>Don't be a... TOMMY TEXTER
At least I'm not a Nelson Nosepicker
>Don't be a... TOMMY TEXTER
At least I'm not a Nelson Nosepicker
>tfw Pullout-Peter sits next to you
Maurice public masturbator
AR-15 Aaron
I'm more of a Carl Cuckolding
>Ronny Raper sits behind you
im more of a craig the crableg kinda guy
I'll take either over Loud Lamar
>tfw Shaun Shouter and Sid Screamer sit either side of me
Cineplex plz
>mfw I'll never have a movie date with Hannah Handjob
>Tyrone Tiresome, Rowdy Rohondra, Dangerous Da'Qoundie, Barak Bully and Annoying Africus sits right behind you on movie night
>Mikey Mass-shooter sits behind you
>Max Massacre attends the movie again
tfw shoutout-shaun sits next to you
>tfw you're assigned sitting is in front of an Andy Aids Needle.
>Bernie Brap-poster makes fart sounds every time a womans ass appears on screen while masturbating
This happened to me when I went and saw Get Out. They got kicked out and made a huge scene about it and complained that they wouldn't get a refund. It was surreal that in a movie about how whites are racist towards blacks, 3 black people came in late and yelled and said shit throughout the movie perpetuating a racial stereotype against themselves. The movie was shit but the experience I had watching it was 11/10
>tfw sitting behind Victor Vietnam flashbacks
>Take wifes son to a movie
>Peter Pedo is there again
>go to a movie
>fucking zinc supplement Zach is sitting behind me, jerking off
>mfw I'm Harry Handjob and I enjoy going to the movies, by myself, all the time.
Oh fuck, Tommy Triggerfinger Is there. At least I saw Larry Lardass come in so I know where to take cover when the inevitable happens.
How many times in any given movie is there a shot of a woman ass while masturbating?
>tfw Bubbleguts Billy sits in front of you
Shot of a womans ass, while beanie masturbates.
At least it wasn't Aftar Actual Father.
>American theatre
>Gary the Gunman opens fire next to you
>tfw Chatty Charlotte and Spoily Spencer are right next to you
>take daughter to the theater
>James Jailbait is there
>Rick Ritual and Sally Sacrifice invited me for a beer after the movie.
what should I do?
I like to sit next to Crab Leg Chris.
>Go to cinema
>Have to sit in between Pajeet Pooinloo and Rancid Rodriguez
the stench, bros...
This thread is full of Lying Lyles
Don't be a Negative Nancy.
>tfw Handy Randy sits next to you
>TFW a Knock off Nigel
Maybe because we literally have to leave our gf or wives with the cinema bull, in the US cinemas.
>It's a white guy
Literally never happens, it's usually women or niggas
>tfw Chad Confident and Stacy Sweetheart sit in front of you and are enjoying themselves
not even a footfag but TWICE this year i've seen girls take their shoes off and put them up on the empty seats in front of them, wiggling their toes. FUCK OFF!
>Jerking Jesse sits next to you
nudge Randy Rapist and Molly Murderer and point them out. Problem solved.
>tfw Frank Falcon-fucker comes up to you when youre feeding your falcon
Or accept the fact that other people are in a happy relationship. It's not our fault that people like you get butthurt about that.
Keep your falcon and anvil shit on reddit pls
hope i see you at the cineplex tonite
wasnt expecting my name to pop up in this thread. lol
why do you complain about it being reddit? it originated here, don't get pissy because it started popping up on your precious reddit too. you people need to stay away from Sup Forums.
>trapped between two Armrest Aarons
>trapped between two Allahu Ahmeds
>tfw Sad Sam and Sobbing Saundra sit right behind you
>sad movie
>feel like letting the eyesweat flow
>surrounded by Stoic Steves, Billy Badasses and Judgy Judes
>see movie in US of A
>surrounded by Calle Clappers and Shani'qua Shouters
Nigel the Nigger is the worst of the lot.
Next time, sit next to blowjob bob for a better time.
>tfw sitting in between Cuddly Caitlyn and Snuggly Samantha
>Barfy Brandon sits next to you
>Vaginal discharge Vera sits in your favorite chair
>Tfw Maxx Massacre walks in and everything goes tense in the movie theatre
I literally went to high school with a girl we nicknamed hand job hannah because she jerked her bf off under the lunch table
>tfw Stealing Steve takes your gallon-sized deluxe popcorn and your shower pass