Why is race mixing so celebrated among women, Sup Forums?

why is race mixing so celebrated among women, Sup Forums?

Virtue signalling.

Having a black baby is like having a fancy purse.

It's the only thing they can achieve.

They hate the West just as much as Niggers and Kikes do.

What a unique and original question OP.

Nice slide thread


Anyone has the happy black family enjoying their meal at a restaurant dressed as toy story character?

Man that omage makes me mad.. What a cute woman throwing her genes in the fucking garbage.

It's virtue signaling.. Society has made them believe that mixing with niggers is the best way to show how virtuous they are.

Ding Ding. It will make good social media posts for her. In a few years or so the Daddy will be gone and she will be stuck supporting a child that would have been infinitely more intelligent and better looking if she bred with a decent white man.

holy fuck dude..

holy fuck you just raped the game.

the game is not ok

because women can't think more than 1 day into the future

Bisexual here
That black has above-average appearance and seems like a good guy.
Plus blacks often have big penises

Make no mistake; 99% of Sup Forums would get a picrelated girlfriend if they could. Why is race-mixing wrong when it's a white girl?




In a couple of years, the 'groid will be gone. She'll look dreadful, pale and emaciated and have dead eyes and dry hair.

Seen this plenty of times.

Delete the white.

So how long will it take before he abandons his family and she ends up as a single mom?

She looks soulless

Terrified, sexually inadequate nazis are such a joy. I look forward to reading about your suicides.

Sup Forums btfo

Wow, that really made me think. I am now #artilleryforhillary.

>am I kawaii uguu~

>daddy and mommy fled the city to raise me around other sheltered whites
>still get blacked
Honestly don't care

The Croat has the right of it.

The whore in the picture believes that fucking a nigger having a mulatto baby makes her more virtuous and trendy than her counterparts who refuse to embrace multiculturalism.

She gives no thought to the well-being of her offspring, nor does she consider that having a child with an identity crisis from birth will only trouble him in the long run.

All she considers is how pious and en vogue she will seem to her peers and progressive society as a whole when she squeezes out a mutt from between her legs.

Very little thought is involved here.

My cousin was secretly dating a nigger behind the whole family's backs and even had cover up white boyfriends at the same time. Her brother eventually found out and told the family and now she's been disowned and ran away from us all. She's now pregnant with a niglet on the way and the nigger quit his job and doesn't know what he wants to do now. How do I make it look like an accident, Sup Forums?

Mixing more improves aesthetic, so child is better looking so more likely to pass down genes

Like you can take literally the ugliest fucking whire and black and the baby will end up being better looking than both by a wide margin

Women like foreign conquerors. Men of their own tribe are supposed to protect them, and when they don't they simply submit to the intruders.

This is the reason why something like Stockholm Syndrome even exists. A woman has literally nothing to lose by submitting to other men, a man however does. This is the reason why men like to fight and women like to care for children. It's also why men can make rational long-term decisions and women can't.

Just let her go. Make an example of her by not helping or hurting her in any way. She has decided to place her fate in the hands of a nigger, and we'll see whether her decision was good or not. Spoiler alert: not.

Hmmm, I think a closer analogy is "having a black baby is like owning a purse dog".

Let her have the child and then send it away. No child deserves to die, Jesus wouldn't like it.

In 2000s it was fashionable for straight women to have a gay best friend
Now they need a nigger baby

First post == best post.

If she sends it to Africa, the average IQ will rise in both Germany and Africa.

Brings to mind a quote about Germany in WW2 about how a returning soldier was warning women of rape and he was shocked to find they basically said "we'll just let them fuck us, lol" like it was nothing.

He already gave her multiple black eyes and other abuses. She told me that he cheats on her and threatens to "end her" if she plans to leave him. I'd do something but she needs to learn her lesson. It's her own fault. Burn the coal, pay the toll.

I wasn't talking about the child.

An accident? Slit that whore's throat with a knife, let the knife with the nigger's prints on scene, take the nigger out in the woods, force him to dig a hole, kill him, destroy his teeth, cut his hands and burn his face, burry him and go back home as if nothing happened. The police will believe the nigger chimped out and killed his woman, before fleeing somewhere. They won't even look for any other scenario, and won't bother to look for the nigger more than a few days. I guarantee it.

>I'd do something but she needs to learn her lesson. It's her own fault. Burn the coal, pay the toll.
Exactly. She's lost now. The best she can be is an example to other women of what happens when you place your fate in the hands of a black.

So many whiny white boys! Surprised Scandis feature to such an extent - do they have especially small cocks?

Wtf I hate the police now

Look at Sex and the City, the TV show targeted to modern Western woman back then, Carrie Bradshaw has gay best friend and her main love interest is white alpha male. And this token gay guy became a thing in many other shows as well, and many girls wanted a friend "just like Stanford".

Now look at modern TV shows and movies, they don't have the gay best friend anymore, but the main love interest is black. All the music videos are black man on white woman.

Holy shit France does France have balls now?


If their men fail to fight an intruder off they will submit. Women always seek the best man to mate with. A man who can fight and won't back down is high on a woman's list of potential partners. That man will have a higher chance of surviving an encounter with a saber-toothed tiger than a Nu-male or a dead guy. Women respect strength, both physical and mental. If they tell you otherwise they're talking shit. No woman will ever let a "Nice guy" between her legs. Chad always wins because nature demands it.

Haven't had any complaints. What about you Mohammed? Oh and dragging a 14 year old girl into a bush does not count.

First post best post, thank you croatian friend.

That used to be Swedish men at one time.

Wtf happened to swedens balls??

So many Brown Shits sitting in their basements blaming Sex & the City or their own pussiness for their inability to get a bj without paying for it.

God I love /pol!

No thanks

Because they know the government will step in and pay for whatever mess they make.

Women's Suffrage and socialist indoctrination. You won't believe the amount of feel-godo socialist propaganda there is in Swedish children books. And it's only gotten worse.

At least 20 years ago they were trying to hide it, now they don't even try anymore. Now it's shoehorned caricature cut-outs everywhere. The gay couple who adopts an african kid, the swedish woman with the biracial baby, the burqa clad daycare worker, and last but not least, the evil middle-aged reactionary swedish white male who probably votes for the crappy SD allegory.

It shows they're part of the current year more or less like says. When shit hits the fan they'll end up in orphanages and running rampant, because unlike an out of fashion purse you can't just sling it in the cupboard and forget about it. You take it to a charity shop so someone can have your old junk for a cheaper price, just like the orphanage. Unfortunately for her she's done.

I'm whiter than any useless Swedish cunt who can do no more than whine on Sup Forums about all the women who aren't fucking him. I'll happily wager that my dick is a lot bigger, too.

Mind you, that's not saying very much - is it, Micropenis?


It's because the whores who date niggers think they are now better than the rest of the world because they boyfriend is black

end her yourself faggot

Take your pills m8, we all know your are a mentally ill faggot with no life just from he fact you pass all your time trolling...

If you had such a wonderfull life you wouldn't post BS on this website, m8 kill yourself because you are just a fucking neet

I blame your monarchy too.

Monarchy has to play a huge part in it.

Nah, let her rot, she choose this life herself


they're in their own right to have their own personal, intimate, relationships they want. regardless of race, or sex. who are we to decided what man/woman they marry? wait we aren't exactly.


Hah, godd goin

A monarchy can be good or bad depending on the person on the throne. Our current King has the intelligence and charisma of a damp rag, so yeah they don't help. But they don't exactly hamper anything either. They're forbidden by law to make their political opinions known, so on the grand scale of things they're pretty irrelevant.

That said, I do wish that the monarchy could act as a failsafe in case of national emergency. The monarchy is the history and culture of the nation personified, and when the elected politicians are not working in their country's best interest, the king should be able to take over temporarily. How that can be implemented without becoming tyrannical or undermining democracy is another question.