>Ron Paul
>Michael Flynn
>Jim Webb
Who do you choose?
Trump VP
rand paul as VP
ron paul in charge of US treasury
>Dubious Choice
>Super Retard
>Con Paul
>Based Michael Flynn
>Jimbo WEEB
Come on
Wouldn't Flynn be better for Sec of State?
Jim and Ron can get Indepedent and some Dem vote if VP
Does Webb have a chance or is it just Meme Magic?
>gets constitutional conservative and libertarian vote on lockdown
>non interventionist
>cool hair
>appeals to young people
>appeals to moderate/independents
>dude weed lmao
>anti establishment but with legislative experience
>good assassination insurance
Literally the best pick.
We need to keep Rand in Senate, he is a good ally.
Ron Paul is the perfect choice
Ron is too old.
>These beta cucks liking Ron the Con Paul
He's a con-artist Alex Jones-tier fag, he never experienced real war unlike based Michael Flynn.
might swing virginia and a good chunk of the dems
I'd worry more about getting rand/ron on the ticket seeing how lolbertarians are getting traction
Webb or Flynn
why the fuck is everyone shilling for flynn out of a sudden? he won't swing shit
Jim Webb.
He's not a coddling liberal and killed a gook.
>Preferring to shill for Ron the Con and Jimbo WEEB
Git out
Are Rand Paul and Ron Paul related? Is Rand, Ron's son or something?
This election is about winning over moderate democrat whites who are scared by BLM and have stopped trusting hillary
Webb or Flynn are sensible respectable old school democrats, JFK style democrats before bernie hijacked the party and turned it into a european socialist style joke
Both add credibility and will calm old white boomers into voting for trump
Trump cannot have his VP be a hothead or a loose cannon…picking a libertarian would be an incredibly stupid move
Take from the democrats
Return the democratic party to a common sense center stance and away from leftist insanity
Ron Paul endorsed Bernie. I'd prefer Webb.
>Ron the Con's fanbase's intelligence at work
Based Michael Flynn boys
The only one up there who has experienced war is Webb, seeing as he's actually been in combat and even fucking bragged about killing a gook in a debate. To my knowledge Flynn was never enlisted.
>Ron Paul endorsed Bernie
the fuck? yeah fuck him lmao
Are you literally like 12 or something?
Jimbo WEEB is a beta cuck compared to Michael Flynn's alpha male persona
RP = more accusations of racism, doesn't really bring anything to the table. rand would be better as trump does get criticized from the debt angle
webb = literally who? even in the dem primary nobody cared about him
flynn = win
Ron Paul.
Then if Trump is assassinated the result for the left will actually be worse for them.
#BoycottCotton help troll BLM>
Sec of State should be Flynn and Ron Paul or Jim Webb should be VP.
Also secure Bernie Sanders a Cabinet position.
BOOM Trump won the moderate, Indepedent and some Dem vote
>ron is too old lol
Ron paul was 72 when he ran for president against obama and the democrats said "HE IS TOO OLD LOL". And here we have hillary clinton running when shes 69. too old? TOO OLD? These organ harvesting blood sucking politicans are never too old. Its just a meme you buy in to because you are a stupid goy. They can live as long as they want
if trump picked ron paul i would instantly climax all over my pants...
but trumps a cop sucking faggot who chugs pig cocks like its 1989
Franklin D. Roosevelt, you know, a actual GOOD politician.
>Talks about climaxing over men like a degenerate
>Spells cock "cop"
This is Ron the Con's fanbase's intelligence at work, based Michael Flynn boys
You can't Jeb the Webb.
>good assassination insurance
This. They wouldn't DARE kill Trump because Rand is just as bad for them.
>Ron paul was 72 when he ran for president against obama and the democrats said "HE IS TOO OLD LOL".
And now he's 80 years old. Don't think we're going to get 4-8 years out of him
With Flynn you Win!
I can actually picture Hillary having had a few organ transplants from poor girls that went missing in Eastern Europe.
What's with the Jim WEEB in this thread? What's it mean? Webb is a badass
That's why they are going to kill both of them at once you silly brainwashed beta cucks
With based Michael Flynn, you need not worry about shitskin terrorists. Jimbo WEEB will just duck under his desk like the cuckold he is
They really need to get Ron Paul at the convention
>causes pearl harbor
>sent us to die in ww2 for sheckles
>insured centralized banKing could exists
Rand is his wife's son
He's joking because Jim Webb's wife is of Asian descent.
Well you won WW2 nuked the weeboos, and killed the Nazis and Fasciophiles, so he did a lot of good.
I choose Dan Wesson as his 'running mate'.
He's the military man with actual public speaking skills and legislative experience.
You make it sound like that's a good thing. And Russia won ww2, not us
Wtf, I hate Jim Webb now
>Takes slogan from "High School Musical"
No thanks Jimbo WEEB, we got us a real man, and that real man is based Michael Flynn
there's nothing "badass" or "cool" about going toe to toe with charlie on his own turf and killing one of the gook bastards with your bare hands.
Ron Paul for maximum meme magic
I agree, that is literally the cuckiest thing a beta cuck like Jimbo WEEB could possibly do.
Based Michael Flynn wouldn't let that shit go down, he's a real American unlike Jimbo WEEB
Together they win
The fuck is High School Musical?
It's Jimbo WEEB's favorite movie, he has it on his Sword Art online account
The only good Reich winger is a dead one (Reich wingers are Separate from right wingers)
Yep thank those Dead commies for fighting for your collective safety and liberation, thank god it was the Commies that won WW2 and not the fascists.
You really are scared they're going to get your ip aren't you?
The Vice President has no real job except to help shape public perception of the ticket itself. It should be either Flynn or Rand Paul. Flynn for military experience, or Rand Paul to appear more constitutionalist because a lot of dickheads parrot talking points saying that Trump doesn't give a shit about the constitution.
>He was born after 2008
How young are you faggot?
I'm further that winning team with Webb as the secretary of defense
> Hello, my name is Jim Webb
> I killed shitloads of gooks with one hand while saving the lives of everyone else in my unit
> It's a pleasure to meet you
I'm 29.
well memed
Mad dog mattis.
Only mother fucker who is known to leave his security detail to get in a fire fight with 18 19 year old marines. And only crazy son bitch who releaved a full bird colonel from command.
He leads from the front, leads by example and is someone who could get shit done.
Were you homeschooled or something? No younger sisters?
This the worst game of fuck/marry/kill I've ever seen.
Webb is a decorated veteran and a Democrat, plus he'll provide a coolheaded foil to Trump's brashness. There really is no dirt on him whatsoever either.
Webb is also pro-gay rights, pro-gun, pro-choice, wants rehabilitory prisons instead of punishment-based ones, supports nuclear power, supports a better version of Obamacare, and is wary of China.
He would be the perfect VP.
wtf I hate Ron Paul now
Ron Paul! Has Sup Forums forgotten its roots?
President: Trump
Vice President: Rand Paul
Sec Treasury: Ron Paul
Surgeon General: Sleepy Nigger
in a perfect world it would be webb.
but as good of a VP as webb would be, it would lose trump the presidency. everyone is saying "durr hurr it would win him pissed off dems hurrrr" without realizing it would probably swing more on the fence republicans who are fed up with trump and his antics into not voting. he's already having a hard time keeping the bible belt vote and is to them pretty much just the "is not hillary" vote. a lot of them probably don't know who webb is but as soon as they see "THE DONALD HAS TAKEN A (D) AS HIS VP!!!!" on fox, that'll be the last straw for a lot of them.
as of now, it looks like it'll be christie. which will be a very, very, very bad choice. i live in new jersey, i don't like christie at all. he's like trump without any of the likability or meme value, with an added layer of good ol' jersey scum and corruption on top for good measure. he will lose a lot of support over it
Joni Ernst is the only correct answer if Trump wants to win.
>This is true
I was tasked to his security detail for a bit in 2003. He would walk around under fire yelling like a madman.
>Based as fuck