Does this get better? I'm on season 1. The only two interesting charters are Phil and the old guy

Does this get better? I'm on season 1. The only two interesting charters are Phil and the old guy.

Also Claire>Haley>Ariel

Other urls found in this thread:

The first two seasons are the best and after that it starts dropping in quality. I stopped watching after season 6, but should've stopped earlier.

ariel/lily > sarah > sofia > julia

No. Ariel smokes and is a degenerate

Just seen Ariel smoking a cigare.

Hyland is the only one not to wax her hairy arms, so she's automatically the best.

I heard they added a trans kid to the show.

Post older lily pics plz

Wait for the episode where Gloria pegs Jay.

Well well well...

It was only a matter of time

Ariel now reminds me of those forty year old bags you see in seedy bars on Saturday nights who've caked on lbs of makeup to hide their cracking face and squeezed themselves into an outfit they have no business wearing showing off their wrinkled cleavage trying to sink their claws into some man there because they never married or had kids but still think it's not too late as long as they're note menopausal. Desperate, self-loathing, regretful somewhat in denial, and most of all, utterly miserable with their life choices and who they have come to be as a result of them.


t-s-s-a has better stories than that shitty site

alex > haley > claire > literal dog shit >>>>>>>>> ariel jenner

It was only a single episode


Not by a lot, no.

I enjoyed it from season 1 all through season 3, but even I must admit that it did start to stagnate as the 4th season kicked off.

At this point it's completely stopped being funny. Seriously, you'll be hard-pressed to laugh even once at newest stuff they put out.

Also: Haley >= Alex > Clair > the rest

what happened to my sweet little girl? who let this happen?


Claire is my waifu

I dont get to post her because of beach pic bullying


That cigar is bigger than my dick :/


The Middle > Modern Family

No qts vs too many qts.

it's a pretty solid show through and through. i watched every season a month or so ago because i have no life and it wasn't too shabby. haley best girl.

absolutely fuck no


who is that dog faced lady in the middle?

photoshoped version of the left and right


Also does this show ever explain the mockumentary format that it uses?

literally looks like a whore

i love it

Lilly > All

The asian girl? She can't act

But she love you long time.

She's very rucky. She gets rich because they are too nice to recast

it's just quirky rich people throughout. you'll get sick of it in season 4.

she's fucking chinese businessmen now?

>Get breast reduction
>Tits are still huge only now they're hideously scarred

Smart kid.

Why do people still act like she went to maxican back alley? Clearly they still look in good shape.It looks like she got a lift, not a real reduction. They can slice the shit out of people these days and not leave scars. She can afford a better plastic surgeon if the first on did leave scars. She probably has $5000 lotion made from ground up babies to put on everyday. Just look how Mia Kalifa fixed hers and imagine real celeb money.

> he hasn't seen the pics

I've seen he ones from when she goes to an event sometime soon after it happened. Any recent one of the scars? They do need time to fade.

Wouldn't you for that money?

Isn't she a Jew too?