It's true you know

It's true you know.

When will Sup Forums wake up and realise this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Niggers are worthless.

I'm not even against this. Like, yeah, Black Man, wake up and stop being shit-ass criminals fathering 14 kids to 9 different women, everyone will thank you.

> potential

wow really makes u think

>said by nobody
>not even leftists

Wtf did I read?
I just...
They are completely delusional.
How did niggers mooching and raping and killing turn into them being powerful and having value?!
Get rid of them all.

Are you scared that when they reach their final form, they'll end up subjugating you?

Selling mixtapes/loose cigarettes in front of convenience stores, or robbing them for blunt wraps, is the negro Nobel Prize tier.

they'll never get there unless they learn to respect laws and the police

Do black people actually unironically think they are being genocided by white people? i thought it was a meme.

I think they believe they'd be curing cancer and creating interstellar travel if it wasn't for whitey holding them down and sheeeeeeeeeeeeeit.

Good for them standing up for their race and promoting their groups interests. If only whites could be convinced to do the same.

They were valuable... once.

lol i guess the word "valuable" means nothing now. What exactly have black people contributed to our lifestyle?

>Blacks are sayians
>whites are freeza

If you philosophy is ripped off a 25 year old Chinese cartoon you might want to rethink it

Dear Mosquitos,

If you weren't so valuable and didn't have the potential to be so powerful the world would not be so hell bent on exterminating your very existence.

I'd like to tell you a quintessential Australian story about potential...

Little Johnny walks in to his dad and says "hey Dad, what's the difference between potential and reality". And Dad says "Go ask yer mum if she'd fuck the mailman for ten grand."

So little Johnny does that and Mum says that, Yes, Yes she would fuck the mailman for ten grand.

So then Dad says "Go ask yer sister if shed fuck the mailman fer ten grand". So little Johnny asks his sister and the answer is Yes, Yes she would fuck the mailman for ten grand.

Then Dad says "Go ask yer brother if he would fuck the mailman fer ten grand." "But Dad!" Says little Johnny, " That's two blokes!" "ASK HIM" Says dad. And again the answer is Yes, Yes he would fuck the mailman for ten grand.

"So you see Johnny, now you see the difference between Potential and Reality"
"Hows that Dad?" Asks little Johnny.
"Well right now Johnny, weve got the Potential to make thirty grand. But the Reality is we live in a house with two fucken sluts and a poofter"

Yeah, because we don't exterminate things for being pests.

>Mosquitos if you weren't so powerful no one would bother to swat you.

Lol, the beauty of capitalism that leftist love to complain about is that if you are valuable you will be valued.

By the time they reach their final form, the rest of the human race will have long since left this planet, and will have colonized thousands of whole new worlds without them.

This. Stop being so fucking obsessed with white people, and race in general, and get your shit together.

>I'm also really powerful

I don't feel threatened by cockroaches and I still exterminate them.


they had all the time in the world in the continent of Africa and they still life in the stone age faggot.

Even black women know this. That's why they've killed millions of black babies.

Wew lad.


Aye, alright.

Its whites that are becoming extinct, birthrates,contraception mixed race breeding and the birthrates of other races if continuing at their present rates will see whites gone in less than 250 years. Wake up its the whites that are being extinguished, fucking thick cunts.
In the uk the most common newborn boys name is already mohammed. White british are the least likely to go to university than any other ethnic group.
Political correctness and free speech has been stolen. We cant use the word nigger or paki anymore or you get jail. In britain you will get jail for calling someone a nigger and you will escape jail if you dont say anything and knock a nigger out. All this has happened in less than 25 years.
People need to wake up because all whites are in big danger.
Ask the thousands of non muslim children who have been gang raped by predominantly muslim asian and african men.
I doubt the blacks in the usa will drive round beeping their horns in celebration if the usa lost to iceland at football , unlike the asians in britain did.
Its hell to be white in some parts of britain. Children dont go out to play, whites bullied by none whites. Im fucking sick of it and it aint changing and its coming to you if your white

That's what they used to say to ugly kids in school
"They're just calling me ugly because they're jealous"
Guess nogs still fall for it

if they were so powerful and had so much potential why is africa a shithole?


Yep, that answers why black on black crime is the #1 cause of black homocide

If they were so powerful I wouldn't need to give out a portion of my paycheck twice a month dedicated to funding their very existence.

Thank God

>why is africa a shithole

Muh systemic racism!
Muh colonialism!
Muh stolen resources!

Wouldn't African countries be super powers if nigs were worth a fuck?

Wtf I hate black people now

>something is "valuable"
>therefore, people want to destroy it

That definitely is nigger logic.

if we were bent on the their extermination, then they'd been exterminated long ago.

Probably would have been the more benevolent thing to do it seems though.


Africa IS their final form.

>Dear Sup Forums,
>If you weren't so valuable and didn't have the potential to be so powerful the jews would not be so hell bent on exterminating your very existence.

>Psst, hey niggers
>What if I told you that BLM has done more to promote white unity than any white supremacist movement in the history of the US?

This, I don't hate people because of their skin or religion. I hate people whose cultures promote stupid violence, stds, spending tax payer money, etc.

Black man or woman with a job who doesn't have 3 kids to their different girls/guys is fine. I hate their culture because they're too fucking stupid and dragging us down.


Niggers have literally never done everything. Even the most insignificant races like pacific islanders have done more for the world than niggers.

All niggers do is breed.

The Nation of Islam and Scientology have teamed up to bring us all the truth.

>Wikipedia "Demography of the United States
>As of April 30, 2016, the United States has a total resident population of 323,730,000
>12,6% of the American population is Black, with 38,929,319 people
>According to picture, 456,760 Black people have died in a single year, presumably 2007
>1.173% of their population dies every year
Now that I've actually done the math, it's not as bad as I thought. Annual death rate of 1.173% doesn't seem too bad.
Close to a thousand unborn niglets die every day according to this, though.
>Number of Black births 2013: 634,760
>Number of Black births 2014: 640,562 (we'll keep that one)
>Number of Black abortions (presumably 2007 or circa): 363,705
>36,22% of Black babies get aborted
>More than a third
Hmmmmmmmm really makes you think.
No I'm just kidding. Or am I?

That video, in spite of its quality, is really quite something.

kek insanity would be the best word to describe it


They used to be quite valuable before we did away with slavery. Now? They're a drain on society and completely worthless.



Dead Black Men
If you weren't so violent and didn't keep breaking the law, the world wouldn't have to be so hell bent on protecting themselves from you.

Lol Democrats actually encourage the murder of black unborn children

yeah. because power comes down to rape and drug dealing and armed robbery and abandoning one's own children.

so brilliant! I am so impressed.

>live like piss drinking apes on the continent of Africa for 6000 years up to current second when left to their own devices

>wew lad

Ding ding ding

>Hell bent on exterminating
>black men
This is just nogs being buttmad about not being competent, responsible, self sufficient, or accountable.

Is this a reddit raid or something?
A few of these threads just came out of nowhere.
Sorry but white guilt doesn't exist here. And a lack of white guilt does not equal racism

>a race that does nothing but produce and work
>multiplies fast enough to overpower the white race
>laborers, so bigger than most white people.
>little to no intelligence

Basically if horses fucked like rabbits, had the intelligence of a ant, and hated white people

These threads pop up all the time.

They're bait.

You're supposed to react to them in a predictable manner.

These posters are sarcastic. They set you up so that lurkers can enjoy the commentary from anons listening to themselves speak.

This would be nice if it were possible, but most of them are genetically predisposed to being shit-ass criminals and deadbeat dads.
Most of the exceptions are the ones with mixed ancestry.

Skin color itself doesn't matter but genetics most definitely do, and pretending otherwise is just delusional.

I think the most optimistic outlook is that genetic modification will allow us to artificially select for higher intelligence and lower aggression.

Dear black men, or dear Jews?