Is Dave Chappelle, dare I say, /ourguy/?
Is Dave Chappelle, dare I say, /ourguy/?
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Holy Dickweed, he really accumulated a lot of material during his 10 year hiatus. This will go down as one of the greatest comedy specials of our era.
Screencap this
He's always been /ourguy/ you fucking newfag
>actually said 'tranny'
>on netflix
lmao how did he get away with that
dropped him when he shat on trump
fuck him
torrent when?
>Activate Windows
Um.. user.
I am about to get off of work
Is it good? Is he back?
>activate windows
Is kmspico too hard?
What did he say, really?
lol trumplet can't handle comedy when it was one of the things that got trump through the primaries.
Trump is dumb as fuck though. Getting him elected was the biggest troll in history. He can barely put together coherent sentences.
Troll. Nobody on planet Earth cares if people shit on Trump except Trump. I've heard he also cares about people pissing on him.
it was fine and all at the elections but its different now that he's THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES
grow up
This is a false flag, any person who responds to it seriously is a retard
So it's the biggest troll in history since Bush.
He is a fucking retard, president or not.
just get netflix, fucking poorfag
not my president.
>show some respect he is potus
hmmm nice try alt-right
Nah he's a fucking dumbass that I'm pretty sure will ruin this country for at least 20 years after he is gone. At least it's entertaining to watch him stumble through speeches and act like a middle schooler.
be more subtle
everyone called obama king nigger when he was in office and bush was open season too
get the fuck out newfag, i bet youre a phoneposter
>all these posts talking about trump when he wasn't mentioned in the special once
I want retards and Sup Forums to leave.
The Leather Special was better
the bit about having dinner with his son and kevin hart was great, as was the sandwich story
>can't even make fun of Obama
>barely any Obama jokes
>media didn't shit and portray him a dumbass 24/7 during his 8 year run
fuck you
Well played, sir.
you cant rape feet
he said he likes fucking feet
also that feet [like white men] can't be raped.
Why is anyone suprised? Dave has been a devout muslim since the 80's
I imagine Dave gets hyped up listening to DMX while watching those islamic state videos of beheading homosexuals and throwing them off buildings
Obama was a lot of things. A dumbass wasn't one of them. I don't like and wouldn't vote for Obama but at least he is respectable. Trump isn't fit to be president in an Adam Sandler movie.
there was a joke about isis beheadings on youtube
Every four to eight years, every voter in America changes their mind about whether it's okay to criticize the President.
But really if you vote you have no right to complain.
In 100% seriousness, Trump is an autistic manchild, but at least, was the lesser of two evils.
But he is an actual retard.
The way Christians watch footage of people blowing up Muslims?
shut the fuck up you faggot ass shill
Is Sup Forums really this Thin skinned and insecure or this is a false flag
>picturing a tranny walking into a board room meeting, throwing their cut off dick on the table and saying "let's do business gentlemen" in a feminine man voice
Fucking incredible.
you're just too dumb for these memes
You never watch army videos?
Nigga I watched Clinton bombing Iraq in nightvision live on TV
i wasnt talking about the general public you fucking retard, everyone on Sup Forums said he was a faggot whenever they felt like it, no one stood up for him on the basis that hes the president like youre doing. this isnt your fucking safe space
no one is safe in comedy you faggot
Yeah I mean I'd rather have him over Hilary but let's not act like he's not a complete moron
>getting triggered by Sup Forums
and about DMX
>people who think trannies wouldn't laugh at that joke
Too be honest, If Trump won the primaries in 2008, I'd vote for Obama.
>"Isn't it interesting that all the epidemics only kill people that rich old white people hate?" :^)
>t. Person who gets triggered anytime trump is criticized or made fun of
Not them or a Trump voter but fuck off and drown yourself in a shallow puddle.
Have the trannies starting attacking him yet? How long until he caves and makes an apology video?
How did Sup Forums of all places start worshiping a politician and millionaire inheritance baby?
>using Sup Forums as a gauge
jfc what went wrong with you?
i voted trump but im glad we're having a bush era comedy renaissance tbqh. obama was such a boring loser nobody would attack him.
its not that he's boring loser its just that its racist to say anything against him while its free for all to attack trump even when he works his ass off at the white house
I think candidate Obama was a good guy who wanted to get shit done. Sadly getting fucked by a republican house and senate didn't let that happen. It's a shame how childish politics can be here
He had the best memes. Also the left are insufferable cunts and aren't nearly as entertaining.
>even when he works his ass off at the white house
t. someone who called obama "obongo" for 8 years
r u ok?
>space in their feet
There was nothing to say about Obama because he is actually a good guy. The only way to go with Obama was racists jokes. It's not like Clinton fucking aides and talking about getting high and shit or even Al Gore with his EPA shit. There is nothing to attack Obama on other than just hating blacks or liberal jokes in general.
His whole platform was built on shitposting on twitter, banter in debates and '80s/'90s nostalgia.
He said he fucks his wifes feet when she's asleep since you can't rape feet
>There was nothing to say about Obama because he is actually a good guy.
oh lol
these are the people shitposting about trump
Hes still got it
Write something comedic about Obama right now without resorting to racism
>all these replies
Am I in bizarro Sup Forums?
he's a nigger
god your all so fucking sad
What, really?
I havent seen it yet, but wasnt Chappelle super Pro trump before the election?
as expected
this is /poltv/ where the fuck have you been?
So does this thread have a bunch of false flaggers or have the Sup Forumsacks really become this insufferable?
Seriously tell me what me what comedy routine you can build around Obama? He smokes? He likes basketball? He had an afro once? Obama is boring.
Late night made a living off of Bill Clinton. Will Ferrell had a whole special based on Bush. Trump is his own clown shoe, don't even need comedians. Obama was... bleh.
I just have to say, can we take a moment to recgonize that you are angrily typing in all caps having an argument with someone about donald trump in a fucking dave chapelle thread which is completely unrelated, on the TV and Movie section of a hungarian crab fishing forum?
Do you realize how retarded you guys are?
How many times did you reply to your own post
only twice f-am
the rest are triggered libshits
No he doesn't mention him at all ignore the pollacks
I work for netflix and we want to pay you 50 million dollars for your own special.
Didn't work too well for Kramer
Welp, why would someone intentionally derail this thread?
Two (2). Words.
when will the ironic fun posting stop?
>super pro trump
Eh, not really, I mean he disliked Clinton but I wouldn't go as far as calling him super pro trump. I mean, he did call out trump for pretending to care about blacks killing each other and shit like that. I think chapelle is mostly neutral when it comes to trump. He agrees and disagrees with him on certain issues
I've just watched both and he doesn't mention trump at all
Just a guess but maybe there's trolls here
/pol shits are spreading like a virus
hes fuckin dave chappelle thats this point, he can get away a lot..even if he did get critcized, he does not have a fuck left to give
guantanamo bay
biggest piece of comedy we have from obama is the key and peele guy being his "inner self" and yelling at everyone. and that was completely on his side and never took a jab at him. trumps been president for 2 months and snoop dog made a video where he shoots him. oh suddenly everyone found their balls again.
You'd have to go dark. This is a guy who is all prim and proper, and still signs off on enhanced interrogation and drone strikes, and has a suspiciously large amount of pull for a semi-outsider.
The Anger Translator sketch or SNL's Incredible Hunk Obama sketch are about as TV friendly as you can get for a good Obama caricature.
Winning the nobel peace prize and going on to drone strike the fuck out of the middle east for 8 years.
>You'd have to go dark
don't you mean
badum tss
'Man I tell ya Obamba was the bomb man! hes got his own planes that need no pilot cryzin' around the alantic! watch um roll up around africa any time he wants jus t'PPPth, ERK! ah hey guys aaaah Im the president visiting the mother land, I bring gifts!' *Array of joyful african like clicking* 'Yes I call this an 'IED' and 'tomohawk missiles' aaaah hope you like them! 'psth zzzzooom!' *Array of confused clicked then BOOM noise, crowd snickers softly.' Needless to say Obamba aint commin' back to Lybia and the middle east any time soon :^)'
Like that.