Does bigger penis = smaller brain.
Asians have the smallest weiners and are the smartest.
Nigs have the bigger wang but are dumbest.
Well I'll be damned I think I'm on to something.
Does bigger penis = smaller brain.
Asians have the smallest weiners and are the smartest.
Nigs have the bigger wang but are dumbest.
Well I'll be damned I think I'm on to something.
That's why Whites are Superior.
Best of both worlds.
hi small cock gay
im make 6 figures,1m96,7.5' dick,147iq
not sure how being dumber than gooks = best
this is how i want to look like if i was a girl, but without the tatooes and nosering.
look at japanese
they dont even fuck
they watch hentai and sleep with pillows
they breed themselves out
Poo in loos debunk your theory. Small dicks and retarded
No, that's just cuck science.
Nig dicks are the same size as whites when erect, and the iq gap is barely relevant between whites and asians.
poo in loos are basically asian niggers, but got the worst of both
More intelligent = less sexually active
IQ (tested) 127
Dick: 7.25 inches
>this pseudoscience
Some people have huge cocks most do not. That's just the way it is.
Whites aren't dumber than gooks. Asians are really good and copying things. All the innovation comes out of white counties.
it's the testosterone, niggers have high testosterone so they have big dicks.
Does a high test kills your brain cells or make your dumb? No..........Women are dumber and they have no test.
There is no correlation between testo and iq however it could be social norms that plays a small part. When you have high test you behave differently, you're less likely to be 100% beta doing maths all year/life long.
This is actually untrue. There is a correlation between testosterone and mental ability.
Wendy's right?
You can have high testosterone and have a small penis. It's genetic.
>women have no testosterone
Not true. Both men and women have testosterone and estrogen. Men simply have higher levels of it.
>I can't statistics
>Asians have the smallest weiners and are the smartest.
Call me when you realise the IQ concept is bollocks , faggots.(I'm not talking about the cognitive capacity of different races, but solely about the IQ tests and the methods of testing which only stress your memory & pattern-recognition capabilities)
>implying I'm not just bragging about my IQ and dick
142 IQ (last measured at age 22)
7" dick
They have so little it's none compared to what men have.
My point still stands.
>implying either your IQ or your dick size are attributes to boast about
>Asians have the smallest weiners and are the smartest.
Nigs have the bigger wang but are dumbest.
The only truth in this is that the average asian dick is among the smallest in the world
why are you so self demoralizing, rajesh
>asians are the smartest
>blacks have the biggest wangs
thats why white people invented pretty much everything and conquered pretty much everywhere right?
what does that make jews then? highest iqs and average peepees
This thread is cancer. I am pretty sure my IQ just dropped by about 10 points from reading it. OP, stop being a pathetic cuck and believing shit you hear on the Internet, literally everything you said is bullshit.
24, 40k, 6'1, 155lbs, 7.5x5.5 dick, 145iq
>plans for entrepreneurship
literally the ultimate male except i get anxiety and have a big jew nose (it's italian, i'm actually catholic)
God's Chosen Peopleā¢
I would love to disagree, but i cant
By your theory, then, women should all be brilliant geniuses.
Micro-dicks according to this theory. Wouldn't want that baby cock to be too big before Shalom Shekelhoarder sucks it, that might really turn him on.
No, not even close man. The same thing would apply for a women's form. The uglier the smarter (generally)
If that were remotely true you would be the smartest man in the world.
>falling for stereotypes based on race invented by the plebeians
> Big-headed user detected
No one is mentioning that people from india and the middle east have the smallest dicks. Look it up.
Scandinavians fall in the larger penis range of white people and are by far the most intelligent.
m8 this is the kind of revelation most people have in the 4th grade