This show would have been kino if they swapped everybody's genders

This show would have been kino if they swapped everybody's genders

Why would I want Jessica, her sis, and the dominant one of the wincest twins to be dudes?

so you're sexist, got it

>Lucy Cage
>Dominating Jessie Jones in all those sex scenes
Yes that would have been better.


Who would replace best doctor who then

>the male mc has to combat a woman that emits fuck-me pheromones to take advantage of everyone
>a metaphor for women that climb the ladder by banging everyone to get what they want
Ultimate redpill show

The women in JJ are almost all completely fucked up in one way or another. It is NOT a pro feminist show.

Jessica herself, even though she's a rape victim is portrayed as horrible human wreckage. BEFORE the brainwashing even happened.

Stop saying this was pro woman. If you honestly told me the writers loathed females I'd instantly believe you.

And I'd have plenty of proof.

Who would you cast though?

She's no a bad person, she's just a very empowered female.

No thanks. How would i be able to fap without my goddess?

She is so trashy yet I want to stick my dick in her while she tells me sarcastic comments

kilgrave as a woman might be kind of interesting tbqh

>implying Gender exists
Nazi much?

>implying being a degenerate drunk single female in her 30s isnt empowering these days

>fapping to a coal burner

>show about a girl raping a main

No that wouldn't make it good.

a main what?

>Being so insecure you can't fap to a hot actress because she had pretend sex with a black man on tv.


>chestlet hater
>AKA someone who's never touched a woman before

Why does everybody want to be a victim?