What does Sup Forums think of the two newest additions to Civ 6, Khmer and Indonesia?

What does Sup Forums think of the two newest additions to Civ 6, Khmer and Indonesia?

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It's a shit game, Civ V was much better


Shit game, and i'm still mad at how they fucked up Pedro II's appearance

who the fuck is Catherine de Medicis


queen and regent of france in the 16th century


>His name isn't even spelled properly
Who the fuck does this?

I'm an oldfag and stopped playing Civ after IV.

>still no Mongols
Shit game.


just another woman they had to shoehorn in
so many cool frogs to pick from and they picked an italian woman


4th most populated country on earth and most people don't even know they exist. Indonesians themselves didn't even remember they had a seafaring empire until a Dutch archaeologist stumbled on some ancient ruins and started doing all the research.

You'd be hard-pressed to find a more unremarkable people. But sure, put them in the game instead of us.

Why not just name it Majapahit?

You were in Civ5. Be patient, Civ6 will shit out lots of expansions civs before it's cycle is done.

>muh realistic graphic
Ducks never changes

>Civ 6
Just play Endless Legend.

Why do Dutch have such normalfag tier taste?

He's right though. Civ 6 feels extremely small and unfinished

Their release cycle is all fucked, it's been a year since Civ 6 came out and they haven't even announced the first xpac. Probably still trying to figure out how to make the AI more capable than a styrofoam peanut.


>be Thai
>get conquered by a fucking peacock

>Civ V
Neck yourself, normie. Civ IV is the best.

I agree

not gonna bother with this piece of shit

civ5 is a terrible game but id drag my dick through a mile of broken glass to play it over civ6

why do people play turn-based strategy like civ when Paradox games exist?

civ V is one of those games I had huge problems with but still ended up playing for 200 hours so I dunno what to think

Paradox games are not turn-based, genius.

He didn't say it was.

He means he hates turn based

because they are very very greedy

Why play Paradox games when Creative Assembly games exist.


That's the Anglicization and you damn well know it.

Damn right

>Australia in
>Venice and Denmark out



playing civ v as celts and conquering rome as we squeak

Troll or go back to school, we learn this in mid school + high school