HAPPENING. @DrDavidDuke: "An exploratory committee of citizens in my District has formed to consider a run for U.S.Congress!"
> confirmation: twitter.com
> more details: youtube.com
Will you support Mr. Duke?
HAPPENING. @DrDavidDuke: "An exploratory committee of citizens in my District has formed to consider a run for U.S.Congress!"
> confirmation: twitter.com
> more details: youtube.com
Will you support Mr. Duke?
Sweet b.ump
Problem is nobody could work with him in Congress without destroying their political career. It would be funny to see him go on rants there, but he would be a lone voice in the wilderness.
david duke for president
duke crabtree for president
>Will you support Mr. Duke?
No shit. He is based as fuck
>tfw make threads every day for his radio show that get zero responses
>tfw made a thread when he was considering running on yesterday's show
>tfw zero replies
Does anyone on Sup Forums actually know who he is?
Please no. That guy is as worthless a human being as any BLM activist.
Ayy, fuck it, why not eh?
He is controlled opposition. You people are stupid.
David Duke is a fucking plant
This will literally sink Trump, he has been openly endorsing him
Someone 'lean' on this guy and make him shut the fuck up please
How did you come to this conclusion?
Oh look it's you again.
How's the pay working for the SPLC?
Career politicians with 2 digit IQs who haven't suggested a single solution to any problem whatsoever in their entire lives. All they do is sit there and defend Jew World Order interests.
>Let's fill our supreme court with them. Let's elect them president. Let's never complain about their incompetence and obvious evil agendas.
David Duke: The most qualified person who has ever run for congress in American history. He offers solutions to almost everything
>No he sucks. We can't have someone like him. I rather die than have someone like him in congress
He's been working to sabotage Trump's campaign. No real White nationalist would do that.
The fucker is s dnc plant. Everything he does is media related to paint rnc negatively.
Just ignore him
Did you not know he had trumps talking points when he ran for president in 1992? Why wouldn't he support Trump?
He's cost Trump far more votes than he's won by endorsing him. David Duke is toxic among normies.
Duke also decided to reignite the 6 pointed star controversy by saying it was a star of David. Not only did this undercut the Trump campaign's line - This controversy was reignited right as Clinton was escaped justice in the email case. People were once again talking about that stupid tweet instead of what Clinton did.
Every time he says something glowing about Trump it hurts Trump's chances. Simple as that. If he actually cared about helping Trump win he'd shut the fuck up until November 9th.
Semon demon??
What's wrong with this gentleman's face?
He's stated on his show MULTIPLE TIMES that he isn't endorsing Trump.
Get this uninformed bluepilled leftist out of here.
This. Duke for Congress.
Honestly, you only need 1 man pointing out the truth for others to begin to acknowledge it.
What a creep
Wasn't he in congress already in the early 90s?
House of Representatives in 1998 for the state of Louisiana.
Please elect him so he can name the jew on the house floor.
Can't Rebuke The Duke!
but nobody listens to his show and his twitter presence makes the impression that he does support trump
JIDF in full damage controll Ignore the fucks
David Duke is how i actually got redpilled years ago fuck anyone who talks bad about him
KKK need to shut the fuck up, they make Trump look bad
Also if the KKK were smart, they would keep it secret & infiltrate high positions, like Blacks think they do
>but nobody listens to his show
>yfw there are people who are paid at clickbaity sites to sit through his weekday show to see what kind of shit they can spin
Remember kids: Stormfront Radio is on at 9:07AM EST hosted by his longtime associate Don Black with David Duke following at 11:07AM EST
Look out for the threads now and listen to the best in pro-white radio in the AM!
>ID: uk1eDuma
Uke Doomer!!!
he left the Klan a long time ago, m8
>KKK being relevant
>mostly comprised of informants
goddamn the liberal media has brainwashed and hung you out to dry
Internet went down at work in the middle of the Mollyneux/Wittle video and started listening to the comfy as fuck My Awakening.
Isn't he a "Grand Wizard" or some ridiculous sounding title?
>Will you support Mr. Duke?
No. I'll deck the cunt. That fucker deserves a proper slap.
david duke naming the jew
>who is Shaun 'one man klan' King?
We da blm now family!!
Why do so many yanks pronounce huge as yuge?
.05 shekels has been deposited to your account.
>tfw Trump endorses him and he has to disavow
he has never endorsed trump why would he now?
your jew psyops doen't work here
His name is poison at this point. When he was young, the Klan wasn't the poison, boogey man it is now.
He made a bad choice in his youth and it fucked him.
Thats an insult.
So was Robert Byrd, but unlike him, Duke isn't a cuck.
It's on rense radio network lads
>David "controlled opposition" Duke
no thanks
idk - some user is posting more of them in the 2357th AoC thread though
>Normies look him up on jewtube
>Watch his videos
>Get Redpilled
>Vote Trump
Last night's Jeff Rense show is on right now with Don Black's show coming on after (the great commercials). Its alright to listen to, but it's a bit out there for my tastes.
>So was Robert Byrd
Byrd was a lot smarter, older, and already a senator.
>leaf concerned about American politics
He will never get elected, landslide against him.
you read it wrong