Why was this so good?
Why was this so good?
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It's tremendously overrated
A lot of new movies in recent years that get rave reviews are only okay
Moonlight however was atrocious, both as a movie about race and homosexuality
t. homosexual in Milwaukee
Fuck trump and fuck white people
Honestly, this wasn't even a DUDE FUCK WHITE PEOPLE FUCK movie.
To me, it seemed more aimed at white liberals, particularly ones with white guilt. In the movie, the people didn't even hate black people. They just wanted to be black.
I have better taste than that manlet
Because it wasn't oscar bait nor a vehicle for selling toys/advertisement.
White women addicted to BBC and a black man putting white people in their place
Because you hate yourself
The director has outright said the movie was supposed to be about the hidden racism behind everyday conversations he has with white people.
Is this an actually good film or is it just pandering to SJWs?
>“For while when we had a black president, we were living in this post-racial lie,” he added. “The idea of, ‘We’re past it – we’re past it all!’ For me, and for many people out there – as all black people know – there’s racism. I experience it on an everyday basis. This movie was meant to reveal that there’s this monster of racism lurking underneath some of these seemingly innocent conversations and situations.”
>every white is a secret raycis!
It wasn't good as a horror movie. It wasn't scary and was too comedic and off putting to be so. The revelation and true meaning was predictable and I figured out exactly what was going to happen. It was entertaining and It's profound if you've never delved into racial prejudices in America but the premise is dumb. And the movie doesn't hold up in other areas. I wouldn't want to watch it again.
Exactly. Aimed at white liberals
>guys, liberals fetishize black people! that's 200% more racist than calling them niggers!
>b-but that doesn't mean they're racist though
Make up your mind, idiot.
it makes fun of white liberals but white liberals miss the point so the movie failed.
Can this film but enjoyed from an alt right perspective? If it's attacking the obsession that leftists have with blacks then that sounds acceptable.
It wasn't.
I'm fairly conservative, and I've always thought 'liberals are the REAL racists!' was a retarded argument. The ultimate goal of paranoid niggers is to call everyone white racist anyways, liberals are just too dumb to realize it and think they'll be excluded if they virtue signal enough.
What would you do with 50 dollars?
Because you're a sucker for race bait