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Good job Sup Forums. You meme magicked Bernie to a cuck.

Praise Kek.

I feel bad for the poor cuck desu.

Full video?


I knew he never had any principles.

Clinton stands for everything he was fighting against.

She looks like she has Bernie's old testicles in a vice-grip.

God she is so smug, she is like pure evil

The revolution that never happened.


God damn mother fucking shit. How could he do this to us? It would have been better if he never run to begin with. Why not to endorse Jill Stein, who has EXACTLY THE SAME platform? This mother fucker has a nerve to lecture us about 1% standing next to this smug looking 1%enter bitch.

God fucking damn.

Fuck that socialist and fuck the people who supported him

/r/s4p is probably committing mass suicide right now

Did it really come as a surprise that a fucking kike would sell himself out?

Somebody put JUST hair on bernie in this pic.

Trust the experts when it comes to computer security :P

no fucking shit. He had a choice and he made a wrong one. Well, the joke is on them, they have no idea how pissed we are and how many will go to Jill, Trump or even that libtard guy.

Bernie will go down in history as the biggest mother fucking hypocrite on this fucking planet.

Unless, of course, DNC got his grandkids as hostages.

As soon as Sanders formally endorses secretary Clinton, he's LEGALLY OBLIGATED to provide her with campaign with financial aid! All of reddit's money is going straight to Clinton, no matter what.

they set it as 'private' lmao.


That sounds dodgy desu.

Hillary sounds fucked, that voice is going to break any moment now.

I never really liked Bernie Sander's policies but everyone who I ever talked to who like him said he was a man of integrity against the system. For him to support Hillary is a fucking joke, everyone who gave him money and support just got fucked. it is truly disgusting and I hope none of them vote Hillary.

If thats true its fucked. It must of been they're plan from the very beggining

This one is definitely a double.


Don't you see?

This could potentially bring a shitload of Bernie fans over to Trump town. We need to start memeing at them and converting them right now.




>wife's grandkids



>Sorry donald if youre watching


>bernie supporters did unironically not see this one coming
Enjoy your Hillary Overlord for the next 8 years you stupid cucks

Now with his endorsement, there's no way for Trump to win.

>I hope none of them vote Hillary.
Very few will. There was a chance, but after the Roberta Lange scandal there's no way a majority of them will go for Clinton. Many will move to Jill Stein I think. Going to be a good year for 3rd parties. And of course for Trump. I don't want him to win, but I have made my peace with the fact that he already has. Unless Clinton has him murdered, which she might try to do.

kek n lel t b h

Possibly, but his voters are millennial cucks who wouldn't go out to vote anyways.


I almost feel bad for Bernie bros

I want to live in the timeline where this is true, but alas, I do not.

Someone turn that smug shillary face into a very smug pepe, and Berncuck into wojack.


Honestly what is so bad about Trump besides him not being "politically correct"? He is by far the most moderate candidate and will be willing to work with both left and right politicians which Obama would not do for 8 years. We need more politicians who are not the traditional bureaucrats like Hillary Clinton who are fucking up our government today.

The sad thing is Bernie and Trump have similar aligning political goals like making sure TPP doesn't passed and reforming trade deals but you have tons of libcucks who want to follow the "le racist man" meme instead of using common sense.


>P-please stop...


It did to stupid college kids who had never paid attention to an election before but still thought they knew what was best for the country.

Those people are stupid and did not, and never will, understand how the world works.

At least the republicans have the balls to stand against a candidate they don't fully agree with. Bernie just bends over backwards and lets a criminal throat fuck him.

Bernie has no integrity

The only balls the democrats have are hillary's balls that bernie is willingly allowing her to shove into his ass.

Uh his entire campaign platform was political cuckholdry

It's why he kept his donations open for so goddamn long, right to the last minute when it was obvious he'd lose.

Because that abbreviation got taken by shills. The actual sub is sandersforpresident and the salt is glorious
t. the_donald fag

If Trump selects that retired democrat general as his VP, combined with the major mistake Bernie just made endorsing Hillary, He could grab some of the "Never Hillary" votes and convince some of the "butthurt stay at home bernie votes" to Vote Trump in November.


Former Bernie voter, I'm probably going to vote Trump out of spite.




The problem is that Bernie campaigned on a platform radically left of the Democrats and was radically against many of the things that Hillary stands for. The problem is that Hillary is the "lesser evil". When he thought he stood a chance he tore her down and said he didn't think she was qualified, she was the problem (corporate money in politics, etc.), but then he loses steam and Trump gets the GOP nomination.

Trump stands against much of what bernie wants
>bernie wants $15 federal minimum wage; trump wants no federal minimum wage (State issue)
>trump wants to repeal obamacare
>trump doesn't campaign on free/severely subsidized college
>trump wants to cut taxes on the rich (even though tax cuts on the poor would happen from income tax, albeit benefit programs would likely be reduced as well).

Bernie thinks that politics as usual is OK for getting some of his positions on the party platform but compromising and abandoning the "revolution" is the opposite of what he's been preaching since he started.

It's going to blow up, probably massively, with a lot of independent voters.

post your wife address too

>stronger together

If she really believed that she would choose Bernie as her running mate.