

gays and trannies BTFO

My favorite was when he told Tina Fey to shut her whore mouth.

This guy is a fucking legend i love his delivery

Im glad Dave is Back to break the atmosphere of political correctness. White comedians dont stand a chance.

this may be sacrilegious but i dont really laugh at daves shit. its like carlin yeah i get it hes amazing but i dont laugh. hes like the black louis ck

That is sacrilegious. Explain yourself.

he just BTFO planned parenthood and pro-choice cucks too

holy shit

You better not be lying
that scum(gays and trans) need to be purged


>I support you all and your causes

You're so right, OP. He really stuck it to em!

where can I watch?
i am NOT paying for cuckflix

the deep in heart of texas ones way funnier. its like the old chappelle.

Try google, poorfag.

is it out on torrent yet?

>muh trannies
>muh pro-choice
>muh rapes

Holy fucking shit Dave went all out, can't wait for the backlash

>All of the OJ stories

what did he say about gays?

im curious

>watched it on youtube before they deleted it because copyright claim by netflix

Today I cucked the jew.

>loaded it up in the window so i can watch it later cus i knew they'd take it down



>tfw still goyed
I bet even if I had Netflix I couldn't watch it because it would be shitty Canadian Netflix.

Both specials were fucking hilarious, I really was a little surprised he went after fags and trannies though. I mean he's always been based but that's still a bold move for such a high profile Netflix thing. Will SJWs give him a pass?

Nice tip

>tfw still haven't found a good link to use yt-dl on

Just a reminder, Dave is a Muslim, hence his reasonable views of the scum that is the LGBTQ movement and the state of abortion. He also recognizes the place women should occupy.

>low key asking for link

People have been talking since it dropped about how he's not 100% touting the party line and how a bunch of what he talks about is insensitive to different groups. Yeah, some of it is, but did you laugh?

I'm pretty liberal, and I wasn't too thrilled about the stuff he was saying about trans people, but maybe you don't have to agree with EVERYTHING a comedian says to still enjoy their comedy. On the other end of the spectrum, I love Dave Anthony but sometimes he can get too aggressively liberal for even me. You just have to look at the work as a mosaic- some parts you like, others you might not, and then take a step back and see if you like the overarching macro work they've created out of those individual components.

Where to watch that isn't Netflix? Fuck them

Where the fuck i can watch this? Its not on uk netflix

Put some respect on their name, faggot, they're the reason these specials exist.

I didn't agree either. But I'm also not dense enough to think that a man's jokes aren't serious statements. The whole fucking point of the concept of humor that you say something that is not true or wrong for comedic effect holy fucking shit.

>whos gotta cigarette in here
>cigarettes thrown on stage
>dave lights up
>looks around
>"is the word pussy offensive?"


>he literally called male feminists "bitch ass niggas"

i fucking lost it

Where to watch in UK anyone can help?

Fuck you

>all the feet jokes he littered in

If it was him and Patrice fucking shit up we'd be in comedic heaven. I'm glad Dave is back too. It's time to cut this shit out.

Netflix :^)

reminder to all you alt-right cucks that for everyone chapelle makes fun of in this, his most pure hatred is for you white degents

White People BTFO

>you can't rape feet

i forgot how fucking funny he his, regardless of political shit.

dude needs to bring back his show.

>im curious

I'm gay.. fix that for you

Calm your shit and eat a Denny's grand slam you fucking weirdo.

>I wasn't too thrilled about the stuff he was saying about trans people

Found the degenerate


damn that's fucking edgy! send me your reddit account so I can upboat your t_d posts!

A united right that respects human boundaries is what this world needs, staying on our own sides and knowing what we both do is for our good and the good of our neighbour.

It had to be said.

They're people, just sick and broken

do you think Dave is a footfag?

wtf I hate Dave now!

It'll probably end up on youtube pretty soon. Unless your thought police block it, mate.

Motherfucker you are posting on Sup Forums right now. This isn't exactly a meeting place of the mentally healthy and well adjusted.

They're basically smug cunts and we should hate them but for not being a fag

I didn't know niggers were so cucked?

Bunch of bitch ass niffas.

Nice dub

what the fuck happened to his voice

It sounds like he's been screaming at the top of his lungs since we last seen him


dave fucks feet...

i smell an Emmy

Dave is the hero we need

what do you think he was doing in Africa?

Heart of Texas was for the normies, like you, that just wanted more Chapelle show. It was like Dave talking out sketches without performing them.

Spin is officially thinking man's standup with excellent delivery and a well thought out standup technique with a clever fall back story to fit experimental material between.

So basically there's a special for people that love standup and a special for people that only liked the show and they are both good, but you are a pleb.

>That opening with J Dilla music

You know how he's always made it his thing" to smoke on stage? That's what happens when you do that for a couple decades.

>it's a nigger-lover calls someone else a libcuck episode

and they say conservative comedians can't be funny


Man I'd love to hear Patrices perspective on this whole sjw and pc bullshit these days. That man died right at the time when all this shit began...

Is Dave woke?

At least I don't believe that, despite my penis, hair covered balls and body and adam's apple, I was in fact, truly born a genderless metaphysical concept.

ya whatever u say buddy. you'd never survive a day in Sup Forums lol

Who honestly thinks this problematic person is funny?

Get this shit of here

link pls no bully

>Who honestly thinks this problematic person is funny?

*raises paw*

when did Dave get so swole? is he on that there TRT?


Anti-mexicans white cunts BTFO

Did you even listen to what he says you bunch of morons ?

I love how Sup Forums claims him as their guy when he really does support gays and trannies and feminists and shit, he just doesn't turn full raging leftist about it. He's cool with you as long as you can laugh at yourself and take a joke and not take yourself so fucking seriously.

nice bait

>that there
this isn't the misc

Opinion discarded.

Sup Forums's a den of underage shitters trying their hardest to prove they aren't plebs, what are you talking about

What happened to his voice? It got much deeper and raspier. It's really distracting

I just finished watching it on jewtube they took it down, they're isn't any streaming websites uploaded it yet

either troll or tumblr.

His balls to speak out about it in the first place is what matters you raging imbecile.

>he just doesn't turn full raging leftist about it

if you aren't at the extreme end of leftism you might as well be a nazi.

I ain't clicking that shit

you'd never survive a day in the real world autist

I didn't see it what did he say

t. Far right racist

I know it's you Krager get out of here you filthy nigger


>that one segment


>the real world

the real world? that shits the most pleb ever

What's his best sketch from his show?

Personally, Clayton Bigsby with the black white supremacist is my favorite.

>hardly any retweets or likes on any of these comments

why the fuck are you all trying to make such a big deal out of nothing?

oh so you'd fit right in then :^)

What happened to his voice? Did his balls finally drop?

>Breaking Political correctness
>Whitey BTFO


Are you able to tie your own shoes?