Admit it

We need a different kind of Bond.

We already had James Bond Jr.

you keep posting this picture having Ed The Red replacing Lazeby. Please stop.

We don't really need a diffent bond.

We need a differnt time setting for Bond movies. Modertn day Bond movies don't work because the setting is wrong.

Are you implying you want a woman bond?

We need something other than remakes, (((hollywood)))

Nope, nein, non. Shutenzeup.


I'd prefer Idris Elba to Redmayne tbqh

Redmayne would actually do a good job, I think. He just needs to bulk up a bit

Bond should have a supernatural edge. Maybe a werewolf or a wizard.

I imagine a spy being sent behind enemy lines to fight ISIS and then transforming into a werewolf and wiping out hordes of terrorists. This would not work if he was a wizard but he could use spells and play tricks on them.

Hit me up if you need more ideas for new bond as I am not very busy today

Bond is a job, not a person

yeah i want another bond set in the 60's that would be nice

They should just stop making Bond movies.

>tfw no victorian era steampunk bond directed by gore verbinski

Yes, it is finally time to get rid of white people, especially white men as the default protagonist in movies.

The Bond we need for the 21st century, the century of ALL THE RACES, not just white folks is a strong, differently-abled POC woman who is just as good if not better at being an awesome secret agent than a boring, outdated and regressive white man.

Bond has always taken place in the modern times. I'd be more angry about this than maling the new 007 a gay black transgender jewish midget

t b h i dont care if bond is a nigger as long as hes a good action actor


>a cute twink Bond who gets out of predicaments by seducing the villains
>also has to crossdress at some point, effectively also making him the Bond girl of the movie

Would watch desu


Tyrone as one of Bond's contacts in Australia would be great.


So, i just watched Dr. No... did Bond just nuked Caribbean just to save the American Moon mission? That's so... colonial.

Also reminds me about American nuclear tests in Marshal islands, which irradiated the area and caused massive spread of cancer in the local population.

>not wearing headscarf

Fuck you, user, seriously.


a blonde bond?

You mean like a tranny Bond ?

We need IdrisAlblasomthsnargllleeSPLUUUUUUUUUUUUU

>this dumb ass theory that is imediately destroyed if someone actually watches the movies