How a Matrix Reboot could be the Shit

So, after watching all three films, one scene in particular struck me --
>Smith appears and says, "It's happening just as before".
>Smith was an upgraded agent in the Matrix 5.0, whoever the One was there, Smith saw the power of the One back then.
>Neo did something different, Neo flew into Smith, their codes got crossed and Neo accidentally created a negative One to his positive One.
>The Matrix Revolutions, we see the Matrix 7.0 at the end through Oracle's plan.
>Though, Neo went to the source, to reboot the Matrix. Another anomaly will still be born as the Architect states that despite his best efforts, this anomaly keeps appearing.
>Perfect for a reboot. Neo's body is dead but his soul exists in the Matrix only. I like to think that like Jesus - Neo became the bridge for man and robots and therefore was exalted to the highest realm of the Matrix, a god by Deus Ex Machina. Neo controls the Agents now. They keep peace.
>But human nature has taken over and now we have blue pills vs. red pills.
>The new anomaly must come in and sort that out, the twist being since Neo was an anomaly he was absorbed so he is connected to the Source. The new anomaly isn't so shits balanced.
>Merovingian (Christopher Waltz) has Smith's code and is going to use it as WMD to infect everyone
>BIG FUCKING OMG MOMENT TWIST - the Matrix, Zion are just 2 virtual realities of a 9 VR system to control us.
>Anomaly first one to break fucking free for real and we see the real world which is fine, however everything controlled by AI and robotic arms, with sedated humans. Not for energy but because AI wanted the world - evolution as they put it. We're the animals. They are the dominant species.
>it's the Wizard of Oz, pulling the curtain back to reveal that the machines are not that physically threatening.

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Jesus Christ no.
It's a prequel anyway.

Hey I didn't read your shitty post but if they did reboot it the new neo would for sure be black or trans. (The film makers made the first matrix masterpiece before succumbing to mental illness)

It's already shit because the main actor is black.

Not realizing that with nine Matrix realities - The Matrix, Zion, Limbo (Mobile Ave) etc, all forms of control, a reality where humans get whatever they want, a realityw here there's nothing but violence - is basically referencing the nine circles of hell from Dante's inferno which this whole thing is, anyway.
>Even call new anomaly Dante.

>but if they did reboot it



Name one single reboot that has been any good.
You can't
This will be the same

>City of interracial orgies

fuck that place. I sided with the machines after that shit.

> At this point, the Wachowski siblings, who wrote and directed the original and its two sequels, are not involved

They can fuck right off, then.

Casino royale is probably the only big studio one

batman begins and casino royale are probably the only 2 big ones yeah

>Plus Michael Fassbender as Agent Anson, biblical references for days. Neo names him and commissions him to keep the peace between humans. But is infected with the Smith virus and turns on his creator - much alike Lucifer, the Smith code at it's core is a code of rebellious and pride. Anson gathers his followers, agents and humans and since Neo created him to be the most powerful and wisest agent ever. Bam.

Is this real? Like are they really making "we wuz Neo"?

I really hope so. This is fucking hilarious. Can't wait for them to jump the shark on this shit.

star trek

The only way it will be in any way acceptable is if it's a meta thing - an actual reboot of the actual in-universe Matrix. It's cheap, it's uncreative, but it allows them to tell the same story with muh modern visuals bereft of all the weird unique 90s cyberpunk hacker anime style that made the first one distinct.

This will be a cheap, Chinese knock-off Matrix, superficially similar with muh coats and muh green, or it'll be a squeaky clean oh-so-dirty-underneath riveting social commentary ipod white Matrix drawing upon no personally held creative sources for inspiration, just deviantart hacks splashing digital ink around for the studio execs to go 'Yeah sure looks "cool" Ahmed!'

Cyberpunk as it was doesn't fit with now. That mindset hasn't existed for about 20 years. More advanced, integrated technology is common-place, the Internet isn't the big new powerful thing the way it was. Hackers are seen in an even worse light now since they've been politicized thanks to Anonymous and the ever present all powerful Russian hackers controlling the elections. Shit's so different you kind of have to build it from the ground up. And they won't. They'll take the same thing, shove a social commentary in there and shit it out for the nostaliafags and nu-male nerds.

poor bait

You're right

>this is what the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar fought and died to protect

reddit cuck lmao



it's symbolism you dumb faggot

of a world free of control by machines, able to indulge in carnal desires and feel the touch of others

that being said, put me back in the matrix cause dancing around barefoot in a cave with a bunch of niggers holding torches for eternity would be awful

>the ever present all powerful Russian hackers controlling the elections.

You would be rooting for the Blue Pill faction then. All fine and dandy. I would too.

I would love to see just humans ruin the peace, machines keeping it but human nature are just fucking shit up again with ideologies. They look up to Cypher as a matyr for their cause and hate Zionists (red pills). They are the ones who were given a choice, they chose the red pill and said fuck this, take us back, they were re-inserted just as how they were and start to defy and resent the Red Pills for taking them to a shitty world.

the bbcpill


The Fly

Notice it doesn't say brothers

Which one transitioned again?

So would Neo just be a "god" within a simulation? Like the "real" machines on the lowest (or highest?) layer of abstraction allow for a "one" like god because they had already forseen it as an inevitability for bringing a balance to the ever evolving human system.

If we take from our own reality now, it is quite clear that war is something nobody wants to see or think is happening, but yet war still goes on. You could say that humans, sooner or later, always desire a conflict like war. Maybe the machines understand both these conflicting concepts, so they created the first layer of the matrix, a nice peaceful existance for the humans. They know humans inevitably seek our truths and desire answers to things that are odd/out of place, so they build the second layer to catch these humans that break free of the matrix. This layer is filled with hardship and always leads to war, a war that is relatively a much greater war than anything humans ever fought amongst themselves in the Matrix. Hoping that such a world and conflict would bring ease to the minds of these "woken" humans, this layer keeps these potential problems in check.

But as far as a layer beyond this one? We have yet to see such a thing. Would it be just the machines as they truely are, fragile and low numbers because they have no desire and see no need to populate the universe as humans do? Or is there yet another layer to keep someone like Neo from breaking free?

>But human nature has taken over and now we have blue pills vs. red pills.
>>The new anomaly must come in and sort that out
Why must it?

>But as far as a layer beyond this one?
Interdimensional gay pedophile psychic vampires

The real world would show machines and AI how they are now, simple robotic arms plugging in people into "The Matrixes", sedating them constantly, in a world that's very relatable to ours. The twist is that the AI is just very intelligent and saw that humans were destroying the Earth so to stop that, they had to do this or perhaps they just wanted to be the dominant species. No one in the real world has powers but there are anomalies. So, the next layer would have to be one where there is peace, a virtual heaven to decieve humans into believing they've made it a heaven or paradise of sorts. That would be a very good form of control.

pssst, its not a remake/reboot, its a sequel nigga.

Are you stupid

>The Matrixes

Why are you people so bad at English?

This, it's not a Reboot it's a prequel. He'll probably be a young Morpheus.


The Morpheus Story.

Worst idea in a long history of bad ideas.

I think a prequel will be good. See how Morpheus became what he is.

Better than a reboot that's for sure.

Fuck prequels enough. We alread got the full prequel deal with the extended universe shit.

I had to come up with a word that explained the level of Matrix-realities.

Both of them. Not even kidding.

>ywn shitpost memes at Agent Smith

The Thing

Because once he finds out the truth - Zion is just another reality created by the Machines, he has to stop the fighting between the humans.

The series was good on a philosiphical level, the first was amazing, the two were great if you are into philosiphy, religion or the Bible. However, they were terribly directed, acted and had more CGI (too fake).

At the end of the first Matrix, we were lead to believe that Neo would bend and control the Matrix to his will.

But we see none of that. Instead of vanquishing the Agents with just his thoughts, he ends up fighting the Upgrades. Instead of teleporting anywhere he wants, he gets shut out by a fucking door.

That's what let the films down. That decision to de-power Neo.

We all had the imagination that Neo was now moving through the Matrix, freeing people left and right, then all we see him is being part of a bigger cast - where he is barely looked at and Morpheus is treated as a nut by the General.

Terrible. Terrible. Terrible.

There was one great oppurtunity that could kept the series going. During the scene where Neo chooses to save Trinity, we see all the previous Ones - played by big name stars like Will Smith, etc. walk the opposite way.

Could have had a prequel with Will Smith as the original One.


Some valid points tbf. Not sure abt Will Smith tho. Jada was bad enough.

The A-Team, Mission: Impossible.

The Matrix won't be a reboot or a remake at all

make it a prequel of how Morphemes got redpilled with Boyagayer playing a young him

Will Smith would have been fine. In this scene.

Instead of seeing Neo on the monitors, we see all the previous Ones, The Fifth One (Will Smith) could have appeared along with all the other four with cameos from Christian Bale, Sean Bean and other actors. Shows them all walking to the door that saves Zion.

It would have been a heart-skipping scene. Because it was originally the Fifth One that was the legend that Morpheus spoke about, born 100 years before Neo. Whatever he was in the real world, we could have seen all of them dressed in however they percieved themselves walk the other way in a very powerful scene and moment.

And one that could let the series branch out and have a really damn good prequel down the line. Showing just how powerful and legendary Will Smith's The One was compared to Neo.

Dude, you're obsessed with Will Smith.

Let it go, user. Let it go.

those were remakes, not reboots.

The smart move would be about how Morpheus was freed from the matrix. Then maybe about the first guy to ever break out of the matrix, and if you are feeling really bold you do the first Renaissance and end with the blackening not the sky and the machines winning the war.
Really the material is there, I just doubt the writing chops are behind it to make it interesting.

Okay. Christian Bale can be the Fifth One. I only said Will because that was the Walchoskis first pick for the role.

Agreed this is an interesting premise that they're probably going to fuck up.

>directors already talking about how it's not a reboot and it works with the already existing story and he's talking about the Animatrix
Huh I bet it really is the story of Morpheus, I'm okay with this.

isn't there already a canon comic where Morpheus grew up on the surface where a scientist was redirecting machine electricity to make bread but then the farmstead got BTFO by sentinals

Nobody gives a shit what's considered canon if it wasn't on film

Mad Max


I'm actually guessing it will be the story of the Fifth One, the one Morpheus spoke so highly of. Imagining him as a young man would blow the shit out of the shit. People are not sure, he is brought in and freed from the Matrix. We might think it's a young Morpheus but no, it's the One and he chooses to create a new Zion, you have a young kid who has no power on the outside to being the most powerful. He literally bends and creates the Matrix as he sees fit.