I saw get out and its a perfect film. I don't even watch horror movies...

I saw get out and its a perfect film. I don't even watch horror movies. Shits just a real life social horror film that relatable.


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go away nigger

Lol get over yourself cumskin, pol is >>>thatway

How could fences be rated lower than get out?

can we call us pigskins? i mean ffs cumskin sounds so fucking stupid

Cus you are :

Its almost like critics in Hollywood are pushing an agenda .

>only cost 4.5 mill to make

>makes over 20 times that back

>over 100 mill

>hasn't even hit DvD yet

Stay mad polfag

>Peak black excellence always comes from a half white.

Really makes you think.

sorry bud, one drop rule still works here, you can't claim him now but shun him any other time. :)

>mother is white

When will a FULL black ever have success?

>Writen and directed by black man
>main character is black
>crys on demand with no assistance

Sure man ;)

isn't Barry Jenkins full black?

In what way is this relatable?

No you are thinking of key, this guy is peele. Even if he was, What happened to the 1 drop rule user? :)

Both their mothers are white. Never said he wasnt black just interesting that peak black excellence comes from half black. Barack Obama ring any bells.

Pretty sure I read they were both mixed.

You mean the men who have been treated in society at black men, you mean the president referred as the first black president.
1 drop rule user, you don't get to pick and chose.

Thoes are black men, raised as such. And if you think anyone is "pure" anything in the first place you must be saidly mistaken. You might wanna take a second look at your hidden family tree. 1 drop rule am I right?

Even when you scraping for scraps changing rules on a dime to fit the argument you still got nothing.


>having a white mother means you are raised exactly the same as raised by two black parents

you are straw maning hard here. I never claimed a one drop rule in my life, I am merely pointing out the flaws in your racist black superiority complex.

It's not about how the parents raise them it's about how Society treats them and Society treats men who look like Jordan Peele as black men. Every single day.

You keep on reaching for straws that aren't there you dumbass. SAD!

Are you implying that you would treat Jordan Peele as a white man or even European? HAHAHA I laugh at your foolish attempt to disregard your inconsistencies to perpetuate a false white superiority complex. :

Peele's mother is white

>one-drop rule

Just because he isn't one of us doesn't make him fully one of yours, either. Stop trying to claim our scraps, have some dignity

he either is one of you or he's not, you can't cherry pick mulattoes lol

t. a white guy

True, society treats them as black, but this just proves our point, being that even though they were treated as fully black, by virtue of their (part) white genetics, they were able to rise above.

I guess all that "I was held down by the man!" bullshit you hear is just that, bullshit.

He's not one of us, nor is he one of you. Are you having a hard time understanding that?

Nope nope nope you don't get to treat someone as a black man all his life and then once you successful call him White. one drop rule bitch

Like he said, you can't pick and choose he's either one of you or he's not

>nigger earns $2 million of that
>hollywood jews take the other $98 million

Sup Forums

Go back to your containment board.

Good god you're dense lol

Hurting your fee-fees?

To be fair, most black kids are only raised by one parent anyway.

Are we witnessing the dawn of blackino?

And what about all of the poor White obese rual americans who are losers in nothing but losers? Where was their white superiority.

He made it where he is because he's a comedian and we all know black men have Charisma and Swagger that white people simply do not have. If anything the only way he became successful was because not only was black.

Here's the thing you don't get to pick and choose one drop rule for you poltards.
You have fallen so far you can't even argue him being a dumb nigger you have to break your own rules to try to still lose this argument. You've already lost cumskin. Trying to accept a black man as one of your own. How the tables have turned. Jordan Peele will always be black, and this will always bean example of B L A C K E X C E L L E N C E

You just noticed

You must have autism, no one is calling him white.

you make a claim that blackness is socially constructed and biological and in the same thought claim as though he is no different biologically than a man with two black parents.

What are you trying to say you blithering autistic retard, you gotta nothing son.
Btw i'm not even him.

>Peak black excellence.

>First black guy to actually film something useful that is not "gangsta yo dindu nuffin"movie and one of the few that more or less doesn't behave like a fucking nigger.

Good for him. Still doesn't negate hordes of monkeys that would glorify pimping, drug abuse and "thug life" and then scream "Black lives matter!"

When they will treat ghetto folk the same way le whitey devil treats inbred rednecks, instead of going full dindoo, shit would actually get interesting.

Hell, maybe, we'd have that famed "diversity" thing and nobody would be so pissed at blacktivists (except Sup Forumscucks, but that's the fate of subhuman thinking he is ubermensch)

Go away Tariq Nasheed

Did you forget about Fred Williamson?

Fences was just ok, the stage version with James Earl Jones though was really amazing

does this mean less nigs in actual cinema now?