Bond, James Bond
Bond, James Bond
shame about his weak chin
>tfw every time someone talks about James Bond around me mum she keeps bring up Henry
shoulda been based Clive Owen when we had the chance
Fass would be good, but I dont think hed last long.
Is Dan Stevens actually in the running/consideration?
This IS Bond.
I'd say too old but the guy hasn't aged since Band of Brothers.
James Purefoy would have been the GOAT Bond but he's too old now.
>Inb4 he's too much of a villian
No; Bond has always been a rogue who just happened to work for the good guys.
james purefoy always reminds me of calculon, hes just grossly overacting everything.
it works in rome but thats about it.
Fucking kek. You pimple-faced effeminate nu-males are on a another level of hypocrisy.
Bond is supposed to be OTT and campy, that's why he'd be good in it.
The nu gritty bond is a tired meme and I hope it goes away.
can't stand the pouty mouth
it gives his aesthetic a sense of cruelty, which is a characteristic Bond has
yes you might be right
you have a point.
i will commit sudoku if they pick stevens. he deserves a real career
next Bond will be Jane.
deal with it.
But she's not british or sexy
james norton is on the list too
Sorry guys but none of the above.
Got you covered senpai
I have no idea who that is. I long expected Gillian Anderson to play Jane Bond, but then she turned up in Johnny English: Reborn, so that ship is kinda sailed.
Is there a single Jane that could sell the movie?
>A German Born Potato Nigger
Stay mad britkek.
Your royal family is german and soon Bon will be too
what would be an interesting premise for a new bond
just another borderline superhero trilogy would be boring desu
>Your royal family is german
Terrible meme. Hasburgs was the family name, which they happened to keep. They were all born in England though, retard.
You do realise literally every single leader in Europe was related to each other in WW1, right? They were all either Cousins or Uncles or something. I guess the Tsar was actually fucking English then cause he was related to the King. I guess Wilhelm was actually Russian.
Fuck off you fucking melt.
>americuck bond
Why would they have an American Bond when Jason Bourne is literally the American James Bond?Jack Bauer is literally a TV version of James Bond as well.
Hmm something is similar with those names, can't quite put my finger on it...
You moron your royal house is Saxe-Coburg and Gotha aka """"Windsor"""". Your royal house had been German for literally hundreds of years. Your first 2 kings from the house of Hannover did not even speak English, only German. Victoria Hannover + Albert Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha = 100% fucking Germab you nonce.
>bond: grunting and mumbling edition
>powerless monarchy is german
Just wanted some fat cunts who could be easily manipulated and gave us an ally against France. The nobility has always had total control since the Magna Carter.
this. only option.
handsome. young. biggest D in the biz
I don't necessarily mind a female 007, but fuck off with the "Jane" shit. Jane flows so much worse than James.
Not sure what a good name for a female Bond would be though. I'd be fine with her name just being James desu.
>biggest D in the biz
how big we talking? avian bottle?
maika monroe said something like that
And everybody is related to each other. If we're applying time period, then the Royal Family is Dutch due to William of Orange. This is like you septics claiming your German cause your Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandad was dragged over in Operation Paperclip.
i may be in the minority but i wouldn't mind a young bond with some character development. and i don't mean the whole "muh family" thing craig's bond has had.
but some actual character development where bond starts out as a young idealist and over the course of a few films and several years we see him turn into the classic cold bond. also some alcoholism to deal with his job
make him a real human character that audiences can connect to, because lets face it, they need to something different to separate bond from all the other generic action thrillers these days.
Doesn't look british.
All Bonds
>On the death of Queen Victoria in 1901 the royal house took the Germanic surname of her consort Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
And then it was changed 6 years later. LEL.
>cause your Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandad was dragged over in Operation Paperclip.
>Operation Paperclip
>72 years ago
Scottish and Welsh is OK. Australian is just about acceptable. Irish fucking isn't. German isn't.
Yes? You do realise there are people alive RIGHT NOW with 6 generations of family in total?
You claimed the monarchy was not German and when proven wrong you go and change the subject.
>the nobility has had total control since the Magna Carta
Then why did your country fight 2 civil wars over the monarch? Parliament has only had supremacy since the 1690s, you should know that bud.
You replaced Scottish kings with a Dutch one, and then after that put in Germans. These are the people that ruled England.
>my name is Bond, Yusuf Bond
>seppo calling anyone a nonce
Guess again faggot, he is probably one of your other bastard offspring. And that is Sherman Tank to you, you red coat wearing Louisiana gator bait.
Bat shit insane nationalists like you make me die from laughter every day.
Bond has been Americanized for the longest time and for years an English actor never played Bond in movies yet you freak out when an American or even an Irishmen or German actor is even mentioned as possibly getting the lead role.
You're so oblivious and blinded by ignorance it's astounding.
It was Hannover for almost 200 years, which if you did not know is a German house.
And before that it was Scottish and Dutch.
Your royal family hasn't been """English""" in over 400 years.
1. Fleming based Bond on an English guy. He never specified a nationality
2. Upon enjoying the Sean Connery portrayal, Fleming said that Bond lived in Scotland (I can't remember if he specified his father was Scottish, but his mother was Swiss).
So him not being English isn't a problem. Him not being British is. Irish have the utter most hatred for Britain unless it comes to bailing their economy out.
King George V of Great Britain and his cousin Tsar Nicolas II. Not separated thru time. Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany, another cousin but very much alive during this time is not in this photo.
The queen is german.
>Irish have the utter most hatred for Britain unless it comes to bailing their economy out
Kek, stop listening to Unionists lad
And? I'm not sure what your point is. A German House =! German Nationality. That's like saying the Norman's were French when they were infact Viking Disporia and hated the French... But now the Normans are retroactively French because Normandy eventually became French territory in the 15th century. All the Royal Families are related. The German Household were not entire 100% purebred Aryans. They all had various political marriage to whomever was required to ensure peace/alliance at the time mixed in.
Yes? Did you follow the reply chain? I literally fucking said that. They're all related so going "hur dur X is Y" is fucking stupid as they're a fucking mix of nationalities ANYWAY.
She is not.
>Born: 21 April 1926 (age 90 years), Mayfair, London
She was born in England. She is English. Now if you're going to turn this to
>hur dur so if a nigger is born there, it makes him English?
Then I refer to my early points that the Royal Families are all inbred and are not one specific nationality or the other.
I can't stand the character development Bond stuff. I mean, I can, I guess. I still go see them and aren't constantly pissed off about it, but I like Bond as a formula rather than sequels and sequels. The thing that bothered me the most about Quantum of Solace is that it was in a lot of ways a straight sequel to Casino Royale, and a running narrative in Bond movies almost seems to defeat the purpose of them.
In my ideal world, each Bond movie is a stand-alone little time capsule. They showcase the tech, extreme sports, and general attitude of the time they were made. He starts up a mission, gets a girl, wins the day, and it all reflects current anxieties and whatever is cutting edge. When Jet skis were brand new, they were featured in Bond; even the bad CGI windsurfing was in a lot of ways windsurfing's debut; and parkour was highlighted right when it was becoming a thing in Casino Royale. With the old Bond movies, you can grab any one, start watching, and see how people were thinking at the time it was made. I don't want to see threads about the order you have to watch Bond movies in, and a running narrative works, but it isn't Bond.
But what if the queen is a nigger?
Then she literally is a KANG.
Facts are facts, he's got a weak chin under that scruff, but white knight him if it makes you feel better.
Jason Bourne was an assassin.
Fuck me, I can actually see this happening, he's been shilled so much recently, plus he's proved he can bulk up for a role when needed