Miss me yet?

Miss me yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


No, I miss woden

Go away, inferior prophet. I only miss Muhammad (pbuh).

Nah, i'm just missing my people who used to be loving and tribal.

yes, please come back.

I wish you can take me from this place

I love you this much, user.

You arn't the real Jesus, antichrist!

I just got these in the mail. They're pretty great! Going to give them out to people that seem like they could use 'em.


And yes, they're EXACTLY the same as you remember them.


>Miss me yet?
You walk with me every day.

>Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.“ (Matthew 16:28)
>missing a hack fraud

Flag checks out.
Lokek told me to tell you to get ragnarekt.

How is Wotan a cuck?

Was freyja frigg?

You can't miss a fictional character

That doesn't answer my question.


The answer to your question is the answer to my question, so it actually does.

>Fictional character
>You can't miss a fictional character

I don't have deep knowledge in Germanic paganism.
I asked you a question.
You can explain your position without me needing to answer a question that requires a knowledge that would make the question redundant.
If you can't, then your position is shit.

Someone has to have the balls to point this out.

>Not a leaf posting this
They slipping mane.