*shitty irish punk music starts playing*

>Watch The Departed
>Expect it to be a crime/drama thriller
>Instead it should be called The Cuckparted
>mfw the protagonist gets cucked six ways from sunday


What was the point of this fucking movie?

Pic related: He literally didn't do anything wrong

I remember when the trailer came out and my brothers girlfriend thought it looked pretty bad, but I knew, I KNEW, that with that casting and direction it had to be a great B-movie at least.

This always makes me smile. Should I fire up my Shame pasta?


A poor mans Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

Why are you so surprised? Irish is a synonym to cuck.

australian detected


>irish punk = celtic punk

What did the final shot of the rat symbolize? It was too subtle for me

what the fuck did Irishmen eat before the Spanish brought them potatoes from South America?

they must have been peasants. It's funny how Irish think potatoes identify with them... but potatoes are not native to europe and originally came from South America (Peru).

>it's funny how people identify with race when they're not native to their homelands but originally came from Africa (Ungabunga)

>it's funny how Irish think potatoes identify with them
>tomatoes in Italy
>paprika in Hungary
mate you are fucking retarded.

Also maybe, just MAYBE fewer people lived in Ireland before 1750 than before 1850 but I am not a scientist so weeeh I don't know.

Ireland received its potatoes from Portugal. England got potatoes direct from South America.

How did Marky Mark find out Matt Damon was crooked?

and Portugal got their potatoes from South America (Peru). The potato is not native to Europe. The potato comes from Peru, South America, and they have hundreds of different strains of potatoes there.

kraut is a great cheap alternative to grow, when you don't want to starve

t. krautbro

And Britain got potatoes from Britsh Guiana, which in turn got them from Peru.

And when you buy a ball gag in France off eBay, they have to get it from China.

Why didn't he just dodge?

I would've deployed a tactical role that I mastered in training years ago and then took out he assailant with an instant followup shot from my trusty Deagle.

Why the fuck did he just let himself die instead of doing that?

That the apartment might have had a possible infestation of rats

I still hate Matt Damon from his role in this. Still.

With a cast, a budget and subject matter like it had, how did it turn out so bland and meh? By all means it should have been the second coming of Goodfellas, but it's a 7/10 at best.



literally their own babies. I'm not even kidding.

What the fuck's going with that hamfisted ending shot? I thought Marty was supposed to be a respected auteur, that was Snyder tier

Really shitty ending.
Felt like the kind you do during an english exam.

>Pic related: He literally didn't do anything wrong-

He was gay

get off Sup Forums for a while doesn't seem like you know what criterias make a movie anymore.

>Fuck yourself
>I'm tired for fucking your wife
>How's your mother?
>Good, she's tired from fucking my father

>maybe, maybe not, maybe fuck yourself

Is this considered good dialogue? Jesus

>can't even concentrate or understand a 2 hour Scorcese popcorn flick because you're too obsessed about an aging cuck meme



you're right, you're lying

>mfw that's technically possible and in the case of ireland probably true

>modest proposal reference on Sup Forums

huh, weird

I can see Sup Forums is where the intellectual masterminds congregate on this site

to re-affirm the fact in the viewers consciousn that the Boston accent is the worst american accent