saying there are only 30 teams, but that's not true. The NFL isn't the entirety of professional football in the US

By your logic Somalis aren't black because they are mixed with Arabs too. When you look at them they are black, just like Ashkenazim are white

elite college athletes generally dont get a valuable education though. There was a mid-time coach that coined a term called "the carolina way" just because he had rock bottom academic standards in order to play on the team. He even wrote a book about it.

And isn't there also 32 teams?

They aren't black, just like how Abos aren't black. Race is about genetics, not appearence.

why would you be so cringy and vulgar if you are so wrong?

Look at this picture and tell me it isn't modern slavery

>all of the guys doing the work are black, but they aren't allowed to be in administration

physical peak depends and the only bad thing about professional sports is that it conforms the masses into having a mechanised view of the body.

Idk man, you are bringing a pseudo-problem of definition, that's a bit of a dick move, even more when you know I can't even speak English and can make translation mistakes, don't get so autistic and start to argue about the use of words

>there are literal slaves in world right now
>these millionaires who are free to come and go as they please and are represented by a union are somehow comparable

not just dumb, fucking offensive.

All these people make more in 1 year than most of us here would make in a lifetime. All for playing a game

That's not slavery

They are more oppressed than any other class in the USA, of course they'll look nice if you compare them to people in the third world, but that's not the argument here

How much money do the team owners make? And they do literally nothing

You sound like these people who say American football players shouldn't be kneeling because they are rich, you just don't get what they are protesting for

Jesus Christ you sound like a progressive college student who eats up all the leftist blabber that his professors teach him. You’re all the same

The current college system is a joke to the top tier athletes, but since they are pretty much the only ones getting screwed over it won't change. There are also the amateurism rules which screw over student athletes unlike any other type of scholarship. For example there was some guy on a football scholarship that also had a successful youtube page he made money off of. This violated the rules so he had to either stop hi youtube or lose his eligibility and scholarship. That doesn't happen with any other type of scholarship such as music, academic, etc.

Let's say you get traded and are forced to move to a place you wouldn't go if you had any freedom. For what reason does your employer need to have this kind of control over your life?

i just completely and fundamentally disagree with your premise.

I don't defend it it's a dumb system

Oh you poor naive fool. You have no idea how powerful the NCAA is.

Because you are getting paid millions. Don’t like it, bust your ass in college and get a job wherever you like just like everyone else

>another argentine austist thread
why do people keep falling for it?

it's not great, but the employer has a ton of leverage in this situation, the players have a union, and they explicitly agree to the rules, which are renegotiated every so many years. you don't think the players can be trusted to sign their own agreements on those rules?

Can't the players just leave? They can't have a league without players. They should do like women did leaving the tennis association because they didn't get equal payment

It's complete bullshit. With the NCAA existing, they have 2 multibillion dollar industries and it's a perfect circle with funneling in talent from college which always funnels in talent from high schools.

>bust your ass in college and get a job wherever you like


spoken like a true uneducated

I don’t know a single person who studied something useful who wasn’t able to get a job paying far above the average wage

you are a fucking idiot and should stop posting

Kek, stop lying. If you were really from Argentina you must have heard about engineers driving taxis because there were no jobs 15 years ago

can you please start using a name, op? I recognize your posts but unfortunately my browser doesn’t so I can’t automatically hide you, now with a trip or name I could just filter you
Thank you dear

lmao what the fuck

15 years ago? Woah grandpa I’m talking about the last 3 years or so

Is Greece really that bad? I heard it was worse than Argentina but I never believed it

Why on earth would they want to leave? They get a free ride through college and spend their time playing. If they're good enough, they can play professionally. These aren't wealthy scholars that can just walk into any university when they feel like it. If they actually left they'd go back to some farm in the middle of nowhere or back to the ghetto. The NCAA is running the perfect scam.


Well that's why you don't believe this. I feel bad for you though, and i really hope get more economic opportunities like the rest of us more fortunate

>more oppressed than any other class in the USA
holy christ on fucking fire

what the best city in USA, for someone who hates the NFL, hates football, hates MLB, hates baseball, hates the NBA, hates basketball, hates the NHL, hates hockey and only likes soccer and only Like MLS (Major League Soccer

>wahh a private league is making rules for eligibility I don't like!
Get over it, snowflake.

Come on man, you know most athletes don't even attend the classes. They don't join the universities based on their classes ratings or because they are interested in the professors, they join the universities based on how good the team is and the chances of making it to the NFL/NBA

I'm not 100% against the system, it could be better even if you kept the college teams. Just award the players that play for you with free education but not when they are 18, whenever they want, since only a small minority of them actually make a living of the sport and you can't tell it when you are 18 if you are going to make it, just let them study for free once they finish their pro careers


Agree with you OP, all your points are valid. Only retarded faggot NCAA shills vehemently disagree.

Alaska or Hawaii, depending of your climate choices. Neither of these states has top sports

White Pine Tennessee

you're not only a dumb leftist, but you're also greatly uninformed (like most leftards lmao)
Schools may extend the scholarships until the athletes finish their degrees, even after finishing their NCAA careers

in Seattle they also like the NFL.

I want a place in the United States, where people only like soccer and where the MLS team is the only good and successful team in their city

No, fuck that

The Seahawks are about to become irrelevant again. Their fans didn't exist more than 5 years ago, and they are going to be invisible again in a couple years

That already happens you fucking autistic spaz .

you wrote this comment to anger me. I know you don't really expect me to believe that you don't share the same view as me concerning higher education graduates. So I conclude that what you were aiming for, was for me to be angered by your disposition itself i.e. to make me angry, because it reveals hostility by itself. That is fragmented (meaning "not wholesome", uncompleted, underdeveloped) behaviour, which means you are a potential threat to society, unless of course you continue your road towards maturity.

I do not care and
if the Seahawks are Irrelevant or not.

I want a city in the USA where only your Major League Soccer Team is the most successful team, the most popular, the team with the most fans and the winner of all your City

that all NFL, MLB, NBA and NHL teams are losers, failed, without championships and totally irrelevant

How many years do they need to play for the university (for free but generating profit to the university) to get that delayed education? How many years after playing for them you can still be able to collect that """"gift"""?

Also, even if it was all fair as you say, they generate way more than the money they get back to study. You talk like universities are actually doing it to help poor kids to get out the ghetto, the reality is that they take adventage of them boys in the struggle and make them play for free while they make profit for the, again, private owned universities

Forcing someone to work for free, because it's literally the only way to make it to an NFL team, is pretty much like slavery, even more if you keep in mind most people joining these programs come from poor families

you sound like you're from humanities, figures you don't believe you're gonna get a job
it didn't have anything to do with your country after all

>Forcing someone

You keep saying that.