ITT: movies minorities will never understand
ITT: movies minorities will never understand
Feck off mick, this movie showed us your true nature
>made by a straightup Brooklyn jew
>about a social climbing irishman
>before either of these would be considered white
get real user
Black people especially will never understand this
This, never trust the fucking irish.
Barry Lyndon is actually very in line with the "less fortunate ethnic minority making it in someone else's world" story
>non-white movie that non-whites will never understand
Really maed mi thiinkk
He said minorities you fucking faggot.
Nice try, Mick.
The director is black.
He took the name of a white guy, and thus is an honorary member.
Doesn't matter, a woman directed American Psycho but I know she sure as hell didn't understand it.
wrong, I'm a white woman and I don't get this movie
Whatever happened to Gary Cooper?
Eat nigger cock.