GOAT castings/The role can only have been done this well by this actor:
> Marlon Brando as Don Vito Corleone
> Joe Pesci as Tommy DeVito
> Andy Serkis as Gollum
> James Earl Jones as Darth Vader
> Eli Wallach as Tuco
> Alan Rickman as Severus Snape
> Harrison Ford as Han Solo (Only in ANH and ESB)
> Humphrey Bogart as Rick Blaine

> Al Pacino as Michael Corleone
> Bruce Willis as John McClane
> J. Jonah Jameson
> Charlize Theron as Aileen Wuornos
> Heath Ledger as the Joker
> Black kid as Lil Z in City of God
> Sir Ian McKellen as Gandalf
> Hugh Jackman as Logan
> Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter
> Orson Welles as Charles Foster Kane
> Literally every single role in 12 Angry Men

Other urls found in this thread:


idris elba - anyone

That guy who plays Fred Johnson in the Expanse was born for the role I swear.

>Thread actually discussing movies
Where do you think you are? This is Sup Forums - BLACKED & Pedo. Here's a bump, friendo.

>> Hugh Jackman as Logan

>One chance to make manlets marginally cool in popular perception by properly casting a stocky as fuck swole manlet as Wolverine.
>Cast Hugh "Chicken Legs" Jackman instead.

Fuck you, Kikewood.

Is Hugo Weaving perfect casting as Agent Smith? Or do I just love his performance so much.

Perfect casting

Kill yourself.

I'm yet to see Weaving not being perfect for any role he did. Even that nurse in Cloud Atlas practically saved the movie from being a complete let down.

To be added into GOAT casting

>German doctor in Human Centipede.

Say what you want about the film and his terrible performance in 3, but he was perfect in 1

danny divito as the penguin was GOAT

Are we counting tv? Because if we are, you forgot someone.

Hugh Jackman wasn't a good casting for Logan, but he did his own thing with it and made it great.


>> Hugh Jackman as Logan
shit from the start

alpacino as michael corleone

he didnt look like a good elf tho

alpacino as michael was objectively better than brando as vito. Once someone points out to you that brando is reading his lines it almost become unwatchable

He's too ugly for an elf (half-elf actually), but even then he played his role much better than any other elf around.


Bill Murray as Bob Harris in Lost In Translation

Wasn't he basically playing himself, though?

Lol please just learn already

Don't worry, you can still look up to your commy book version, kiddo

Isn't that perfect casting?

Marty was casted well also

Marti Elis Niemi as Pekka ja Pätkä

>J. Jonah Jameson
a bit disrespectful for the actor, don't you think?


>Daniel Day Lewis as Daniel Plainview

Bardem in NCFOM

Murray always plays himself, he's shit.

>Black kid as Lil Z
If there were only a website which might have this young lad's name...

>Marlon Brando as Don Vito Corleone
i dont deny this is 10/10 but George C. Scott & Orson Wells could have done it just as good


(In every role they've played)
Christopher Walken
Harrison Ford
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Bill Murray

And Christian Bale in American Psycho.

Any Phillip Seymour Hoffman role

Shhh they're still high off seeing their second R rated superhero movie.

Don't even care if it's consensus, Al Pacino as Michael Corleone will always be one of the worst casting decisions ever made by Hollywood

Maybe it's cause I read the book first, but Michael was supposed to be this young war hero that slowly turns into this brooding gangster, not a 40 yr-old-looking guy with a lisp

>Maybe it's cause I read the book first,
and who cares, the book is pure shit compared to the movie

Will Smith as Will Smith

your mum as my lover

This literally one of the worst opinions I've ever read on Sup Forums (which says a lot)
The book is phenomenal in every way

Comparatively, the film is watered-down nonsense


Every Puzo's book I have read looks like a fanfic written by a teenager. The only reason The Godfather got praised was because of the novelty, and thank god they got to make such a great movie with that


>being this much of an underage plebstain

JK Simmons as Schafer in Whiplash

I'm 31

that's even more embarrassing for you

Sean Connery as James Bond

Plebs don't know about the real GOAT casting


>MFW Hollywood is ready for interracial affairs, gay sex and realistic depiction of rape and drugs, but not an "alpha" manlet.

When will they learn

capeshitters, look past the Logan and appreciate OP's great taste

I knew his name dude, but you wouldn't know it, and so most people wouldn't get the mental image from it. this way anybody who has seen City of God will imagine that creepy niglet