Does anyone else have a crippling fear of the ocean?

Or just deep water in general?

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Shouldn't this be in /x/?

There's nothing paranormal about the ocean you tit.

It's a good thing Plesiosaurs are extinct, those fuckers were on the european seas back into Jurassic.

Finnish wisdom has taught me to not be afraid of anything, so no

the thought of being alone in deep ocean with a whale scares the shit out of me. Their whale calls are scary as hell

>he's scared of a herbivore
whales are basically a cow of the sea, but bigger

>but bigger
that's the problem.

I am absolutely terrified of open water, I think I might have that phobia. Also, shipwrecks and other manmade stuff in water makes it even worse.

>whales are basically a cow of the sea, but bigger
Cows can be dangerous.

I like water. I enjoy swimming.
If I had good climate in my country and lived near ocean I would probably swim quite a lot.

not really but it is fun to imagine the possibilities of what has yet to be discovered

Yeah, one time I was fishing in a 12ft or 4 meter boat on lake superior, I went out a long way, then fog came in.
I couldn't see to shore, all I could see was fog or water all around me. I freaked out a little bit

Why so many westerners so sissy in general?
How can you be afraid of Fog?

I can't swim, so yeah little bit. I like being on boats though.

It wasn't the fog, dummy.
It was because I was in a small boat and could not see land, or what direction to go in.

Jelly fishes ruin it for me. Not to mention sharp searocks, shells and toxic god knows what lie on the sands.

It is a lake. Eventually you reach the beech

How far from the ocean is your house?

>Lake Superior
>Area: 31,700 mi2
>Max. depth: 1,333 ft (406 m)
>Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes of North America.


If I went the wrong direction it could have been several hours
Do you have any idea how large lake superior is?

about 60 miles or 100 km

No, but you should be really dumb to lose the sense of where is the beech. Just don't turn away from initial course and that's it

I thought You would live in a 10 mins walking distance from it

thats kind of the point lol

Yes, I don't like not being able to see what's below me. I don't have any troubles swimming in a crystal clear pool that's 13km deep. I'm a good swimmer btw. And I don't like what's living on the ground of the ocean, disgusting and scary as fuck.

I also have naviphobia... That's when you're scared of big ships, their screw propeller or being close to the hull/facade.


Its exciting and mysterious.
Crocs kill more people this year and pirate activity has been on the rise, a bunch of seafloor creatures are trivial.


fear no, but it's ominously fascinating

Pure nightmare


The ocean fills me with awe but I prefer to admire it from afar. Being in the water is pretty frightening.

Jellies creep me the fuck out too.