Just made this, thoughts?
Just made this, thoughts?
Nice meme my fellow 9GAGGER XDDD
saved, thanks op :) should put a watermark. well made.
This meme started on Sup Forums tho?
simply epic xD
"Stop committing a disproportionate amount of crime? " would sound better.
It's funny because 1 in 4 black people in the picture are committing a crime.
If I wanted a laugh I'd look at World War results
make the guy's hair on the right an afro
krauts btfo
Will the krauts ever recover?
good shout
they all look indian to me
top kek well played burger
Make them look less like tan Indians and more like niggers you faggot.
>Stop committing a disproportionate amount of crime?
doesn't fit in the bubble as well
What? 20:1 russians to germans?
He's right, should just say "stop committing so much crime"
really good
Keepin' it real, OP.
Yes let us take all the GOOD police with good happy jobs in safe white neighborhoods and force them to serve in the worst neighborhoods in the country(black neighborhoods) and we white people can be stuck with the shitty miserable badass no nonsense cops. why? I don't know, it doesn't make any sense. does any of this make sense? black people need to clean up their own neighborhoods, not blame us for only attracting shitty miserable cops. and my guess is many of these cops are just overly cautious because of serving in, well, black neighborhoods. so do "black lives matter"? That's a good question. Does a thug or hoodlum who does nothing but rob and do drugs matter more than a law abiding white citizen with a job? I'd say NO. so in a sense many black lives DON'T matter. And this is the TRUTH.
It amazes me with these idiotic displays, complaining about some worthless hoodlum and making a national news story meanwhile negroes go around killing and raping and no one can say anything. its retarded at every conceivable level. the blithering stupidity of humanity stops at nothing. these people complain about bad cops? look at the neighborhoods the "bad' cops serve in. what will they get, saints to patrol those streets? the negroes in the inner cities get the exact cops they deserve. and many of the cops hate the negroes because they know them better than anyone. they see them all day at their worst. you aren't going to get "good" cops in black neighborhoods. it will NEVER happen. why? because good cops belong in good neighborhoods. it is win win. good people get good cops. bad people get bad cops. Fact of LIFE. REAL LIFE FACT. not bullshit retarded moron life for daydreaming TV watching couch potatoes.
My god your grammar is fucking awful.
black people snacks/drinks on the table?
poster of famous black people on the wall (like jesse jackson and the new black ghostbuster girl)
A better industry for the country than has ever been and a textbook example of successful laissez-faire economy vs a communist one?
>refrain from committing crime?
God dammit, I love you, Sup Forums
Krauts on suicide watch
holy shit man go easy on him he's still recovering from that war
Making me proud
Ayyyyyyyy include me in the screen cap
Well memed user
>Americans dipped their toe in at the end
>Germans gave the Soviet colossus a run for its money and (as Americans always tell me) might have won if it weren't for America putting its fat fingers on the scale to tip the balance in favour of fucking communism
Retard hamburgers are perhaps the biggest problem white people face today.
Thanks for the OC, OP, in exchange, here is some OC for the OP.
lmao burgers actually believe they aren't puppets for the kikes and the allies were right
getting trips is literally the best thing your country will ever accomplish
at least im not cucked by the israel lobby
also KEK wills it
I couldn't think of anything, sorry.
>Welfare Office
my sides
>chalk outline on the fucking table
make the 'boss' look more like a characterization of a black leader (sharpton, jackson, etc). make the female a mix-ethnicity pink hair SJW type. make the windowed-male white