Will Russia ever join the EU? What must happen before they do? Do any Russians want closer ties with the west?

Will Russia ever join the EU? What must happen before they do? Do any Russians want closer ties with the west?

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Not for the foreseeable future. Western Europe is already have a bitch time with Poland, throw in the Russians and you'll have even more brexits.

Russians are Asianic, period.

I'm hoping the rest of the Balkan states stay pure. Let alone Russia.

Russia wants to create its own sphere of influence, they won't play second fiddle to Germany.

The same is true for France and the UK, arguably. UK left. Still waiting for France and Germany to divide Europe between themselves.

As Western as Richard Kalergi and Jean Monnet. the former being Oriental and the latter Middle Eastern

Even if they wanted, you need full approbation by every member and the Germ*ns would veto it. Americans and Brits would also somehow find a way to prevent this.

order of law not order of putler then maybe
which is out of the picture as long as he lives

>Will Russia ever join the EU? What must happen before they do? Do any Russians want closer ties with the west?
When Trump + 90% of all republicans + a good portion of democrats too and Putin + his oligarch cronies + the remnants of KGB are all dead, sure.

Why not?At that point the USA will be joining the EU too :^)

I wouldn't mind that.
Talking about the majority of people - they want what the TV tells them to. The opinions are changed overnight, quite literally. Turkey is our best and the most honest ally - they shot down our plane - the next day I wake up in the world where Turkey has always been an evil empire that uses chemical bio warfare on innocent kids (no joke, those were the headlines) and we have never had an alliance with them in the first place. And nobody remembers that it was just yesterday.
It's like something out of the Orwell's 1984, honestly.


Why are Americans so edgy?

>Turkey is our best ally
They weren't since 50's.
>Evil empire blah blah blah
Actual news only reported the decline in relationships because of the military incident.
>no joke
A joke of a magazine/news station it is then.
>we never had
Because we never had.
Maybe you and some other dumbos who watch political shows with "experts" 24/7 and have an internet circlejerking sheep mentality.

They won't. There was a slim prospect of them doing so, but the NATO shit quickly soured that.

Russia has been Soros: The Country for almost a century. If the floodgates are opened, Europe is fucked. It could possibly be even worse than Turkey.

With the UK out, there's shouldn't be much trouble. France and Germany have different niches of power. Remember they actually were the ones to creat the EU (plus some irrelevant non-countries that happened to be between them).

t. never been to russia

"Western" is code for anglo-jew and their cucks.

The EU is kinda western in a way, just like Japan after getting hiroshima'd into a hentai weirdi manga;the country.

>Will Russia ever join the EU?

>Do any Russians want closer ties with the west?
yes, I want big American cock in my wet cunt :3


EU is more likely to join the Russians than vice versa


That's your hijacking of OUR blood right

West = ethocultural monoblocks, racialism, imperialism, gun rights, natural inequality, eugenics, tradition


Never going to happen for many reasons:

1. Russia has failed to develop a true-democracy.
2. Russia won't balkanize in recent 50 years.
3. EU has certain economical and military restrictions which can not be implemented in current status.
4. Russia is not Asiatic, but has significant cultural distance with 90% of EU members.
5. EU won't last longer than 70 years.

Post nudes.

>worse than Turkey
Russia is literally EU tier country in comparison with subhuman roaches with their pro ISIS president Perdogan

>subhuman roaches

I believe you, but you picked a wrong flag to post this.

We are not the same with them, we despise as well

Poles and Portugese are not the same either.

He yлoвил cмыcл, чe cкaзaть тo хoтeл? Tипa мы oни и мы мycлимы, и paз y нac oбщaя peлигия, мы дoлжны быть дpyг зa дpyгa гopoй?

Noooo, stop, now I can't understand the bantz unless you switch back to English.

Teпepь yжe я нe yлaвливaю.

Tits or gtfo

>I am listening

Russia is its own thing, and it should stay that way. Russia is too intelligent to even think about the EU.

Boбщeм знaй чтo вcя Цeнтpaльнaя aзия их пpeзиpaeт, oни мoгли бы cтaть cтpaнoй, кoтopaя мoглa бы oбьeдинить вceх тюpкoв, нo oни cкaтилиcь в cpaнoe гoвнo, ocoбeннo co cвoим paдикaльным иcлaмизмoм. И тo чтo oни имeют BBП бoльшe чeм y нac, нe дeлaeт из них людeй

>2. Russia won't balkanize in recent 50 years.

>Still waiting for Russia to make Novorossiya a new oblast.

EU has nothing to do with Europe though, it is just a ruler of many European countries.