Can Sup Forums recommend some conspiracy kino?

Can Sup Forums recommend some conspiracy kino?

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the alex jones show on

How accurate is this movie?

Eyes Wide Shut the obvious one.

Enemy Of The State?

I can't think of anything like JFK.

What the fuck, I thought Michael Douglas was JFK?


not remotely. stone is a moron

Oswald didn't act alone, but he was the only shooter.

Friendly reminder that Oswald was innocent.

What's scarier?

There is a small group of people with certain plans controlling everything.


No one is controlling anything really, there is no vast conspiracy, no shadowy group controlling everything.

If you want more JFK.

Objectively wrong, user. He did kill JFK, but the CIA helped him do it.

2.8 heads in a duffle bag
3.Home alone
4. casino

Talk shit, get hit.

>that ending

>ywn tear your shit up and then play the sax

enemy of the state
Conspiracy theory
In the name of the father
Capricorn 1
Operation avalanche
united 9 3

He was.

Mandela effect, bro.

DJT coming soon.

Thought this was gonna be shit at first but man what a surprise desu

Anderson Tapes
It's like The Conversation but more entertaining.

Look at Oswald's face. He has no idea what is going on.

>He did kill JFK
Oswald wasn't even on the same floor as the alleged shooter took place.Even eye witnesses seen just eating lunch around the time of the shooting.

Never heard of this till recently. great film

UTOPIA is the greatest

Literally the only thing where it isn't accurate is combining some people and inventing new characters to tell things you fucking moron.

wow so it really was the jews who did jfk...

the film's most famous scene is the "magic bullet" demonstration, which is literally false. not to mention the film's entire thesis is that the official explanation is a lie/conspiracy, which is also totally false

How many shekels do you get for that?


so "the jews" did jfk now? i thought it was the mafia. or the cia. or cubans. or aliens

Yeah, the government would never lie to us.

Did you even watch the fucking movie?


The mob had Kennedy killed

>deniro in a movie about shady shit going on in hollywood
wew lad


It was the mob

yeah, dumb conspiracy "theories" that don't hold up to minor scrutiny are the real truth

buy my book to find out who REALLY killed jfk!

It as all of them

Manchurian candidate

which "mob"? on whose orders? by whose hands? for what purpose?


executive order 11110

Italian American Mafia

New Orleans mob boss Carlos Marcelo

Lee Harvey Oswald

To take the Kennedys out of power and to allow thevmob to continue to grow and become more powerful. RFK was hellbent on destroying the mob and with JFK in the white House this would've happened. Kill JFK, take away RFK's power

why would lee oswald work for italian gangsters? when and how did he become involved in organised crime? what was his motivation or reward?

seconding, The Conversation is absolute paranoia kino

Not him, but it is generally thought that Oswald killed Kennedy due to insecurity in his life, and a burning desire to be "somebody" such as a revolutionary figure.

Money/being tricked into thinking he was helping the communist cause by eliminating the biggest threat to the Soviet Union

Not sure, but he was a known associate of jack Ruby who himself had ties to the Dallas mafia and New Orleans mafia

See first answer

i know that. that's why i'm asking what he had to do with dago mobsters


The Parallax View
Three Days of the Condor
Marathon Man
All the President's Men

Enemy of the State is considered a pseudo-sequel to The Conversation.

>tricked into thinking he was helping the communist cause by eliminating the biggest threat to the Soviet Union
you mean the same soviet union that he was desperate to escape after living there and being disappointed with it?
>but he was a known associate of jack Ruby
no he wasn't. there's no evidence to support this

underrated movie.


>people think the mob is Italian

I wonder who could behind this misconception.


He may have been disillusioned with the Soviet Union but he was still big into the communist mindset and saw JFK as its biggest roadblock. Plus the mindset of "doing something big"

Let me rephrase. Oswald and Ruby weren't close associates but Oswald was known for frequenting Ruby's clubs. This is speculation my part but Oswald was known for spouting on about communism and I'm guessing Ruby overheard him. Ruby brings this back to his mob associates and sets the plan in motion from there.


The real zodiac, if he's even still alive, would be in his late 80's to early 90's

Manchurian candidate

this is my favorite reaction image.

"daahnald... hand over... the delegates, dahnald" says Ted Cruz, holding Donald Trump at knifepoint

just because people are gonna ask, was that thing even loaded?

>that one shill debunker in every thread

yes, the 'communist' mindset. he was a socialist who went to russia and found no socialism, so he took his wife and kid and got out. there's no evidence that he had any particular grudge against kennedy, and no evidence that he had any interaction with organised crime. he didn't need "the mob's" inspiration, approval or help to kill kennedy
>Oswald was known for frequenting Ruby's clubs

Are you just pulling this stuff out of your ass?

so you have no source then?

Not at all

Started off great, but the ending was total shit, and ruined what could have been a really good miniseries.

lrn2history, morons.

President John F. Kennedy encountered problems with the Israeli government regarding the production of nuclear weapons in Dimona. Although the existence of a nuclear plant was initially denied by the Israeli government, David Ben-Gurion, in a speech to the Israeli Knesset on December 21, 1960, stated that the purpose of the nuclear plant established at Beersheba was for "research in problems of arid zones and desert flora and fauna". When Ben-Gurion met with Kennedy in New York, he claimed that Dimona was being developed to provide nuclear power for desalinization and that "for the time being the only purposes (of the nuclear plant) are for peace".

Kennedy did not believe this, and in May 1963 sent a letter to Ben-Gurion stating, "this commitment and this support would seriously be jeopardized in the public opinion in this country and the West as a whole if it should be thought that this Government was unable to obtain reliable information on a subject as vital to peace as Israel's efforts in the nuclear field."

Ben-Gurion repeated previous reassurances that Dimona was being developed for peaceful purposes, and Israel firmly resisted American pressure to open its nuclear facilities to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections. According to Seymour Hersh, the Israelis set up false control rooms to show American inspectors. Abe Feinberg stated, "It was part of my job to tip them off that Kennedy was insisting on (an inspection)."

The State Department argued that if Israel wanted U.S. tanks, it should be prepared in return to accept international supervision of its nuclear program. Kennedy had tried to control the arms being sold and given to Israel because the Israelis would not sign the IAEA compacts for the Dimona nuclear site, would not fully admit its purpose and continued to insist it was for peaceful energy purposes.

(And we all know what happened in Dallas, in 1963.)

[citation needed]

In early March 1965, the director of the State Department's Office of Near Eastern Affairs, Rodger P. Davies, had come to the conclusion that Israel was developing nuclear weapons. He reported that the target date for acquisition of a nuclear capability by Israel was 1968-69. A science attache at the embassy in Tel Aviv concluded that parts of the Dimona facility had been "purposely mothballed" to mislead American scientists during their visit.

Dimona was never placed under IAEA safeguards despite efforts made by various U.S. administrators and presidents. On May 1, 1968, Undersecretary of State Katzenbach told President Johnson that Dimona was producing enough plutonium to produce two bombs a year. Attempts to write Israeli adherence to the NPT into contracts for the supply of U.S. weapons continued throughout 1968.

From that time until the present, Israel has amassed hundreds of illegal nuclear weapons of mass destruction, and not only continues to defy and ignore IAEA, NPT, and UN regulations, but also routinely threatens all other nations of the world with nuclear annihilation if anyone dares to interfere with their plans for world domination (Google: "Samson Option").

Now . . . who do you think is the REAL rogue threat to world peace? Here's a clue: It certainly isn't Iran (or Mel Gibson, even).

can't debunk eye witnesses that saw and heard shots from different directions

A Jewish gangster did Lee Harvey Oswald. When has a Jew acted out of some sentiment other than self-interest?


I've been found!

Couldn't they have airbrushed her face to make it look less haggard for the poster JUST

RIP Qaddafi


Eyes Wide Shut

The Conversation

this fucking shit scares me bra


Reported to the NSA.

Have fun with the rape.

You don't even provided link to buy it moron.

It was his father.