Sup Forums literally cannot refute this

Sup Forums literally cannot refute this

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Strawman. Sage and report.

Did they mention that the dead house owner was an arsonist?

how the fuck is that a strawman?

He's not accusing Sup Forums of having this argument, retard. I'm not even saying he's right, but fucking step up and refute it you perfunctory fucktard.

This seems to imply that all lives matter is right, and that blacks are responsible for 93% of black deaths.

How did the house catch on fire?

The black community is on fire from black on black crime. Proportionally more white die to cops than blacks. Cops are in black communities more because of crimes. Of all the black blm martyrs shot by police it is a minority that werent brandishing weapons and attacking cops.

rioting niggers

Your cunt reply made me actually go through that cuck comic.

you know it's a strawman.

your entire premise is built on white logic.

so please move to my neighbourhood here in sweden and embrace diversity or GET OUT

>He's not accusing Sup Forums of having this argument, retard.
He kinda is.

If anything, I'd argue that the #Blacklivesmatter campaign is detrimental to black communities, and that the assertion to #Alllivesmatter is designed primarily to prevent these communities from destroying themselves.

The house is a chemical/oil fire.

Whites are being killed by police too. The BLM narrative would have you believe that only blacks are being killed. "Black lives matter" means exactly that - only black lives matter despite the fact that blacks aren't being killed at any sort of disproportionate rate. In fact, if you look at the statistics, you'll find that for the number of police encounters, blacks are LESS likely than whites to be killed by a police officer.

If you want a honest debate about police brutality or whatever, you need to accept that black murders are not outside the normal range for police murders in general and in this context, the only sensible response is "all lives matter". If you just want an excuse to agitate, go ahead and scream about only the black ones.

>Sup Forums will always believe that niggers are a shit race
and that is why faggot OP can never rustle any jimmies on this board

If the house on the left is not on fire then exactly 0 white people are killed by police.

case closed checkmate fucking rekt get fucked

This would make more sense if the one guy set his own house on fire, and the second guy was wetting his to prevent it from catching fire too.

Yeah except this also means BLM is complicit in all the cop shootings by those "individuals who don't speak for the rest of us"

And if you want an actual refutation, when you compare Blacks killed by Police Statistics to the population demo's, that are disproportionately represented. However, they are also disproportionately represented in the violent crimes statistics

What is interesting is that the violent crime percentage and the blacks killed by police percentage... Almost exactly matches up. It's only off by a few tenths of a percentage point.

Black people are killed 100% by police proportionately to the overall violent crime rate that black people are responsible for. ie, they interact and got shot with the police the same as any other race.

Oh my lord this is the most retarded thing I've seen in awhile.

By the way waters barriers (focusing on hosing down nearby houses/land) are real techniques that we do in the FD when a house is burning next to other structures that might catch fire.

Oh I agree, all races have their own separate state of affairs. However, the problems of blacks are their own. They're not entitled to our help fixing their problems that they brought on themselves and/or created outright.

More to the point of the comic, though, the house that's on fire shouldn't be meant to represent blacks, it ought to represent whites, who are currently finding themselves in the middle of massive civil unrest due to the aggressive and entitled attitude of blacks.

Another point, although proponents of the phrase "black lives matter" insist they don't mean to disparage other races, but merely bring attention to the perceived problems of their own, I highly doubt they'd ever afford the same kindness to whites should they ever find themselves in a difficult situation. In fact, that's exactly what's happening now. Instead of acknowledging or even attempting to discern the deterioration of western civilization, which they've helped bring about, they demand that we invest all of our energy into fighting "unconscious racism."

Every single phase of the civil rights movement has been a big fucking gibs fest. Send them back to Africa or bring on the race war.

Have fun explaining to most people, and especially to blacks or people who have already gone off the far left cliff.

If he died in the fire then what's the point of putting out his house?

But ALM don't seem to do anything other than sap attention and will of BLM. If anything the radicalization of BLM is somewhat caused by moderates forming the ALM

>set your house on fire
>complain when people secure their own houses from your stupidity first

The house on the right is constantly catching on fire because its owner is inherently dumb, lazy, reckless, selfish, and not willing or able to plan for the future. The homeowner constantly leaves his gas on and refuses to fix the faulty electrical wiring that constantly ignites and causes fires. The constant fires threaten the responsible neighbors' nearby homes through no fault of their own. The homeowner isn't responsible enough to own a home with modern amenities. Thanks to the homeowner's irresponsibility, the constant damage has made the house structurally unsafe. It's best to condemn and demolish that house and bar the homeowner from owning a house in this neighborhood. The homeowner is better suited to a carefully regimented work and living situation or moving to a neighborhood with other homeowners like himself where his behavior is the norm and neighborhood policies were designed with this in mind. The current living situation is bad for the homeowner and dangerous and unfair to everyone else.

I'm willing to entertain the whole systemic racism thing and have a discussion, and what we can *do* for black people, sure, fine lets discuss it. There is precedent that history did not give them a fair shake and, despite popular belief of the American dream, poor people tend to stay poor (and poor people commit more crime) - but this narative that cops are going out and shooting black people willy nilly, when the reality is cops get called to black neighborhoods in placed like NYC since white people only account for something like 2% of the illegal gun fire in the entire city - it's ludicrous.

It's so anti-fact and anti-intellectualism it's mind blowing, but considering that 3/4 of democrats would want Hillary to continue running for president even if she was convicted during the FBI investigation... I don't know what to think anymore.

I agree there's a cultural problem with the blacks, how they shoot each other and their fathers leave them etc, but white society or racism are by no way their problem

>There is precedent that history did not give them a fair shake
Blacks enslaved blacks then sold them to whites who then removed slavery.
Every race on earth has had slavery/been enslaved at one point, they aren't special.

If I put out the fire, the owner's kids will just light another one. Might as well water my garden instead.

What's there to refute? Of course the burning house should be hosed. Now what?

>Forming the alm
Alm isn't ipeven a group, it's just a reaction/rationalization of BLM

>send them back to Africa

Even at 40 grand per person, this would be a huge savings to America and the Western world.

Create a full multimedia add campaign.
Make it sound appealing.
Offer them:
>free plane ticket
>government office will complete your paperwork and get you citizenship in African nation of your choice (we'll offer those nations something in return, probably just 10k a head)
>2 years of welfare and ebt level benefits in Africa, making you essentially rich compared to the locals (yea, it'll probably get a lot of them murdered)
>10,000 cash
>you renounce your US citizenship with a binding agreement that you will never step foot off the African continent again, doing so will be a felony in all countries that sign on to the 'Back to Our Homeland Accord'.
>you have to take all minors in your care with you, they each get the same agreement as their guardian

I think it's a small price to pay if it means reuniting them with their ancestral homeland and getting them their due reparations.
Reparations are perfectly reasonable, as long as they gtfo.

>All homicide matters
>All robberies matter
>All violence matters
>All rapes matter

Holy shit, why hasn't anyone else thought of this? Reparations in exchange for deportation is fucking genius.

I hear you brother.
Your arguments are sound.

I honestly hope that Hillary kills over from a random stroke/aneurism or something.
But she is clearly guilty and deserves her felony level conviction.

You're right, we should be out there ruining our neighborhoods because some criminals got shot by cops while black-on-black violence continues to account for about 80% of murders with firearms, and while more whites are killed than blacks by police every year.

Probably because none of them will take it.

>He died in the fire.
Should have watered his own damn house, fucking non-watering nigger.

The thing is, any of them with a brain will realize that no amount of money we would reasonably offer is worth the loss of comfort and safety had living in a fully developed country.

But the upside being that the stupidest might actually take it.

We could also offer it as a plea bargaining tool and a tool to accept probation/parole.

Don't want to do 5-20 years in prison?
Renounce your citizenship, here's your check, don't come back or we'll shoot you on sight.

>not taking free money

There is no fire you fucking dolts

Yes cool that is fine but America had a long standing history, post slavery, of racism in some form that objectively held people back. Even once slavery was abolished, it wasn't like anything was done to help them catch up - all those no-longer-slaves were poor as shit.

Poor people tend to breed poor people, and family income has shown to influence intelligence and behavioral development, crime rate, etc

And then there is the whole profiling side of it, that because black people make up 14~ of the population, commit 28% of all violent crime, people view the entirety of that group lesser in some way. Maybe not significantly, but enough nickles and dimes eventually adds up to real dollars.

At the end of the day they weren't given a 100% fair shake and there are domino effects that still exist. Much in the same way that declaring bankruptcy doesn't just give you a fresh start and that bankrutcy will hold you back for the better part of a decade, black people still feel the effects of slavery in some way.

I'm not calling for reparations, I don't think affirmative action itself is necessarily the right answer, and everytime a cop shoots a nog with a gun we can't jump up and call it racism and hail Mike Brown as a martyr when he was the literal definition of a thug and deserved what he got... But there is a bit more we can do to fix the problems that exist in society.

You do realize that a burning house is completely different from a dindu getting shot for acting like an ape, right?

They're stupid but they're not stupid enough to not realize Africa would mean no technology.

They don't know what that means. Everything is a crisis to them, has been, always will be.

It stops the fire from spreading if you keep your house wet.

Fuck the other guy's house.



Literally Liberia, read about it.

If the house owner died in the fire, who the fuck cares? let it burn down in a controlled fashion.

>lefties not knowing anything, as usual

>It's not my fault that some idiot can't stop his house from catching fire, why should I be the one to deal with it?

And for the overwhelming majority, it would be MASSIVE savings for the American people over the course of each individual life.

A lot of these people suck up various types of benefits throughout their whole lives.
They cause an inordinate amount of pain & suffering and damage their communities, hurt progress, drag the school systems down.
The students around them get their classes disrupted much more, they distract the teachers and the administration and they continually try to lower academic standards to get more of them to pass and graduate.
But doing that doesn't help them.
It hurts everyone because they have a useless 'education'.
If you're familiar with inner city schools or alternative schools, you'll realize that most of their graduates couldn't even hope to pass basic algebra or even non-credit preparatory classes at their local community college.
80% of our law enforcement budget is for them.
70%+ of the prison budget is for them, much more than their actual percent of the prison population even, because they require much more intensive supervision and higher security to keep them from hurting each other, themselves, the guards or the facility itself.
Poor neighborhoods full of crime with an inordinate amount of non-working residents suck up city/county/state/federal funds while contributing very little in return.
Half of subsidized housing is for them.

And their culture and presence even lowers the whites around them.
There are those that buy into their bullshit pop culture and their trash style of living.

Slavery was abolished then those Jim Crow laws were instated, then those were abolished. They have literally no excuse now. They start poor then they work their way up like literally everyone else aside from children of the wealthy.

>And then there is the whole profiling side of it, that because black people make up 14~ of the population, commit 28% of all violent crime
More than 50%. And I genuinely don't care if they don't like it, if they don't like it then they need to start teaching their communities to stop being such niggers and to act like respectable human beings. But they don't do that now do they? Instead they attack any black man that tries to get ahead because they're "acting white".

>black people still feel the effects of slavery in some way.
Do you feel the effects of slavery? I can guarantee multiple generations of your ancestors were slaves at one point, regardless of what race you were.

And you say affirmative action isn't the answer yet that's exactly what you're calling for
>it wasn't like anything was done to help them catch up
They deserve nothing, they have the same options as everyone else they just choose to act like thugs.
Besides, right now they DO have affirmative action and it still doesn't help them at all, they still can't act civilised.

Can we just improve the lives of poor blacks while ignoring poor whites and other races?

Honestly, I was poor.
Dirt poor. And my mother spent most of my life in prison and I was raised by my grandmother who was very old and lives off of social security.

I helped many of fellow students with chemistry, physics and calculus.
I didn't have anyone that helped me, I never asked for help.
I chose to take advanced classes without any push at home or anyone to model my behavior after, especially not a father figure.

And somehow I didn't come out deformed despite my mother being a junkie and I didn't end up too messed up from living in a house with her drug dealer boyfriends for 7 years.

Almost all the violence I experienced growing up was from black people.

I have very little sympathy for them as an adult other than that they should have all the same rights an access to the same social programs and services as everyone else.