Why is male child on female adult pedophilia allowed?

why is male child on female adult pedophilia allowed?

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That's not pedophilia.
Go read a book, nigger.

Because that's the natural order of things.

Dude probably jacks it to that memory. Lucky kid.

IIRC, the dad was rubbing on testosterone cream, so he could bang his hot young girlfriend. The extra test was rubbing off on his kids when he hugged them or some bullshit like that. It was making his kids hella crazy, you know, like teenagers get, only much younger.

Wtf that's rape



>mfw we all had teleiophilia when were kids.

This actually happens.

>op forgets the episode where Chase literally kisses a little cancer girl on the lips when she guilts him into it

Because when men get a lot of women they're stallions. When women get a lot of men, they're sluts.

It's the inherent value of each sex.

because it fucking hot af

if your an older man and going after a little girl thats fucked tho

What if a little girl comes after me?

it's fucked how popular it is here
why can't those pedo spammers spam good stuff like the op webm instead of that adult male on child crap?

I wouldnt say it is allowed but it is certainly less taboo considering people see it as less damaging when it happens to a male child since the social expectation is for a male to have numerous sexual partners

The truth is that it is tantamount to molestation and the males that experience it tend to have severe mental problems

The blatant hypocrisy here is astoundingly mind bottling.

Because once they reach puberty boys want to fuck anything that moves

Do you think she secretly liked it?

Kids can do just about anything they want because they have a protective barrier of "don't know better."

Adults know better.

a child groping an adult is not pedophilia

Tell me about it.


>be the director
>sorry jennifer, wasn't quite the reaction we were looking for
>take 47, action

>Really get up in there this time, kid.


Brazil needs to burn

fake tits don't produce milk, breh

Also human psychosexual development is built around attraction to what is out of the ordinary in their personal experiences.

What if the little girl cums after me?

because it's hot

Anymore? And if so whats the show?

You just KNOW

Lady probably jacks it to that memory. Lucky woman

no, house


House isn't funny.

name one comedy that is funny and you'll betray a complete lack of taste.

you already moused over it. they're coming for you

It's youtube. Just do it and jack off

>click on it
>you signed into some google account once a month ago
>go to youtube
>all your recommended videos are now pedobait

shes really good at using a hoverboard haha...............


because lets be honest once in your 20s your practically dead inside and want nothing to do with females. When you a kid tho you want to fuck like your first grade teacher. Whose the actress in the webm?

Oedipus complex. Its in our nature.

That one is fine, the related videos are borderline porn with honest to god pedos commenting.