Why are western countries seeing a rise in ultra nationalism?

Why are western countries seeing a rise in ultra nationalism?

Isn't that great

Push back from decades of leftist policies. It's natural that there would be some.

Mass migration is a right wing policy

Push back from decades of neo-liberal policies and deregulations, inevitably leading to more poverty and therefore more alienation of the working class

Mass immigration is a capitalist policy, neither left wing nor right wing, it is needed to lower wages

lazy children who have anything worth in their life looking for entertainment


It's simply a reaction against the ethnocultural replacement that the Western ruling class is enforcing.

Hopefully it continues to grow. As it stands, the reaction isn't enough and so you will all share our fate within a few decades.

Do you know NotShadowbannedYet?

Yeah I've seen a couple of his videos. He reminds me of someone I went to school with lel

>make country in Africa
>wtf why are there niggers here

I was thinking more in line of civil rights policies where minorities were given rights.

kicking out the invaders is a right wing policy

>settle in the Cape
>have peaceful relationship with the Khoisan for a century
>trek East a bit because the locals seem chill so far
>get massacred by Zulus

why are the marching nationalists always so ugly?


Are there significant differences between the native Khoi-San and the Bantus (that somewhat pushed the former near extinction over the centuries from what I've read) nowadays? Different socio-economic status, like likelihood to live in favelas etc?

>Mass immigration is a capitalist policy, neither left wing nor right wing, it is needed to lower wages
its left wing when its motivated by the idea that we're all the same and deserve the same
its lefty bullshit in disguise

It's a reactionary movement to decades of mass immigration, as others have said.
Also, the longer people go without war, the more they tend to lean to nationalism until a new war breaks out.

>the idea that we're all the same and deserve the same
>its lefty bullshit in disguise

They aren't.

Didn't you treat the Khoisan like shit?
I'm pretty sure they would have been more happy if you didn't come at all.
>implying Apartheid didn't treat them like shit

Khoisan are Asians.

While they share some superficial similarities in phenotype, I'm pretty sure they're actually an early offshoot of the "rest-Negroids"
Maybe you're thinking of Madagascar, which was indeed partially settled by ancient South-East Asians

Yes, but the Khoisan only really exist as Coloureds today, who are mixed with Dutch and a bit of Malaysian. They're very similar to mestizos in wealth and behaviour, whereas the Bantus are typically African.

The Cape is mostly Afrikaans, English and Coloured as opposed to the rest of the country which is by far majority Bantu.

>settle empty land
>others from further inland move in as well
>have peaceful relations
>Bantus see the general prosperity
>*throws shit everywhere*
>*makes country into a violent shithole*

lmao cry more

They weren't treated very well of course, but relatively speaking as natives they had it pretty good. Compared to your Indians or the Aborigines for example, not to mention the Congolese and your hand in that mess.

Apartheid was primarily about separation – it's literally what the word means. The Bantu homelands and general non-white areas had their own local governments or traditional leadership. All those videos and pictures you've seem of White cops in armoured cars "oppressing" the Blacks were actually riot police sent to break up violent infighting.

The so-called struggle was communism. They weren't happy that us Whites were so much more successful and the only reason we didn't go full-Zimbabwe in '94 was because of the controlled transfer of power.

Because the european right's motto is becoming "praise gays, fuck poor people". This kind of non-traditionalist neoliberal right may gain some young voters but will never appeal to actual right wing people unless they're 60+ and have been voting the same party all their lifes.

The spanish main right party does it better in this sense and that's why we "don't" have "extreme" right. Shame it's a corrupted mess.

reaction to globalism and immigration, africa's got some nationalism going on too for the same reason but instead of pakis they got chinks

I don't know why. It's really strange I see no reason for it. Why can't we all just get along?

Mental illness.

Neoliberal capitalists pushing identity politics to alienate the working class internally.

It's working, no cares that Porky's screwing them over anymore. Instead everyone's bitching about irrelevant spooky shit like MUH NASHINAL IDINTITY or MUH 76 GINDERS blaming each other for being miserable while Porky's cashing in.

>muh porky
Your red vs blue mentality is also identity politics. Far more so than based tribalism.

>class is about identity
How wealthy you are is the single most important thing in determining the quality of your life. The effects are very real.

>deliberately subscribing to muh THEY BAD WE GUD fallacy
lol fucking classcucked brainlets

You should cry at your school system's incompetence, equality and universal rights are basic tenents of liberal democracy.

class is the only identity that can actualy be measured empirically in your living standard. everything else is just about muh feefees.

Don't give a shit about class. It's empty and meaningless. Would rather white people not become a minority in their countries.

>muh coins
>muh human invented eco-nomies


Except it's not the left that brings immigrants? The left protects them when they are already inside?

you mean decades of capitalist policies. These groups are criticizing capitalist mechanisms but for some reason they call them left wink.

> spooks
fucking dropped

They're not so much concerned with the economic side of things right now. And no those people generally criticize capitalism too.

>hundreds of thousands of years of isolation in evolution
>but muh wealth

>i'd live in a cardboard box jus get them niggers outta here lmao

Imagine being this retarded.

Because the cucky baby boomers that ruined the Western World are finally dying

>i'd live in a cardboard box jus get them niggers outta here
literally this though

Jamaicans lol

Those look normal chaps

there, there



there, there


It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our plan.

The internet provides them with echo chambers in which political autism escalates exponentially

Because Jews are the reason I can't get laid and get a well paying job.

Lefties fucked up everything they could and people finally start to suspect something

Greater wealth inequality --> More unrest and anxiety --> More scapegoating of minorities and immigrants.

Nuff said. I wish it was not so, but people never change.

>the chad strawman


Just say Jews. Nobody will judge you on Sup Forums.

Jews are anti muslim. European leftists are not

>Jews are anti muslim
lol try to convince the rest of Sup Forums

As the economy get worse and the elites squeeze harder, they plebeians will look for someone to blame.

Every last single person I know that is far-right has failed in life in one regard or another.

In the US, at least:

- growing feelings of impotence towards economic and social plagues (e.g. addiction, class divide, social isolation) are driving people to look for more and more extreme solutions (the left is now radicalizing quickly in response to the radical right)
- online discourse has made the exchange and escalation of ideas much faster, now one can see examples of inflammatory things pretty much constantly and respond to them in kind
- the loudest voices online are the radicals, which gives everybody an extreme misinterpretation of what the 'other side' believes
- media outlets and teenagers on social media started using inflammatory identity politics to gain attention; the right decided to harness its power
- white nationalism gives frustrated (mostly) young men an easy scapegoat upon which they can blame their problems (e.g. sexual and social undesirability, underemployment) that simultaneously gives them a means to feel superior to a wide swath of people without actually accomplishing anything

I could go on. We're fucked, lmao. l m a o

Sup Forums

not even nationalism can fix chavs.

>has failed in life in one regard or another
Realistically though, who hasn't?

This is unironically a big factor. Though I guess you could go even further back and blame Stormfront for waging a very successful propaganda campaign against Sup Forums.

If you are white in Canada and not upper-middle class, you have failed. Most of these dudes I know had upper-middle class parents. They lost out to immigrants, and blame them.

Everyone fails; the type of failure I imagine the other leaf was talking about is chronic failure. As a general rule, people don't radicalize unless they have some serious, long-term issue(s). Recruitment propaganda directly speaks to these issues on an emotional level based upon what the target recruitment demographic, offers a simple cause and solution within their ideology, etc.

Do they actual blame minorities for personal problems though?
From what I've noticed it's more like the issues noted in this image Fear of becoming a minority plus radical left plus interwebs presence.

Some of them do. We never get to talking deeper on that subject because [spoiler]i'm not white.[/spoiler] But I use to be far right my self so I know how to get these people to open up.

why doesn't [spoiler] work

Spoiler doesn't work on most Sup Forums board you need to go back to Sup Forums.

>But I use to be far right my self
what changed?

My husband is a nationalist and a racist but he himself makes a good living for himself. I think he bought into a lot of propaganda on the internet. "Jews are rich and powerful", "Mexicans are more willing to accept low wages and so drive the wages down", "Black people commit more crimes", "India is a shithole", "Japanese are pervert" etc. He seems to think everyone is at odds with everyone else, and every race acts in their own interest and all those interests are at odds with each other.

fuck off, it's purely economic, i.e, capitalistic

I got a job, made friends, had less time and energy to sit at home and hate other people.

Now that I think of it, I slowly became more right-wing after I finished high school and had nothing to do.

> Why are western countries seeing a rise in ultra nationalism?

Rise of nationalism? It's truly a generic proof that neoliberalism is failing the average people.

still no gf though

Read a history book....
nationalism (really tribalism, of which nationalism is one modern form), is universal and the natural state of humanity. People temporarily can put it out of their mind, but it can never be erased just like sexism or violence cannot be fully erased.

Rapidly changing ethnic demographics and a complete failure by politicians to lower immigration despite most people wanting that. People feel like they don't have control of their countries anymore

The only time I will ever advocate for the dismemberment of nationalism is in the event of regular extraterrestrial contact. Because at that point people will actually identify with being human. Until then, nationalism does it's job just fine. Tribalism's in our nature. Can't neglect that.

Oh, forgot some big ones:
- Outside of top school districts, American education is truly abysmal. Like, zero lessons on how to critically examine an argument or presented information. People are completely unequipped to determine whether somebody they agree with is peddling an agenda.
- There's a huge anti-authoritarian (and anti-intellectual) streak in American culture (particularly among conservatives), but paired with the lack of critical thought, anybody who claims to be opposed to tptb can take control of the narrative, e.g. Alex Jones, oil companies
They most definitely do, see .
One of the main recruiting tactics they used on Sup Forums was posting black bull cuckold shit to make the guys there feel sexually insecure. And if you've seen the replies to some of those threads, it worked.

>absolutely batshit insane far-left that isn't being dealt with
>convenient alternative arises that promises a lot and claims you're already great without having anything


>Until then, nationalism does it's job just fine.
By causing retarded conflicts between people who have no real reason to be at odds, encouraging violence, and destabilizing territories that consist of two or more groups?

Yes. Groups that have different interests and values should not be subject to one singular inefficient government. Nationalism isn't imperialism or racism. It can go hand-in-hand with those, but they're not the same things.


But instead of fighting why not find common ground? People aren't THAT different deep down no matter how far you go.

Because the eternal Anglo wants to keep Cletus fighting with Kevin.

Common ground is found in overlapping interests, not in human nature. "People aren't that different" is not an argument.

Nobody needs to fight, but people don't exactly like being replaced either.
Hence ethnic nationalism.

The common ground isn't enough. Most people don't want to just survive. Most people want to thrive. With all the West's wealth we could feed the world and improve infrastructure. But we don't. Because it would make us much poorer than we currently are. A selfish attitude, absolutely. But it is that attitude that has made the West so successful.

Alt right "white years" the movement

Just the youth lashing out at the retarded state of politics, same as hippies just on the opposite end of the spectrum. They'll mellow out in a couple decades and some other ridiculous shit will be the new hot controversy. Nothing new under the sun

because the pendulum is turning back again, just as it always has, just as it always will

There are both left and right reasons for mass immigration

Right: lower wages
Left: BBC for all the wh*Te wimmins