Ingmar Bergman is an edgy faggot for making this.
Ingmar Bergman is an edgy faggot for making this
All of his films are trash anyways except for The Seventh Seal
Wild Strawberries is great.
I fell asleep watching this movie.
you mean Cries and Whispers
Hour of the Wolf is GOAT
no he means Fanny and Alexander
I've watched many Bergmans and he rarely disappoints.
I can give him a couple of failures
Autumn Sonata is great you contrarian.
This too.
what are other failures? I wouldn't call Shame a failure; It's just relentlessly depressing for the sake of being depressing. The characters are just vehicles for his idea rather than standing on their own. There were only two great scenes between them.
the worst of the ~10 Bergmans I've seen so far
I havent watched Shame. I found The seventh seal and Through a glass darkly pretty weak.
the serpent's egg
people here are just naming his best films
>people here are just naming his best films
That's because this memer here called them all trash.
he did a bunch of dull shit but he did like 60 movies or something so there's bound to be some trash in there.
sure thing chad.
>No mention of Through a Glass Darkly
Plebs all of you
Super pleb detected, although a lot of nuance is lost if you don't speak the language.
I don't like Bergmans films because they are too one dimensional in terms of the feel, a straight line of emotion.
He makes everyone and everything uttery hopeless and depressing and just doesn't let go for the whole movie. If you go in a straight line like that all the "bigger" moments in the film lose all their needed impact because everything was the basically the same till then, there is no contrast or reference to that emotion.
For example, Manchester by the Sea wouldn't work if it was just Casey Affleck being depressed the whole movie, you have to have some contrast. So Lonergan put (along with the past narrative) all of those genuinely funny situational humor which doesn't break the tone of the film at all, but it grounds the narrative and makes all the heavy scenes more powerful/impactful.
Now I'm not saying Bergman should insert some factor of comic relief in his films, it could be just an element of beauty that get's repeated, something colorful/vibrant or even someone being overexpressive.
Just any other counter balance in the film to make his work stand out even more.
eEd of blog post.
Cries & Whispers is the saddest film ever made.
No he isn't
What a fucking pleb lmao
let me guess... your top 10 is all criterion flicks?