What are some good sci-fi series?
What are some good sci-fi series?
Other urls found in this thread:
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Stargate: Atlantis
Firefly is the most alt-reddit show there is.
go back
Star Wars movies are normie fantasy flicks.
t. Star Wars tismo
40k is pure trash for manchildren though. It's genuinely embarrassing that people above the age of 18 like it.
fuck the haters, firefly is great
>star wars
I want reddit to die
Just like star wars and firefly then?
The reverse order is correct
user, I enjoy 40k, but its just a bunch of things the creators thought would make cool models thrown into a setting. There's no depth to it at all.
All of it but trek are manchild trash though and trek is only a step above
Stargate: SG1 beats all of it.
What? I'm not even on-board with things being "reddit". Explain.
stuff all sci fi fans have seen:
stargate sg1
babylon 5
deep space 9
honorable mentions
red dwarf
space above and beyond
defying gravity fuck you i liked it
currently airing:
The Expanse
The 100
West World
Quantum Leap (barely counts as sci fi) but lots of fun
below per but fun:
Into the Badlands
good list!
any of the current ones good (besides WW)?
I actually enjoyed "The OA" if that counts as sci-fi
imho the oa wasnt great .. but if you like soapy stuff .. check out "the 100" soapy stuff with some really nice twists
>currently airing
>Quantum Leap
what time line are you from?
Gotta love Warhammer
Star Trek is the only one that has intelligent plots. Only thing I can suggest for a retard like you is transformers
>Star Trek
>intelligent plots
name two
BSG was fun.
>a plot can be intelligent
pure kino
>below per but fun:
>Into the Badlands
id say thats more post apoc fantasy
s1 of dark matter was cool
>tfw too intelligent for plots
I think he meant to say "firefly fucking sucked why did yall love it so much"
I'd have to agree with him if my translation is correcrt
Well Firefly isn't really one of them. Try Farscape instead.
so... Sup Forums?
I like 40k but 95% of what was written for it is gar-
>s1 of dark matter was cool
s2 was more fun
>The 100
isn't that young adult """""scify"""""? like the ones JEnlaWrence used to be in?
Please explain what the fuck is supposed to be so superior about this series? Do you have to be autistic to fully enjoy it? Serious question.
I mean it's a decent sci fi/western crossover and I enjoyed most of it but it's more mediocre than anything else so what's with the fucking neverending hype?
It's a play on a Sup Forums meme. It's people who don't fit in with a majority of a demographic but still technically are that demographic.
>Firefly and 40k
If it were B5 and Farscape, maybe
The Expanse is good if you like hard sci-fi, railguns, and political maneuvering.
It really is Reddit.
Love that B5 is so patrician for you guys. Id hate to have it sullied by memery and Reddit spillover.
Good taste.
Trips confirms, Based Baltar approves
Pretty good.
>Science fantasy
>Space fantasy
>space western
>sci fi fantasy
Seconded, what a wonderful series.
Is that a tiny warship protecting a egg from sperm?
I loved Defying Gravity too man. It was LOST: In Space and they actually pulled it off really well. Good thing it was cancelled, though, because like LOST it would have a had a terrible ending. The glowey things they were looking for were literally a universe reset button that would restarted the universe with all of the characters having lived better, happier lives.
Beautiful ship, what's her name?
What's the original?
Trump was a mistake
Simple: Joss Whedon has one of the worst fanbases there is.
40K transcends the shitty expensive figurines.
There are many novels around it and the lore of the universe has much more depth than any sci-fi tv/movie series mentioned.