Who did you hate more?

Who did you hate more?

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Monica, Phoebe and Robin

Cats. He's a second rate sidekick of a shut-in.


Rachel was a huge spoiled bitch who openly showed she didn't care about anyone but herself

Team Monica ova here. Rachel a bitch. A BITCH.

As annoying as she was with her flip flop wanting Ted when he was taken, then not wanting him once she had him, Lily was still worse.

Lily no question
Rachel was a dumb whore but Lily was downright malicious and cancerous
Marshall deserved better

HIMYM had shitty characters, it was the premise/ plot of each ep which gave the show it's redemption. Friends had god tier male characters and passable female ones.

Rachel was super hot too.

lily was fucking vile, barely cute and on the worse show. is not even close

Barney was the only really likeable character on HIMYM, and that's only because his character was over the top

Marshall was likeable

He was likeable at times, just not when he was being a softy
Also, best girl pic related

Kill 'em all and let God sort them out.

Not even a discussion that Victoria's best girl.

Barney was a terrible person though.

Doesn't she cheat on her husband?

She was best girl before they brought her back to ruin her character
also her husband was gay or something I forget

Whats wrong with that? D:

Rachel obviously. You were on a break you stupid fucking whore.

Lily was qt and into spanking.

Lily left Marshall for no reason but to follow her shitty art dream and lied about it all when she came back

Rachel was a Stacy who changed her ways and became a dominant force in her industry

Easy choice

Rachel was a cunt who had everything handed to her and fucked her way up in the industry.

She grew as a character from the rich girl to be able to stand on her own feet, lily snuck off at every opportunity leaving marshal guessing, also lily hates marshalls parents

Rachel was terrible with the Ross drama but was fine most of the time. Lily was terrible basically all the time.

Lily is a piece of shit. She never minds her fucking business, she left Marshall to be a selfish cunt AND THEN she fucking makes him feel bad your being selected to be a Judge? Thats a solid fucking career move but she wants to go fingerprint in Italy? FUCK IM MAD NOW.

still better than lily tho

Willow was one of the best characters in Buffy tho

German and gay are not the same things user

Sure about that?

post feet

>those episodes where they had to have Lily try and look young again because of flashbacks, but she was already such an old washed up hag that she literally looked like a cancer patient.

None of them are worse than Ted. Fuck that guy.

He's a piece of shit both in and out of the show, such a pompous asshole.

bit sad desu, she used to be prime qt

I fucking hate needy, beta sit-com protagonists. JD from Scrubs is another atrocious example of this archetype.

The only exception to this rule is Ross.

But user, Ross is THE archetypal needy, beta sitcom protagonist. Ross is the prototypical pussy.

Ross is pretty far from beta desu senpai.

>pines after his abusive shallow high school crush for all his life
>not beta

He moves on a lot of times but she keeps coming back to him. A beta wouldn't have fucked the copy girl right after they broke up or ditched her going to greece.

But he never really moves on

He is literally a beta orbiter. His whole life revolves around Rachel.

Haha no she wasnt

By the fourth season she was by far the worst, and they seemed to use her as a vehicle for showing off bad clothing

If anything she's the one that can't move on. Plenty of times he moves on and she desperately drags him back into it.

Lily, obviously, what the fuck is the matter with you OP you fucking faggot


Maybe at the start but he degenerated quickly and by a large amount

Your fault if you watched more than the start.

You should've put Phoebe instead of Rachel. Phoebe and Lily are those characters that you would first get rid of if you had to and you wouldn't miss them.

Lily wanted Marshall to give up a job at the pinacle of his industry, the height of his career, that would have brought money and prestige, that he'd been working towards in shitty jobs he hated for years, so that she could go to Italy and do a nothing job that she only got because Ted happened to fuck someone married to a millionaire.

Lilly was worst.

Rachel was only a huge bitch with Ross.

Rachel has really let herself go.

This. There was literally no reason Ted not to wife her when they first dated

Thats funny cuz Jennifer Anniston is the only one of the friends cast who's looks have gotten better after the show.

Lily by far. She was a shit person.

Rachel was just a oblivious high-maintenance Stacy, but she was alot of fun too.

Rachel mellowed out when she had the baby.

Literally tried to make her lawyer husband give up a chance to be a judge.

>Thats funny cuz Jennifer Anniston is the only one of the friends cast who's had cosmetic surgery after the show.

Barney and Marshall were the most likeable characters.

Nah, he just had a persona for picking up chicks. He loved his girlfriends and never cheated, was generous looked out for his friends and even did volunteer work and shit.


3.30 in clip

>He loved his girlfriends and never cheated

Except he did.

>did volunteer work

Community service can't really be called volunteer

>Plastic surgery makes you look good

Love this meme

It does if you have it done in Korea, not some maximising profit hack in America.

Nothing wrong with her

Best use of music ever was the instrumental opening to Victoria by the Kinks when Barney was telling that girl all the stuff he'd done, foreshadowing the return of Victoria at the end of the episode. Sitcom kino.

Koreans get plastic surgery to make young people look like better-looking young people. It's like when young actors and actresses get nose jobs and such. The kind of plastic surgery older people get is trying to make old people look like young people, which pretty much never works. It's surgery, not magic. Nothing is going to make a 60 year old look like she's 20.

desu she always looks less hot in these blatantly "hot" photoshoots


I have a Korean gf with chubface and she's never once brought up plastic surgery. I keep wanting to slip it onto conversation but I can't find a good way to do it.

>implying 60 to 20 surgery happens, ever.

Hyperbole ruins your argument. Now I can't take you seriously, user.

As long as she doesn't shave her pits why would you want her to have surgery?

Rachel had nipples and was dumb
Lily was malicious and annoying

She shaves, I just wish she had a slender face. It's not even a difficult surgery and I'd even pay for it.

Please tell me she still has her godtier Korean pubes.

But if she ends up attractive, she'll leave you for someone better.

Which one Sup Forums?

nah she usually shaves those too
If I end up paying for it then there's no way in hell she's leaving

How so?

>nah she usually shaves those too

God damn. What's the point of having an Asian gf and letting her shave her pubes?

Dump her and get a thin faced Korean qt3.14. One that doesn't shave. Bonus points if she doesn't shave her pits (and lets you lick them when they're nice and juicy)

She's always been awkward and shy, she'll still be that way even after she gets prettier. She's literally told me how grateful she is to have a tall white boyfriend, I don't think she will leave after I buy her surgery.
I actually gag from the feel of hair in my mouth.

>I actually gag from the feel of hair in my mouth.


You're on your own, user. You're dead to me.

He was a selfish dick towards Ted/Marshall on multiple occaisons, and he only did volunteer work when it was court ordered.

if you hated rachael you're either a faggot or a hambeast female

literally she was only there so you could stare at incredible nips and ass all day u faggot

both were shit. hate these shows about NYC yuppies and their problems. only Seinfeld ever got it right.


is that Brianna Wu