3x3 thread

murder me


>sight and sound top 100 grid
what a cool guy, truly unique taste


>including the superfluous filler that comes after the plane crash

Try again

color was a mistake
I recommend Marketa Lazarova, City Girl, a page of madness, cranes are flying, Limite, and Children of Paradise

thanks, user


Bahahaha. I remember when I was getting in to film and I would watch all this garbage and pretend to like it.

Film Fedoras.

Film is done a lot better these days. Problem is no one on this board can see anything as modern film unless its the new Marvel one.

kill yourself.

You too.


Bottom right?


that would be unwise
as I would end up in jail
now if you excuse me m'lady
I have a sci thread about races waiting for me

You're mums vagina, fucking pleb.

kurosawa's rhapsody in august
chill it baby dick

Kek. That's bottom middle you fucking uber pleb.

>tries to act all high and mighty
>doesn't even know movies

You are some next level plebian shit


oh right, its tie xi qu ching chong


That's better.


>the only film film on that grid made in the past 50 years is by Guy fucking Maddin
Wanna know how I know you're a pseud, OP?

whats wrong with enjoying older films?


middle right?

Only God Forgives

Nothing, but when your only modern film is just a shitty nostalgia wank over the past, you're a fucking faggot.

what do you like about it?
also have you seen lost river?

I like the visuals and sound design, I think that it is leagues above anything else in the last 20 years. It has such a lasting visual impact that it makes up for it's sparse, and vague story structure

and no, I have not seen lost river

oh well, i never got to finish it but so far i don't think refn's style is for me, i dont find his composition particularly appealing, so for me it doesn't make up for the "plot"

he's a style over substance director. Even though it's a meme, Drive is his only film with a real story. Refn is very hit or miss with people, you'll either love him or hate him

i dont particularly hate him, ive seen neon demon, bronson and valhalla, didnt finish ogf
none of them were remarkable, i dont mind "style over substance" type films but if the style is not unique or at least noticeable (to me plain symmetry, synth music, and neon colors are not very interesting visually, but then of course his aesthetic may be just what someone else is looking for)

this being said i thought Drive was the most enjoyable out of all of his films i've seen



of what?


Astonishingly shit taste my friend

>bruce lee
Not even him but go fuck yourself.
