Remake when?
Remake when?
Black Bog.
Can I get a quick rundown?
Anyone here actually seen this movie?
Nobody watches movies on Sup Forums unfortunately
When the world around us just falls apart.
No. I don't want a remake. The movie is fine as it is.
Yes. Sup Forums only watches kino or capeflicks.
This movie is pure gold. Save for the cartoon intro.
Do Mannequin and Police Academy share the same universe?
Good answer.
The Egyptian backstory is so fucking stupid
It would be a male mannequin and Hollywood would fall in love.
The "villain" security guard would be a white male (obviously) and there would be 45 minutes of the movie devoted to his PTSD and why the audience should feel bad about his "misogynistic, homophobic, and racist" comments about how Hollywood was weird for fucking a mannequin that was modeled on a white man.
Best Picture 2019: guaranteed.
It's a comedy. Roll with it.
Did they have Walk Like an Egyptian in this movie? I can't remember.
I like the rest of the film but the Egypt stuff seems out of place
Though I guess they had to explain why she was a mannequin (though it still doesn't explain it really)
Today's Special > mannequin
Fight me
Also the Gay Black dude Titus from Unbreakable Kimmy show on Netflix was literally born to play Hollywood in the remake
>tfw a mannequin will never come alive just for you
Of course, but it's just for the set-up. Though, I don't think people would mind if it just came to life just because.
I used to watch all the time as a kid.
The movie was constantly on tv when I was growing up so I probably have seen pieces of it 50 times
It wasn't until years later that I actually watched the beginning of it and saw the Egyptian opening
It was so dumb never occurred to me to think of "why is this happening" it was Just a magic mannequin
General thoughts on this? Good or bad?
>tfw I watched it for fapping but it was a boring romance story
When she was in mannequin mode you could take her apart
Could you put her head on a different body? Would she go back to life? Or did it have to be the original mannequin body?
Could you put her head on a male mannequin and she would have a penis ?
Mannequin was filmed at woolworfs
So, when's the Mannequin 2 thread?
boyz II men still keeping up the beat, yeah
Does it even have the same actors?
Were you expecting it to be a hentai?
Shit. I was scratching my head over why that sounded so familiar.
Me too. I liked that the guy from the Police Academy movies, which I also loved, was in it.