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This show is getting the BvS treatment. Sup Forums will pretend to like it for a couple months at least.
When are these extreme lefts going to realize that they're the reason Trump was elected? You continuously tell white men that they're evil, and sooner or later they're going to stop putting up with your shit.
Yeah but it seems like its bot making any difference. Liberals have more power than Trump does and have effectively sabotaged his presidency and white men will just keep accepting their role as scapegoats.
Is this board the Donald Trump of boards? Yes? No? Maybe? What does it even mean?
>Iron Fist is the worst Marvel Netflix show ever
>Drumpf is the worst president ever
really makes me think
>and white men will just keep accepting their role as scapegoats.
Some will for sure. But a lot have grown tired of being told how privileged they are, how they''re evil for being white and male. I voted for Trump simply because he was the only way to fuck with the extreme left. I'm not a fan of the Alt-right, but it had to be done.
no, americans are just stupid and Trump fits their favorite persona
wtf i love dumpft fist now
I bet you voted remain.
But Luke Cage was worse.
>The Donald Trump of [insert literally anything here]
Clickbait has gotten so lazy. I don't even like the orangutan but come the fuck on.
Luke Cage was great, it was Jessica Jones that was shit.
Does Sup Forums like this now, any other time they would calling everyone shills liking anything marvel. The show is pretty awful, even for capeshit standards. The production design, fight scenes, acting, and dialogue are fucking CW tier
Except BvS is a great movie and Iron Fist is garbage
No it's not
Sup Forumstards are pretending to like it now to be contrarian, not realizing that this was the jew's plan all along. Donald Trump is a tool of the jews.
The show is garbage, it's the shitty version of daredevil season 1. Finn jones was a horrible for iron fist, he has no charisma at all. Also the fight scenes in daredevil>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
This show isn't from DC.
>it's a "Sup Forums still thinks the POTUS is elected by the people" episode.
What the fuck does this even mean???
Is this the new leftist meme way of saying "is X the new person we don't like?"
>The Donald Trump of Dark Souls
Smough, and Mike "zap the traps" Pence would be Ornstein
No, it's the intelligent person's way of saying "X is the new person who will save us all"
>Liberals have more power than trump does
How? He can pass basically anything atm
So it's gonna win an Emmy?
Unless courts unconstitutionally block him.
Both films were shit, so what's the point
Literally who states and courts are blocking every single thing he's trying to do (since fucking when does the fucking governor of Hawaii have more power than the President??) and now the FBI is gonna try to put him away for Russian ties.
Sup Forums swears they'll be civil war if Trump gets taken down but we all know fuckall is gonna happen.
Jessica Jones was great, it was Daredevil Season 2 that was shit.
I haven't seen daredevil, I don't really watch caleshit. I just got dragged into Iron Fist. I frankly don't care if daredevil is better, I'm not watching any other capeshit other than IF
>gee how can we pander to antiwhite sjws
>we'll call it trump!
Except BvS is trash and Iron Fist is DD quality.
Sup Forums will fucking love it now that the main character is being compared to the meme president
And now we're all stuck paying for a useless wall. Thanks buddy.
Except BvS is actually good.
The left have always struggled with memes
Love to watch lefties eat their own.
The wages of identity politics are misery and death.
Is shit the Donald Trump of all the bodily fluids?
>b-b-but m-muh gawd em-emprah
That's not true, since conservatives are almost always boomers their meme attempts are often pathetic Minions-tier trash with jpeg artifact-ridden blobs of text placed over pictures of Jesus and Andy Griffith, Sup Forums had to carry the meme war alone for the entire election
More than worth it to piss off all the extreme left.
I world rather wipe my ass with that money than give more gibs for minorities and libs that are oppressed by ebin nazi boogeyman.
>You thought American voters were saints? Ha! They're the most ignorant and untrustworthy creatures on Earth. Ask them if they're voting for Trump and they'll deny it. But eavesdrop on them in their homes, their farms, their factories, and you'll hear it all… xenophobia, bigotry. Trump voters are stupid, fearful, reactionary, belligerent, racist idiots! Hah! Hahaha haha!..... But who made them like this? You damned liberals! Everywhere you go you outsource jobs, gentrify housing and price them out of their neighborhoods, undercut their wages with cheap immigrant labour and mock them them if they resist! Trump voters are what you have made them!
I thought it was the working class being tired of being treated like shit and Trump being many things except a traditional politician became his biggest strength on a nation tired of the establishment. Meme candidates often win when the political class is disconected from the general population and the latter want to punish them
Except this is good and batman and superman is plebeian shitskin trash
spotted the underage
>and have effectively sabotaged his presidency
How so? They've had zero effect on his decision-making so far.
Bruce Wayne is the Donald Trump of superheroes
>implying that's a bad thing
Did Bill Paxton's death teach you nothing?!
Stop the xenos before it's game over, man!
Both travel bans have been shot down
Do the Lefties not realize that Pence is even more hardcore?
Dr. Cranston, I'm POTUS.
For now. If he decides to fight for the new one he's all but certain to win in the supreme court.
Nope but they'll learn the hard way, it will come as quite a shock
Correct, same with brexit
Trump spoke to broke as fuck white hicks in a language they understood, which a succession of democratic politicians seem to have been completely unable to do
Sadly, he will do nothing to stop them getting fucked in the ass by globalisation and large corporations
He needs to work on his power stance.
Do you seriously think Sup Forumstards would support Marvel? the biggest cuck in the entire industry, pushing diversity everywhere it goes? for fuck sake i know Sup Forums can be annoying but you cant just blame them everything just because you dont like them
No, they've been blocked pending a ruling. All this does is further demonstrate to the people - rightly or wrongly - that Trump is with them against the corrupt establishment.
That's the way it's always been actual adults realize how the presidents power is limited and that people should worry more about Congress
why are you so intolerant? liberals are people too
No. It's like when they were rooting for Cruz to get the nom over Trump, apparently ignorant of the fact that he's a bible-bashing monster. They don't think ahead.
Why waste your time with iron fist then, it's just typical capeshit
Daredevil S1 is most overrated of them all
Fisk did nothing but sabotaging his own criminal empire. Many episodes were just filler.Only fights were really good
I unironically liked JJ more, at least it had great villain and good atmosphere
First part of DD S2 was best all them though, it was carried by Punisher
I feel like it has potential. I like that Danny is semi-tarded, he can fight but in other avenues of life he's pretty inadequate, it feels more like a real character with flaws. This season was not good though, the direction was bland and the characterisations were a bit unidimensional.
Comey basically said that there is no proof of Russian involvement in the election and that NYT's and WaPo have been peddling straight up lies surrounding the investigation.
Hmmm. But how do we attribute this to Harry Potter somehow?
Difference being that BvS is actually good and this is garbage
Come on friends, no need to argue, everything besides Daredevil season 1 has been shit
>BvS is actually good
Yeah, putting his thumbs on the beltloops would help immensely.
>alt-righters memeing a glorified poll to spit the other side regardless of the quality of the turd they are promoting
Just like muh elections!
I actually liked this better than jessica jones. Besides kilgrave JJ was complete garbage and I can't imagine what a second season will be like now that hes gone
I'd rate them DD S1 > DD S2 > LC > IF > JJ
>the left eating their own
This is better than the actual show that's for sure
You sound like a real shill, not the joking kind, a real shill. Dear lord
Is "Is X the Donald Trump of Y" the Donald Trump of insults?
>shills now will claim that marlel was redpilled all along
Screencap this
>joss whedon is marvel
>that's why he was fired and replaced for avengers 3
>why they constantly fought while making avengers 2
once again
>actors are marvel!
>we hate the actors when the fucking CEO of marvel is a known trump supporter!!
Sure, marlelet.
wtf I love marvel now!
"X is the Y of Z" is the most lazy way to describe anything.
you keep fucking posting actors that are just working like you work for you fucking boss
are you retarded?
I hate capeshit, but what is the media's problem with this show???
It's getting panned like it was a DC prodict with natsoc themes
>cant even carry his own movie
it's like you don't understand that the actors and directors and those people are just fucking pawns to the big higher ups
>Iron Fist
what the fuck is his power even
But Ike was kicked out of Marvel movies because he was conservative (and wanted a Shithumans movie)
>why should I support illegal immigration/job outsourcing
>muh cheap goods due to reduced labor costs
>so... slavery?
and that's normally when I get called a racist
Didn't he say the opposite of that.
Imagine being this stupid and immature as an adult father in his 50s.