Was it kid kino?

Was it kid kino?

Kid kino thread

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Scarier than most modern horror movies.

Phil and lil were the beginning of the sjw movement. They even have a strong single womyn mom who don't need no man

Phil was a bro though, but yeah there mom was an insufferable cunt

>"kid kino"

Yes it was.

As is pic related

She wasn't single.

this, buuuutt the dad was an incredible pussy, going back to op's point of it being kino, ahead of its time

of course though, you have to be looking at none other than samurai jack for true kid kino. some episodes had less words than some comic book pages, yet had you on the edge of your seat the entire time

not a single mother. her husband was pussy whipped though, but so was drew.

my fate

Drew was BASED when he fell off the roof and chilled with Tommy and the Gang though

That was Stu.

you're right, I got the names confused, Drew is a huge cuck

I was like 5 when it first premiered and I still hated Rugrats. The baby talk just pissed my five year old self off.

It's a pretty good representation of being lower class in the 90's.

>It's a pretty good representation of being lower class in the 90's.
whaddya talking about

>Hello, Dr Kevorkian?

>lower class
Nigga they had a huge house with a huge ass satellite not to mention their two cars.

We didn't know it at the time, but Angelica is one of the GOAT cartoon characters. By being the antagonist, she was actually allowed to be more than one dimensional, showing her compassion for others only in certain circumstances. That episode where Susie thinks Angelica stole her tricycle is the best.

have you seen the amount of toys and vacations these mafucka's have?

Godzilla Kino



underrated post


that feel when

It was a good show for what it was but it probably had a hand in infantilizing a generation of kids.
That and Doug turning young boys into faggot pussies.