Russian President Vladimir Putin signed legislation this week that severely restricts freedom of religion by...

>Russian President Vladimir Putin signed legislation this week that severely restricts freedom of religion by prohibiting any religious speech or evangelization outside of places of worship.

How can one man be so based?

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Putin is orthodox.

How are Putin worshiping Sup Forums-boys gonna spin this one?

jewtinfags and christcucks BTFO

>Church speak stays in churches

Yeah, in Russia you you should be able to put GOD on the money, or have the president swear in on a Bible, and people in court sworn on bibles.

You know this is gonna be used as a pretense to fuck over muslim imams, right?

I don't see anything wrong with that

>> If you can't go to church, read the bible or something at home.

>>No need to go nuts out in the public about any religion.

>a law restricting American cults, aka CIA subversion operations
Why is this bad, again?

Polack OP is still butthurt russia stopped his ancestors from killing more jews?

And meanwhile he keeps throwing money at caucasian terrorists

Check, Mate

Now I get the plan.

>government builds giant mosque in Moscow
>prohibits mudslimes from talking about shitslam anywhere but in said mosque
>any and all conversation are recorded in said mosque

Oh no not the death cult! Anything but shitting on the most evil thing man ever created!

>missing the point this much
You disappoint, Bruce.

Hey Moldova!

All he's doing is stemming outside influence. Now obviously that must suck for people who are Russian and of various faiths but on the other hand it does prevent friction that will and is happening given that the only thing keeping the a big chunk of the 20% of the Russian population who are muslims, from rioting and fucking shit up is paying them off

>20% of the Russian population who are muslims

Where the fuck do you all get these numbers? I've heard 12% and 15% before, now it's 20% apparently. In reality it's around 5-7% and most of them are in the Caucasus.

Are you KGB that's literally a genius move.

>banishing Evangelical scum from Russia
what spinning m8, it's good as it is

So, no more processions?

Most of them are tatar,bashkir and immigrants from central asia kek

Resticts scientology fags.
Restricts radical islam
Restricts wanna be christian cults aka cia Subversion faggtry.

When have you ever been in an American courtroom, leaf? Turn off the Electric Jew, drive down here and see for yourself.

If we take it at face value doesn't this restrict Orthodoxy as well?

They'll probably be the only exemption in practice.

I can see the political reasons for this, he's trying to protect the orthodox church and stop degeneracy. In that sense it is good. It is very anti-christian though, soul-winning is the first works, and salvation is by faith not works so the orthodox church is wrong. Still better than the Swedish lutheran church though, but it won't save you from hell.

>counting only the ones in the Caucasus
>implying that those numbers are accurate to begin
>implying I'm only talking about people in Russia with Russian passports


it magically increases every month
in past they would say it was 10%, now it's 20%, in a month it will be 30%
>According to many surveys, Russia is approximately 7% Muslim. [3] According to a poll by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center, 6% of respondents considered themselves Muslims.[4] According to a Reuters news article by Robin Paxton, Muslim minorities make up approximately 14% of Russia's population.[5]
so apparently Robin Paxton knows better than federal government

Eat shit, communist.

Well done again Russia

can we borrow your president for a few years?

What are you trying to prove there? Literally all that is is referring to one picture that was of a street full of Muslims praying. I'm not wagging it in his face or any Russian's face, I don't want Russia to become, demographically, what the US is. A Nation fractured by fifth columns and double allegiance.

>le muslims

except russia is by and large orthodox christian.

Vlad finally waking up to the fact that all religion is just tavistock psyops bullshit.
Can't wait for the pogroms of mudslimes in russia coming up!

the ones in Caucasus are 4 million
Tatars are 5 million
Bashkirs are 1.5 million
so at least 50% of Russian Muslims are pretty much normal people
also, take a look at what Dagestan looks like, there are no ''Dagestanis'', it's a bunch of ethnicities in a federal unit
only an absolute retard seeking an easy way to smear Russia would ever imply Islam in Russia is as big problem as it is and will become in Western Europe
those people live there for centuries, and Russia still maintains control
it's a totally different problem compared to mass immigration in West, and Russian state deals with it much differently

So no more Jehowa fags knocking on the doors and Krishnaits singing their stupid songs on the streets.
Orthodoxy don't preach outside of the church and proseletyzm is looked upon so ofcourse it's not going to affect them.

At this point I would vote for him over Trump at this point to be honest.

and that's a huge difference
Russian state promotes religious revival
Western states do everything in their power to kill off Christianity

That you are exaggerating. There are muslim regions in Russia for centuries. There also some shaman worshipers still existing in Russia. It's big, there literally over the hundred of nations living in there. Still, ~80% of population are slavs and ~90% of population identify themselves as russians.

good less freedom less individualism

Your entire post was retardation in its purest form.

less tavistock control mechanisms

What if we created a board in some dark corner of the internet for SJW's to discuss their stuff, then outlawed them from discussion anywhere else? We could even make it a crime to be a SJW. Then we could monitor them and control their opposition from inside.

We could call it Sup Forums.

>the ones in Caucasus are 4 million
>Tatars are 5 million
>Bashkirs are 1.5 million
>so at least 50% of Russian Muslims are pretty much normal people
>fifth column minorities that have a history of being "persecuted"
Again, my point is that it's a weak point and something that Russia needs to deal with now.
>also, take a look at what Dagestan looks like, there are no ''Dagestanis'', it's a bunch of ethnicities in a federal unit
>only an absolute retard seeking an easy way to smear Russia would ever imply Islam in Russia is as big problem as it is and will become in Western Europe
I never implied that it is, only that it will become a problem in the future.
>those people live there for centuries, and Russia still maintains control
Yeah, because they occasionally genocided them or shipped them off to gulags or whatever. Modern Russian won't do that.
>it's a totally different problem compared to mass immigration in West, and Russian state deals with it much differently
Just because it's a different problem doesn't mean that it isn't a problem. Jesus Christ what's up with the persecution complete here?

They've been there for centuries, yes, however that was also when ethnic Russians had a comparable birth rate, AND occasionally rounded up a few tens of thousands of them and made them disappear.

>from a leaf

I agree

I laughed hard

Waaaaaaaaaaaait, so you like jews?

This is the man America wants to make its enemy.

What if we created a country in some dark corner of the world just for spics and then outlawed crime. We could even make it a crime to be a criminal. Then we could send slave niggers there to breed with the spics and then we let them kill each other

mfw your government can do whatever it wants because of the CIA boogeyman

Mfw our people don't even know what the KGB is anymore and now we're slaves to social media and political correctness.

The rules have switched. Now you're the paranoid state, and we're the commies.

Jews aren't a problem, romanians are the problem in europe

This is not anti-religion, it's anti-Protestant. Protestants and cults (Mormons, Jehovahs Witnesses, etc) are trying to upend Russian culture.

Putin knows the value of having a cohesive culture, and that is Orthodox.

Its hot this time of the year, isnt it?

>Jews aren't the problem

I mean he's probably just playing possum until she gets the nomination.
But the second she does he better start dropping pure unfiltered HAMMERS.

Tatars are as patriotic about Russia as average ethnic Russian
only real problem is Chechnya (now solved) and Dagestan
>Modern Russian won't do that.
they literally carpet bombed Grozny in 90's
if these minorities ever pose a big threat Russians will rape the shit out of them

It's less so that they're trying to upend Russian culture, just that they're being used to do so.

They still occasionally hunt them down like animals and every humans right organization starts screaming about fsb death squads.
As for the birth rates - muslim ones not so bigger than russian and russian are semi-okay by now, the main problem - emigration (just like us), so they need to fix their economy.

You want to turn this into a argument where your oppositions nationality is a valid argument?

Alright, so let me get this straight, you, a typical ignorant american, think that a person born in the country of topic of conversation, does not know as much as you do? And you list his specific numbers as "Inaccurate" whilst you claim a broad 20%?

Fuck off sperg, I know your natural reflex when a Canadian calls you out on your shit is "A fucking leaf", but don't do it when you're in a corner.

OP literally said
>How can one man be so based?
you illiterate cunt.
Fucking American education these days.

I say niggers like you are the problem

Paying off the current warlord isn't a solution, it's a stopgap measure. Until they start sterilizing them it's not going to solve shit.
>if these minorities ever pose a big threat Russians will rape the shit out of them
Until a large war comes and they're too large a part of the population, and a larger part of the younger population, and the Russian government will have to put more resources into it than they can afford.


Wow, summer is in full swing, comes out.

Their birth rates are plummeting. Not to mention that some of them are literally made up children. The more people there are in Chechnya and Dagestan on paper the more money they get for dem programs. And there is a counter-terrorist operation with casualties or a terrorist bombing going on in Dagestan every fucking week. I wouldn't worry about our domestic Mulism too much. Central Asians on the other hand need to be pushed out.

Funny that only Western media freaked out because of this law. Even local librul opposition don't gave much attention to it.

Don't care.
We literally AC more than Florida.

Im white, not a dindu

>isn't a solution
apparently it is
their insurgency is practically dead
>they're too large a part of the population
dude don't you comprehend that those people are in Russia last 200 years (some even 500 years)?
they're still a huge minority
they don't have big birth-rate or increase through immigration like those in West do
it's a meme problem invented by shitposters here who find it easier that their societies are collapsing if same allegedly happens in Russia


Why are you having such trouble with long term thinking

A true comrade

Let your people be your god and your religion. The religions we know of have long since taken on minds of their own, abandoning usefulness and purpose.

my Jehovah Witness family members were talking about this

It seems like you guys aren't smart enough to figure it out for yourselves, like a Swiss would with their arms and direct democracy and their neutrality, but your government is both loyal and cold as ice, in spotting the movement of ideas and money by organizations you'd least expect.

>Jehovah Witness family members
Jehovah witnesses actually exist ?


Too bad it became mainstream now.

>I need this on my handbag, call Milo!

There was much talk about countries such as Russia and China. That information was not free to flow. Now, in light of how we have handled our own information, our own government policy, you can see that the rhetoric was never about the free flow of information but rather the free flow of capital, across national boundaries, particularly when overseen be favored corporations and monetary entities.

>Tells muslims to imigrate or fuck off
>Unites crimea into russia
>Currently murdering ISIS

Greatest leader of 21th century (at least until trump)

Is he? Usualy Polans butthurt is pretty obvious. Can't tell this one. Probably because he is not.

>Russian President Vladimir Putin signed legislation this week that severely restricts freedom of religion by prohibiting any religious speech or evangelization outside of places of worship.

It doesn't
New law:,0&rnd=0.7905856506973927
Only serious change: can't do evangelization in homes BUT "except cases mentions in artificial 16.2 of the law about religion". And this 16.2 article literally says it possible to do evangelization in homes.

It is just big lawery speak mess.



If you, western faggots, weren't screaming about how brutal and bad Ruski army in North Caucasus, and supported them mudslimes, we hadn't so much problems there. Could you move your smart ass to Fashington, and tell them to fuck off, instead of pointing out our problems, the very problems you are a big part of? Thanks.

>weren't screaming about how brutal and bad Ruski army in North Caucasus, and supported them mudslimes, we hadn't so much problems there.
It is traditional foreign politics game for everyone. No need to put special blame on States

The mudslime birth rates are way higher than west-Russian birth rates