Stereotypes in ur cunt

Your cunt
Stereotypes from your culture that arent used outside

>argies have the stereotype of talking non stop and just being talkative to the extreme
>brits are drunks
>portuguese sell towels and have moustache (ladies included)

>Swedish people are gay

>argies have the stereotype of talking non stop and just being talkative to the extreme
This is true about all spiks and shitalians and ayyrabs and so on.


Spaniards are loud and hotheaded
French are snobby but dirty
Brits are either drunk hooligans or Santa-types depending on age
Brazilians are obnoxious and promiscuous
Colonial Blacks are dumb (but not seen as aggressive as in the US, just thick as a brick for the most part)
Americans are retarded and try to speak Spanish

not really stereotypes if they are true

all true
what does this mean?


they fondle little kids in their private parts

>what does this mean?
Maybe it's just my personal interaction with Englishmen, but the ones I know outside the tourist areas (teachers and stuff) are these tall, academic types who are actually very kind and nice. Like Santa or Dumbledore.

Also a few are probably diddlers, yeah, but I was never touched, and we got Maddie as a payback anway.

>all finns fight with knives while drunk 24/7

2. Portugues eat rats
Brits are filthy , always drunk and very violent
Russians are all expert in math, also the asians.
Japonese people are all crazy nationalists

1. Flag
2.Rottweilers eat Nicaraguans

portuguese ppl are gatecrashers

turks smoke like chimneys

greeks one face one race

WHAT IS CALLED SWEDISH MAN?????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Fug :D

Fat and nice.



>portuguese sell towels and have moustache (ladies included)
I can confirm the ladies mustache. This is the reason why depilation became so popular in brazil (if i am going to wax my mustache, i might as well wax my pussy).

>Brazilians are obnoxious and promiscuous
That is true. Gets worse with lower classes.

Stereotypes in South Brazil:
>Italians can't talk without moving their hands.
There is even some jokes about it, some examples:
>how to you keep a Italian quiet?
>tie his hands
>do you know why italians did not use the early versions of the phone?
>because you need to hold the 2 pieces to speak

>germans get a stereotype of stubborn, horrible jokes and very proactive
There is a joke about them too:
>germans are not stubborn, stubborn is the one guy trying to convince the german.

>natives get a fame of lazy

>niggers get the fame of thief and criminals (40% of all blacks in my town live inside a penitentiary)

All americans are basically jews, they'll always try to take advantage of you
All jews are evil and will sue you if you're not careful in life
Europeans don't shower very often and only visit the country to eat peyote and smoke cheap weed
Argentinians favorite phrase is "CUANTAS COPAS TENES NEGRO ENVIDIOSO"
All muslims are terrorists
Chicanos are the scum of earth
All the people in major countries in south american (Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil) look like models with no exception

>finns are projecting

>Europeans don't shower very often
This is popular too.

swedish stereotypes

>norweigans are stupid (norway jokes)
>norweigans are dwarfs/manlets (manslingar)
>norweigans eat only pizza

>danes have a ugly language
>danes are very drunk
>danes are fat

>swedes are gay

All we get are lower class Brazilians, though. Brazil is a much better country to be high class than Portugal.

We are starting to get a bunch of middle class Brazilians on colleges that are perfectly cool, but it's hard to disassociate the accent from the already established stereotype.

>Brazil is a much better country to be high class than Portugal.
Ohh yeah, there is things that money can buy in third world, that you can't afford in first world even with all the worlds money... (not even talking about illegal stuffs)

Belgians are dumb but kind

Other than that we don't really think about other countries