Okay, so I'm going to attempt to have an actual disscusion...

Okay, so I'm going to attempt to have an actual disscusion, or at least hear back from some people because I do have a legitimate question.

So Trump is going to lose. I know there are allot of hard core trump fans on this board who are in denial about it but to those impartial it is obvious- I hate trump and Hillary equally, they are both monsters pandering to idiots.

So my questions is this:
>Shillary wins
>Supreme Court goes majority blue
>house possibly goes majority blue
That's a fucking killing blow. So what will happen to the current conservative establishment?

They know they have lost allot of ground to the younger genorations and that they are in need of a face lift, but how can they achieve this face lift without losing their core group? I don't think they will buckle down and pander to the new alt-right vocal minority because it won't win them any elections so what then? What will be their rebirth?

I'm expecting allot of Alt-right shit posting so inb4
>Hillary shill
>not paying attention
>gas the Jews/blacks

Thanks to all who reply with actual contributions.

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Sorry bud, didn't see it.

is no one going to point out the way he spelt generations and the fact that the letter he misspelled it with is completely on the other side of the keyboard? if i wouldn't know any better id say your fucking brain is on backwards son. did you shave with a fucking hershey bar today? GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU OUTSOURCED SHILL.

Hahahahha. Sorry man, typing on my iPhone cause I don't have a computer, too poor to fix mine. I'm a bad speller regularly and I'm cross faded from lmao weed and beer.

But I digress, let's talk about the subject at hand.

First off, the House isn't going blue. People cry "Gerrymandering" all the time, but the simple fact is that the Democratic population is just more concentrated (around cities) than the Republican population and the regional construction of the House will not be swayed by merely a Donald Trump backlash in an otherwise-winnable for the Republican party election.

Secondly, power shifts from the left to the right and vice versa all the time. Calling the mere fact that most of the powers are going into the left the "killing blow" of the right is a bit over-the-top.

The conservative establishment IS in a supremely awkward position after the Supreme Court made such rulings as legalizing gay marriage and public opinion, to the conservative's surprise, did not cause a backlash opposing social liberties, but rather supporting it. But this kind of thing happens once every 30 or so years. Once the right was considered the anti-nationalistic party (seeing it as an enemy of the free market) and then Reagan happened. The right is definitely looking at that kind of re-adjustment. They needed a candidate to re-define their party (while still keeping its core, anti-tax, pro-religious core), but Trump probably went a bit too far in that direction. Nonetheless it'll happen, probably in the 2018 mid-terms.

>have an actual disscusion
>So Trump is going to lose. I know there are allot of hard core trump fans on this board who are in denial about it but to those impartial it is obvious

You don't want a discussion about the trumpster, you want your opinion that you state as fact validated. But to come to your question:
>So what will happen to the current conservative establishment?
Well like you said, big blow to conservatives. That being said, I don't think Hillary will be a well-liked president and will hurt the dems in the long term. Also If the #mentallyHill win in won't be in a landslide.
TL:DR: Depends on how well Shillary would be as a President

I'm pretty positive we are heading for a major historical event. Hillary might win but the cracks are starting to show in the government. Banana Republic style corruption is the current norm. The accelerating amount and severity of daming evidence against public officials is going to reach a critical mass. The desperate scrambling among elites the past year confirms that there is enough information out there that could take down the whole government.

Past that, I really don't know. Anyone who claims to know, elites included, don't really know. Historically, we are in quite a bit of uncharted territory. All that is clear right now is that the US government has gotten itself into some very, very deep shit, likely implicating some very, very powerful individuals throughout the world.

So to answer your question:
I don't think it matters what specifically happens to the current "conservative" movement. We are approaching a critical point where the two opposing coalitions in the US will be pro vs anti government. Then it will be safe to say that all bets are off

I think its gonna end up in a way where the left controls the 3 branches for 4 years then it will turn on its head and go red in the 3 branches due to people (most likely) not wanting Hillary back in office and the noticable decline of the U.S as a whole . Also I wonder if the GOP is gonna put Paul Ryan as a candidate in 2020.