ITT: Fuck you, i liked it
ITT: Fuck you, i liked it
It was overwhelmingly well received
Who the fuck are you apologizing to
this board
>well liked movie
>black main character
>white villains
its the perfect Sup Forums baiting movie but i think theyve all moved onto hating power rangers for having a gay character now
op here i do think its pretty anti-white but I still liked it
There are people here that think the movie is promoting racemixing and that's why it's bad.
I thought it was ok at best. Baby's first "contemporary race issues in 'post-racial' America" movie.
But I'm a black person who grew up around white people. There was nothing this movie was going to tell me I didn't already know.
Why does everyone keep focusing on fucking race-issues in the movie? The film would still keep its genuineness, even if you remade it with an all white cast.
Fuck you, I loved it
This movie kicks ass, really intense paranoid atmosphere, and the racial stuff is really just kind of a comedic twist it's not like trying to be unironically anti-white or anything
Everyone who liked it = Everyone - (easily triggered Sup Forumsacks that get anally devastated when a character that resembles their moms' lovers appear onscreen)
It's weird people still subscribe to the idea that mothers are important in what disgusts you in life. They're not that fucking influential. Are you such an open minded cuckboi because of your mother?
But this is Sup Forums
People who actually watched it realized that it's not the anti-white movie they thought it was.
Also the interview where the developer hates milk or something, which is also irrelevant.
Watched it the first time today, shit was uncomfortable as fuck. It was really good. Plus it has been a long time since a movie has genuinely made me chuckle
>cuck cuck cuck
We get it, Stacy stood you up
>implying being stood up is the same as being cucked
>trying to change the subject this hard
>thinking you're some sort of swivel chair psychologist
The fuck are you on about? Never post on Sup Forums again, idiot.
Damn you actually got stood up and that's why you hate women and shit the word cuck out of your mouth at every opportunuty, incredible
Iron Fist
I have nothing against this movie it just doesn't look like my cup of tea so I won't watch it.
i agree the only thing that really required the race stuff is the police fakeout at the end which i thought was pretty clever
From what I've seen Sup Forums liked this movie. I mean really... look at it.
>Black guy dating white girl
>Family seems friendly at first, turns out to be racist
>Turns out white family is basically racist and wants black guy's body (don't give a fuck about his mind)
>White girl betrays black guy
>First chance black guy gets he kills entire white family
>End of movie black friend apathetic about killing white family, because their evil
I thought it was rather strange Sup Forums was radio silent on this movie, while attacking Logan instead, but honestly this movie speaks for itself (my "normie" friends interpreted it as anti-race mixing and actually got offended).
If you look at Logan it stands for things Sup Forums stands for I.E. conservative family values, but at same time possibly mixed immigration issues into movie (something I thought was in the background and wasn't a focus at all). Sup Forums actually got assblasted by Logan, because it confounded their values with liberal values, thus angering them.
TL;DR: I've seen very little anger at Get Out from Sup Forums, which surprised me. Likely comes down to the fact this movie basically stands for what they believe in, or at least can be easily interpreted as such.
have some more diversity