ITT: Scenes humans will never understand

ITT: Scenes humans will never understand

I hope he found what he was looking for. In fact, I choose to believe that he did.
Praise Pingu.


who are some other adventure filmmakers like herzog who jst go out and film interesting shit


How does it feel to know a penguin has more balls than you?

indifferent just like everything else

Speak for yourself, I'm a former navy seal who has crossed the sahara on skies, antarctica by foot, crawled up Mt.Everest, can benchlift 230 kilograms and crush 10/10 pussy on a daily basis.

Yeah, maybe, but I am however able to relate with this.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me? Etc.

I actually believe you're retarded enough to be military

You heard me faggot. I made no mistake.

Could you elaborate please?

This shouldn't have made me laugh.

yes it should

the horse, from aguirre

which planet earth is this from

Fair point.

It's from Herzogs antarctica documentary.

so that's why they are called german penguins

Even if that were true, it wouldn't matter.
Pingu saw the stalemate in being one of the million other penguins in existence and dying with no cause, so he created his own cause and dared to go where no one before him had gone, even if it meant certain death.
I've heard of only one person ever that has done the same.


>Even if that were true
How dare you? How dare you question me? I am a god, a literal god, you insignificant little insect. I am all, and you are nothing. You are a lonely, sad, desperate, basement dwelling virgin with no friends and no hope in life, and I spit on you. You know what, I'll hunt you down, drag you out of your parents filthy, smelly, cumstained basement, clean you up, take you to a bar and use my superior skills, looks and intellect to get the 10/10 woman of your dreams, not only to fuck your brains out, but make her fall in love with you, bear your children, and make you as happy as you are not even able to imagine. Then, after years and years, I'll come back, and I will, believe you me, beat and rape you in front of her, before I take her from you forever.

>I've heard of only one person ever that has done the same.
Who is this man you speak of?

David Attenborough's old stuff.


Who said it was a man?

Oh and I prefer brunnetes.

Fuck you, you don't know what you want. You're getting a blonde.
