Be american

>be american
>behave badly
>as a punishment, your mom (or father?) sits on you

>niggers == americans
Look in the mirror

Yeah, i know that they are not human. but i need to make the joke anyway.

>64 year old
>cousin to a 9 year old

Niggers never stop breading.

How do we stop them from breading?


Not even my grandma who had 9 children was that bad.
I'm the youngest grandson at 22, and my oldest cousin is like in the 50s already

Why would we? Our jew overlords need niggers to outbreed us so their master plan will succeed.

It was a bread joke.
I am also very bad at math

Mexicans have more white blood

pretend you're the wrong gender so they can fuck you, canada

So were your ancestors kangz and shieeet as well?

No, I was just never very good at mathematics. In order to get decent marks I had to pay attention in class, study at home, take detailed notes, etc.

Sounds like some pathetic excuse.

ring around the Posey
ashes, ashes
we all choke down

I wanted to be a scientist but couldn't keep up with the maths.

>scored a 760 on SAT-math
>still a failure who dropped out of school 3 years in because my single mother was getting evicted and I had to get a job to help her out
life is a kick in the balls, don't even remind me

desu i think you can kill a kid by sitting on it at any weight. especially if you cover them breathing

I think what’s missing is she must have done this before with other family members and gotten away with it. How many lives have been shattered by this woman’s ass? We may never know.

Florida huh.
Was the shooter also from Florida?

Niggers are Americans. They're very shitty Americans. What's so hard to understand about that?

>the shooter
I unironically don't know which shooter you're talking about. Americans are desensitized.

>the shooter

>dropped out of college 3X
>prone to several forms of criminal behavior
>squandered every advantage
Fortunately, I'm not bad looking, I'm well-spoken, and I've got a decent breadth of conversational knowledge. I married a hard-working trust fund kid, and now I just coast through life.
Ain't that somethin'?

There is a field in science for everyone that has interest in it.
If you are good at understanding complex concepts and your logical thinking is good, then you should go into maths/physics

If you are good at reading for long periods of time while also remembering most of it, then medicine/biology is where you will be successful

>I married a hard-working trust fund kid, and now I just coast through life.
>Ain't that somethin'?
I'm glad you found a way to squeak by, but ultimately I think that this country needs a massive restructuring of the basics. Consumerism and capital has distorted basic needs far too much. Food, shelter, healthcare, and education: 3 of those are fucked.

77kg is the healthy weight of a 6'4" adult
this fat fuck is heavier than two giants

>77kg is the healthy weight of a 6'4" adult
You mean lanky thin faggot.

My mom used to threaten me that they'd put me in a sack and hang it under a tree when I was a kid.
I was a good boy at least and I guess they're just bluffing but I'm sure it actually happened to other kids here.

LOL fatties


And how does eradication of the white race make the jooz money exactly?

>77kg is the healthy weight of a 6'4" adult
male? Fuck no. Somewhere in the low 90s

>Fat and stupid looking black mother
No suprise here.
Also, I have.the feeling you have a lot of dead kids from dumb shit in Brazil

If what you're proposing is a comprehensive services-based welfare state, I'm with you. Providing services directly instead of cutting checks seems like it would be way more efficient. I'm also all for public services being available to everyone, regardless of their economic situations. Why shouldn't the rich be able to eat a tiny bit if the government cheese they paid for?
If you're just being a college-aged Che Poorfag, then fuck off.

>be visiting cousins in america
>go to walmart
>there's a putrid smell and everyone walks around with brown stains on their pants
>there's a shootout happening in the I-can't-believe-it's-not-butter aisle
>don't want to get shot or contract cholera, run away
>tell my fat ass cousin about this
>she says I'm acting out of control and have to be punished
>the whale of a cousin sits on me as the rest of the family starts clapping and chanting "USA"
>suffocate to death


Jajajajaajjajaaj breading

>go to america
>get shot

he's recoiling in fear of the pure Kangoid

>770 unicorn dark skinned Spic
>dually part time as a city employee and limo driver
>on interviews get asked if I can hold a conversation in English or know the difference between Champagne and Wine
>only make $24 per hour
>most of the white people I interact with talk down to me and toss out casually racist commentary
>rich white "liberals" ask me what it's like in the barrio and if I'll work as a burrito caterer for $70 per night
>can't even speak Spanish
>see this shit and realize the majority of the people talking down to me are probably even more stupid than me

I think the top jews arent interested in money anymore. After some point you have so much money that getting more isnt interesting anymore. The elite wants power and to shape the world based on their ideals. Dont ask me, ask (them).

>stupid frogposter
I bet you cant even tell difference between tea and coffe.

>stupid Czechposter

I bet you can't even tell the difference between a Skoda and a VW

Well, if you are so clever, why do you work low tier jobs?